CheriBSD packages: CheriBSD:20250127:aarch64

Total number of packages: 26580.
Last updated: Mon Feb 3 16:20:55 GMT 2025.

Name Version Website CheriBSD port Description
0verkill 0.16_2 website port Bloody 2D action deathmatch-like game in ASCII art
1password-client 1.12.4 website port 1Password CLI client
1password-client2 2.14.0 website port 1Password CLI client
1password-client2-beta 2.15.0.b.03 website port 1Password CLI client (BETA)
2048 0.9.1 website port Command line version of 2048
2048-qt 0.1.6_3 website port 2048 game implemented in QT
2bsd-diff 2.11.1_1 website port 2.11BSD diff utility
2d-rewriter 1.6 website port Cellular automata simulator
2fa 1.2.0_13 website port Two-factor authentication on the command line
2ping 4.5.1 website port Bi-directional ping utility
3270font 2.3.1 website port IBM 3270 font for the nostalgic
3d-ascii-viewer 1.3.0 website port Viewer of 3D models in ASCII
3dc 0.8.1_4 website port 3-Dimensional Chess for X Window System
3ddesktop 0.2.9_15 website port 3D Virtual Desktop Switcher
3dpong 0.5_6 website port X Window 3D Pong game for 1 or 2 players
3omns 0.2_1 website port Old-school bomb-dropping Deathmatch
3proxy 0.9.4 website port Proxy servers set (support HTTP(S), FTP, SOCKS, POP3, TCP & UDP)
44bsd-more 20000521_1 website port The pager installed with FreeBSD before less(1) was imported
44bsd-rdist 20001111_2 website port The traditional 4.4BSD rdist
4pane 8.0 website port Multi-pane, detailed-list graphical file manager
4ti2 1.6.10 website port Solve algebraic, geometric, combinatorial problems on linear spaces
4va 1.21_2 website port Four-Dimensional graphics tumbler for X11
54321 1.0.2001.11.16_15 website port Five games in four-, three-, or two-dimensions for one player
6tunnel 0.13 website port TCP proxy for applications that do not speak IPv6
7-zip 22.01 website port Console version of the 7-Zip file archiver
7kaa 2.15.5 website port Seven Kingdoms: Ancient Adversaries
90secondportraits 1.01b_1 website port Silly speed painting game
9box 0.2.1_3 website port 9box can "pack" windows inside itself
9e 1.0 website port Explode Plan9 archives
9menu 1.10 website port Simple menu patterned after Plan9
ADMsmb 0.3 website port Security scanner for Samba
ADMsnmp 0.1 website port SNMP audit scanner
APKiD 2.1.5 website port Android Application Identifier
Andika 6.101 website port Sans-serif font designed for literacy use
AppStream 0.16.1 website port Machine-readable software metadata for desktop environments
AppStreamCompose 0.16.1_1 website port AppStream Compose application and library
AppStreamQt 0.16.1 website port Qt bindings to AppStream
Atlas 0.5.2_2 website port C++ reference implementation of the Atlas protocol
Atlas-devel 0.6.4_2 website port C++ reference implementation of the Atlas protocol
BlackjackClient 0.1_1 website port Simple Blackjack game in Java
Box2D 2.4.1 website port 2D physics engine for games
CLDR 42.0 website port Unicode Common Locale Data Repository
CTK-widgets 2023.07.13 website port Widgets and common code for medical imaging, surgical navigation, etc
CaribbeanStud 1.0_3 website port Caribbean Stud gambling game for X Window System
Carla 2.5.5_1 website port Audio plugin host for Jack and PulseAudio
ChaiScript 6.1.0_3 website port Embedded scripting language designed for C++
CharisSIL 6.200 website port Charis SIL TrueType font collection
CharisSILCompact 4.114_2 website port Charis SIL TrueType font collection, compact variant
ChipmunkPhysics 7.0.1_2 website port 2D physics engine written in C
Coin 4.0.0_4 website port C++ 3D graphics library based on the Open Inventor API
CuraEngine 4.13.1_1,1 website port Engine of slicing solution for RepRap 3D printers
CycloneDDS 0.10.2 website port Eclipse Cyclone DDS middleware
DDNet 17.1.1 website port DDraceNetwork, a cooperative racing mod of Teeworlds
DFileServer 1.1.3_1 website port Compact web server designed to make sharing files easy
Doom64EX g20180824_1 website port Project aimed to recreate Doom64
DoulosSIL 4.112_2 website port Doulos SIL TrueType font collection
DoulosSILCompact 4.110_3 website port Doulos SIL TrueType font collection, compact variant
Drawpile 2.1.20_4 website port Collaborative drawing program
E-Run 1.2_16 website port Simple epplet for launching arbitrary programs
FAudio 21.01 website port Accuracy-focused XAudio reimplementation
FFaudioConverter 0.31.0_1 website port Graphical audio covert and filter tool
FastTree 2.1.10_5 website port Approximately-maximum-likelihood phylogenetic trees from alignments
FlexGet 3.7.8 website port Multipurpose automation tool for all of your media
FlintQS 1.0 website port Quadratic Sieve integer factorization algorithm
FluidPlug-lv2 g20230318 website port SoundFonts as LV2 plugins via FluidSynth
GLee 5.4.0_1 website port Cross-platform extension loading library for OpenGL
GNUDoku 0.93_12 website port Free program for creating and solving Su Doku puzzles
Gdtclft 2.2.5_18 website port TCL interface to the Thomas Boutell's Gd library
GentiumBasic 1102_1 website port Gentium Basic and Gentium Book Basic TrueType fonts
GentiumPlus 6.200 website port Gentium Plus TrueType font collection
GiNaC 1.8.6 website port C++ library for symbolic mathematical calculations
GraphicsMagick 1.3.40_2,1 website port Fast image processing tools based on ImageMagick
GxSwitchlessWah-lv2 g20171206 website port Analog wah emulation with switchless activation
HVSC-Update 2.8.7 website port Update program for the HVSC C= 64 SID tune collection
Hasklig 1.1_1 website port Haskell code font with monospaced ligatures
Hermes 1.3.3_5 website port Fast pixel formats conversion library
Hyperlatex 2.9.a_19 website port Produce HTML and printed documents from LaTeX source
Hyperlatex-emacs_canna 2.9.a_19 website port Produce HTML and printed documents from LaTeX source
Hyperlatex-emacs_nox 2.9.a_19 website port Produce HTML and printed documents from LaTeX source
Ice 3.6.5_1 website port Modern alternative to object middleware such as CORBA/COM/DCOM/COM+
Ice37 3.7.6 website port Modern alternative to object middleware such as CORBA/COM/DCOM/COM+
ImageMagick6,1 website port Image processing tools (legacy version)
ImageMagick6-nox11,1 website port Image processing tools (legacy version)
ImageMagick7 website port Image processing tools
ImageMagick7-nox11 website port Image processing tools
Imath 3.1.9 website port C++/Python lib of 2D/3D vector, matrix, math ops for computer graphics
Inconsolata-LGC 20131024_2 website port Monospaced TrueType font with Cyrillic glyphs
Jellyfish 2.3.0_3 website port Fast, memory-efficient counting of k-mers in DNA
Jmol 16.1.25 website port Java 3D viewer for chemical structures
Judy 1.0.5_3 website port General purpose dynamic array
Kvantum-qt5 1.0.10 website port SVG-based theme engine for Qt, KDE and LXQt
LAStools 2.0.0_1 website port Efficient tools for LiDAR processing
LLnextgen 0.5.5 website port Extended LL(1) parser generator
LPRngTool 1.3.2_10 website port Configuration Tool for LPRng
LibreMines 1.9.1 website port Free/Libre and Open Source Software Qt based Minesweeper
Lohit 20140220_3 website port Lohit fonts
M4RI 20200125 website port Library for fast arithmetic with dense matrices over F2
M4RIE 20200115 website port Library for fast arithmetic with dense matrices over GF(2^e)
MMseqs2 13.45111_2 website port Ultra fast and sensitive sequence search and clustering suite
MST-Bench 0.2.2 website port Maximum sustainable throughput benchmark
Maaate 0.3.1_5 website port MPEG audio analysis toolkit
MathJax 2.7.9 website port Cross-browser JavaScript display engine for mathematics
MathJax3 3.2.2 website port Cross-browser JavaScript display engine for mathematics
MathMod 11.1_1 website port Mathematical modeling software
MetaPhysicL 1.3.3_1 website port Metaprogramming, operator-overloaded classes for numerical simulations
Mojo-Base-XS 0.07 website port Very fast Mojo-style accessors
Mowitz 0.2.1_5 website port Mowitz ("More widgets") library
NBlood g20220924_1 website port Reverse-engineered ports of Build games using EDuke32 engine
NetRexx 2.05_3 website port Human-oriented programming language for writing/using Java classes
NunniMCAX 1.4.1 website port C, non validating XML parser with SAX-like API
O2-tools 2.01 website port Huge image processing tools and libraries
OSCAR 1.4.0 website port Open Source CPAP Analysis Reporter
OpenClaw 0.3.98_2 website port Reimplementation of Captain Claw (1997) platformer
OpenCorsairLink g20191001 website port Support for CorsairLink Devices
OpenFodder 1.7.0_2 website port Open source port of Cannon Fodder
OpenHMD 0.3.0_1 website port API and drivers for immersive technology
OpenJUMP 2.0 website port Open source GIS software written in Java
OpenLara g20230628 website port Classic Tomb Raider open-source engine
OpenSP 1.5.2_4 website port Collection of SGML/XML tools
OpenSSH-askpass website port Graphical password applet for entering SSH passphrase
OpenTomb 2018.02.03.a_2 website port Open-source Tomb Raider 1-5 engine remake
PHPUnit_MockObject 4.0.1 website port Mock Object library for PHPUnit
PackageKit 1.2.6_2 website port DBUS packaging abstraction layer
PackageKit-Qt 1.1.1 website port DBUS packaging abstraction layer (Qt bindings)
QComicBook 0.9.1_47 website port Qt-based comic book archive viewer
QtBitcoinTrader 1.42.21 website port Secure client uses latest OpenSSL and best encryption
Quaternion website port Matrix IM client based on Qt technologies
REminiscence 0.5.1 website port Rewritten engine for Flashback
Ri-li 2.0.1_7 website port Drive a toy wood train in many levels - snake-like arcade game
SASM 3.12.2 website port Simple IDE for NASM, MASM, GAS and FASM assembly languages
SamDruckerClientShell 0.2.6 website port Client for sending package information to SamDrucker
SciPlot 1.36_6 website port Full-featured Xt widget to display 2D data in a graph
ScrollZ 2.3.1 website port Enhanced ircII client that supports scripts, colors, and more
SearchAndRescue 1.4.0_9 website port Flight simulator in which the player rescues people
SearchAndRescue-data 1.3.0 website port The data files for SearchAndRescue flight simulator
SimGrid 3.32.20230223_1 website port Simulator of the behavior of large-scale distributed systems
SoPlex 6.0.3 website port Optimization package for solving linear programming problems (LPs)
SoQt 1.6.0_2,1 website port Qt5-fork of the SoQt toolkit library for Coin
SoXt 1.3.0_9 website port GUI binding for using Open Inventor with Xt/Motif
SoapyAirspy 0.2.0 website port Soapy SDR plugin for the Airspy
SoapyBladeRF 0.4.1_2 website port Soapy SDR plugin for the Blade RF
SoapyHackRF 0.3.3_2 website port Soapy SDR module for Hack RF
SoapyPlutoSDR 0.2.1_1 website port Soapy SDR plugin for PlutoSDR
SoapyRTLSDR 0.3.2_1 website port Soapy SDR module for RTLSDR
SoapyRedPitaya 0.1.1_2 website port SoapySDR Red Pitaya module
SoapyRemote 0.5.2_1 website port SoapySDR module to use any Soapy SDR remotely
SoapySDR 0.8.1 website port Vendor and platform neutral SDR support library
Sockets website port C++ wrapper for BSD-style sockets
Sorcer-lv2 1.1.3_9 website port Wavetable LV2 plugin synth targeted at the electronic/dubstep genre
SpaceCadetPinball 2.0.1_2 website port Decompilation of 3D Pinball for Windows
SpaceCadetPinball-devel website port Decompilation of 3D Pinball for Windows (development version)
SparseBitSet 1.2 website port Efficient sparse bitset implementation for Java
SpecTcl 1.2.2a website port Free drag-and-drop GUI builder for Tk and Java from Sun
Stikked 0.14.0 website port PHP-based Pastebin, with a simple and easy to use user interface
TIC-80 1.0.2164_2 website port Fantasy game console
TestU01 1.2.3_3 website port Utilities for statistical testing of uniform random number generators
UCD 15.0.0 website port Unicode Character Database
UEFITool-qt5 67 website port UEFI images parser
UEFITool-qt6 67 website port UEFI images parser
UniversalFeedCreator 1.8.5 website port RSS and Atom feed generator by Kai Blankenhorn
VVVVVV 2.3.6_3 website port 2D Platformer game
VVVVVV-makeandplay 2.3.6_3 website port 2D Platformer game
WWWdb 0.8.3_2 website port Perl based generic WWW DB interface / frontend
WordNet 3.0_4 website port Dictionaries and thesauri with devel. libraries (C, TCL) and browsers
XPostitPlus 2.3_3 website port PostIt (R) messages onto your X11 screen
XScreenSaver.App 2.3_4 website port WindowMaker dockapp to control XScreenSaver
Xaw3d 1.5E_8 website port 3-D Athena Widget set that looks like Motif
XmHTML 1.1.10_1 website port Motif widget set for displaying HTML 3.2 documents
ZeGrapher website port Software for plotting mathematical objects
a2jmidid 9_2 website port ALSA to JACK MIDI bridge
a2pdf 1.13_2 website port Text to PDF converter
a2png 0.1.5_11 website port Converts plain ASCII text into PNG bitmap images
a2ps 4.15.5 website port Formats an ASCII file for printing on a postscript printer
aalib 1.4.r5_13 website port ASCII art library
aamath 0.3_4 website port Renders ASCII art from mathematical expressions
aaphoto 0.43.1_15 website port Auto Adjust Photo, automatic color correction of photos
aarch64-binutils 2.40_4,1 website port GNU binary tools
aarch64-freebsd-sysroot a2023.08.03 website port FreeBSD 12.4-RELEASE aarch64 sysroot
aarch64-gcc12 12.2.0_8 website port Cross GNU Compiler Collection for aarch64
aarch64-gcc9 9.5.0_11 website port Cross GNU Compiler Collection for aarch64
aarch64-none-elf-binutils 2.40_4,1 website port GNU binary tools
aarch64-none-elf-gcc 11.3.0_1 website port GNU Compiler Collection for bare metal aarch64 cross-development
aarch64-rust-bootstrap 1.71.0 website port Create bootstrap compilers for building lang/rust
ab-av1 0.7.7_4 website port AV1 re-encoding using ffmpeg, svt-av1 & vmaf
ab25 0.2.5 website port Utility for ARIB STD-B25 ECM handling in MPEG2-TS stream
abGate-lv2 1.2.0_5 website port Noise gate LV2 plugin
abbayedesmorts 2.0.1_1 website port Cross-platform port of l'Abbaye des Morts by Locomalito
abcde 2.9.3_1 website port Front-end shell script to encode CDs in flac/mp3/ogg/speex format
abcl 1.9.2 website port Implementation of ANSI Common Lisp in Java
abclock 1.0d_4 website port Clock for X that displays hours and minutes in an analog fashion
abcm2ps 8.14.14 website port Converts ABC to music sheet in PostScript format
abcselect 1.5 website port Extract parts, movements, etc from abc music files
abduco 0.6 website port Session management in a clean and simple way
abe 1.1_9 website port Abe's Amazing Adventure
abi-compliance-checker 2.3 website port Checks binary compatibility of two versions of a C/C++ shared library
abiword 3.0.5_7 website port Open-source, cross-platform WYSIWYG word processor
abiword-docs 3.0.1_1 website port AbiWord help files
abook 0.6.1_2 website port Addressbook program with mutt mail client support
abs 0908_4 website port Free spreadsheet with graphical user interface
abseil 20220623.1 website port Abseil Common Libraries (C++)
abuse_sdl 0.8_8 website port SDL port of the Abuse game engine
abx 0.1_2 website port Simple ABX tester to compare audio files with GUI
acalc 0.3 website port Simple and pretty Qt5-based expression calculator
accerciser 3.38.0_1 website port Interactive Python accessibility explorer for GNOME
accounts-qml-module 0.7_2 website port Expose the Online Accounts API to QML applications
accountsservice 0.6.55_5 website port D-Bus interface for user account query and manipulation
accrete 1.0_1 website port Physical simulation of solar system planet formation
ace-of-penguins 1.4 website port Set of Unix/X solitaire games
acfax 0.981011_4 website port Receive faxes using sound card and radio
acidrip 0.14_12 website port GTK2::Perl wrapper for MPlayer and MEncoder for ripping DVDs
acidwarp-sdl g2022112701_1 website port Eye candy program which displays various patterns
aclgen 2.02 website port Optimize Cisco routers IP access lists
aclock 0.4.0_10 website port Analog Clock for GNUstep
acltool 1.16.2 website port ACL manipulation tool
acme 0.97.r324,1 website port Crossassembler for 6502, 65c02 and 65816 processors
acme-tiny 4.1.0 website port Tiny script to issue and renew TLS certs from Let's Encrypt 3.0.6_1 website port ACME protocol client written in shell
acmed 0.21.0_3 website port ACME (RFC 8555) client daemon written in Rust
acpica-tools 20221020 website port Tools from the ACPI Component Architecture (ACPICA) project
acsccid 1.1.8 website port PC/SC driver for CS CCID smart card readers
activemq 5.18.1 website port Messaging and Integration Patterns provider
activitymail 1.26 website port Program for sending email messages for CVS repository commits
actor-framework 0.19.2 website port Open Source implementation of the Actor Model in C++
acts 1.4.2 website port Another Calendar-based Tarsnap Script
ad2vcf 0.1.6 website port Add allelic depth info from a SAM stream to a VCF file
adapta-backgrounds website port Wallpaper collection for adapta-project
adcli 0.9.1 website port Tool for performing actions on an Active Directory domain
adcomplain 3.52 website port Complain about inappropriate commercial use (f.e. SPAM) of usenet/e-mail
add 20230205 website port Full-screen editing calculator
add-css-links 1.0_1 website port Add one or more CSS elements to an XHTML document
addresses 0.4.8_9 website port Versatile addressbook for GNUstep
addresses-goodies 0.4.8_10 website port Goodies for addressbook for GNUstep
addrwatch 1.0.2 website port Supports IP/Ethernet pairing for IPv4 and IPv6
adguard-exporter 1.14_12 website port Prometheus metrics exporter for AdGuard Home DNS
adguardhome 0.107.36 website port Network-wide ads & trackers blocking DNS server
adjuster 3.23.23 website port Apply custom processing to Web pages
admesh 0.98.5 website port Program for processing STL triangulated solid meshes
adminer 4.8.1 website port Full-featured database management tool written in PHP
admiral website port Merge concurrent outputs for a status bar
adms 2.3.7 website port Model generator for SPICE simulators
adns 1.6.0 website port Easy to use asynchronous-capable DNS client library and utilities
adobe-cmaps 20051217_4 website port Adobe CMap collection
adoc-mode.el 0.7.0 website port Major-mode for editing AsciiDoc files in Emacs
adoc-mode.el-emacs_canna 0.7.0 website port Major-mode for editing AsciiDoc files in Emacs
adoc-mode.el-emacs_nox 0.7.0 website port Major-mode for editing AsciiDoc files in Emacs
adodb5-php80 5.22.6 website port Database library for PHP
adodb5-php81 5.22.6 website port Database library for PHP
adodb5-php82 5.22.6 website port Database library for PHP
adodb5-php83 5.22.6 website port Database library for PHP
adol-c 2.7.2_6 website port Automatic differentiation library
adonthell 0.3.8_2 website port Role playing game engine
adplay 1.8.1_2 website port AdLib player using adplug library
adtool 1.3.3_3 website port Active Directory administration tool
advancecomp 2.5 website port Recompression utilities for .ZIP, .PNG, .MNG, and .GZ files
adwaita-icon-theme 40.1.1_1 website port GNOME Symbolic Icons
adwaita-qt5 1.4.2 website port Adwaita theme for Qt applications
adwaita-qt6 1.4.2 website port Adwaita theme for Qt applications
adzap 20110915_2 website port Filter out animated ad banners from web pages
aee 2.2.22 website port Easy editor with both curses and X11 interfaces
aegis 4.25_14 website port Transaction-based software configuration management system
aeolus 0.10.4_2 website port Synthesised pipe organ emulator
aescrypt 0.7_1 website port Command-line AES encryption/decryption suite
aespipe 2.4e website port AES encrypting or decrypting pipe
aewan 1.0.01_1 website port Curses-based program for the creation and editing of ASCII art
af-aspell 0.50.0_1,1 website port Aspell Afrikaans dictionary
afdko 3.9.6 website port Adobe Font Development Kit for OpenType (AFDKO)
affenspiel 1.0_2 website port Little puzzle game with monkey for X Window System
affiche 0.6.0_12 website port Affiche allows people to stick notes
afflib 3.7.16_1 website port Advanced Forensics Format library and utilities
afio 2.5.2 website port Archiver and backup program with builtin compression
afm 1.0_1 website port Adobe Font Metrics
afpfs-ng 0.8.1_6 website port Apple Filing Protocol client library
afsp 8.2 website port Audio file conversion utilities and library
aft 5.098_1,1 website port Document preparation system using an Almost Free Text input format
aften 0.0.8 website port ATSC A/52 audio encoder
afterglow 1.6.2_2 website port Collection of graph-generating scripts
afternoonstalker 1.1.6 website port Clone of the 1981 Night Stalker video game
afterstep 2.2.12_9 website port Stable version of the AfterStep window manager
afterstep1 1.0_5 website port Window manager originally based on the Bowman NeXTstep clone
agame 1577_13 website port Simple Tetris-like game
agar 1.7.0_1 website port Cross-platform GUI toolkit
agave 37 website port TrueType monospaced font designed for X environments
age 1.1.1_5 website port Simple, modern and secure file encryption tool
agedu 20211129.8cd63c5 website port Unix utility for tracking down wasted disk space
aget 0.4.1_1 website port Multithreaded HTTP download accelerator
agg 2.5_11 website port High Quality Rendering Engine for C++
aggregate 1.6_1 website port Optimise a list of route prefixes to help make nice short filters
agrep 2.04_2 website port Approximate grep (fast approximate pattern-matching tool)
ags website port Adventure Game Studio Engine
ah-tty 0.3.12_3 website port Automatic helper for command prompts and shells
aha 0.5.1 website port Ansi HTML Adapter
aichat 0.8.0_3 website port Using ChatGPT/GPT-3.5/GPT-4 in the terminal
aide 0.17.4 website port File and directory integrity checker
aiksaurus 1.2.1_3 website port Set of libraries and applications which provide a thesaurus
aimage 3.2.5_2 website port Advanced Disk Imager
airsaned website port Apple AirScan compatible SANE web frontend
airspy 1.0.10 website port AirSpy's usemode driver and associated tools
airspyhf website port User mode driver for Airspy HF+ SDR
aisleriot 3.22.25_2 website port Collection of patience games written in guile scheme
aixlog 1.5.0_1 website port Header-only C++ logging library
akira 0.0.16_2 website port Graphical UI/UX design tool
aklabeth 1.0 website port Remake of Richard Garriott's Ultima prequel
akmos 0.7.2_3 website port Cryptographic library with low footprint
akpop3d 0.7.7 website port POP3 daemon aimed to be small and secure
alac 0.0.7,1 website port Apple Lossless Audio Codec
alacenc 0.3.0 website port Apple Lossless Audio Codec (ALAC) format encoder
alacritty 0.12.2_1 website port GPU-accelerated terminal emulator
alarm-clock-applet 0.3.4_3 website port Fully-featured alarm clock
albert 0.20.5_2 website port Albert a keyboard launcher
alchemist.el 1.8.2_13 website port Elixir Tooling Integration Into Emacs
alchemist.el-emacs_canna 1.8.2_13 website port Elixir Tooling Integration Into Emacs
alchemist.el-emacs_nox 1.8.2_13 website port Elixir Tooling Integration Into Emacs
aldo 0.7.7_3 website port Morse code training program
alef 1.0_4 website port Free multi-lingual font designed for screens
alef-webfont 1.0_2 website port Free multi-lingual font designed for screens
alegreya 2.008_1 website port Serif typeface originally intended for literature
alegreya-sans 2.008_1,1 website port Humanist sans serif font with a calligraphic feeling
alertmanager 0.23.0_13 website port Alert routing for Prometheus
alex4 1.1_1 website port Classic platformer with Alex the Allegator
alfio 0.3 website port Services manager to choose which services start at boot time
alfont 2.0.9_1,1 website port Wrapper around the freetype2 library
alglib 4.00.0 website port Numerical analysis and data processing library
ali 0.7.5_13 website port Load testing tool aimed to perform real-time analysis
alienarena 2013.766_13 website port Alien Arena (native version)
alienarena-data 2013.766_2 website port Alien Arena (data)
alienblaster 1.1.0_7 website port Alien Blaster
alienwah 1.13_1 website port Paul Nasca's AlienWah LADSPA plugin
alienwave 0.4.0 website port Shoot'em up game written using ncurses
align 1.7.5 website port Text column alignment filter
alignmargins 1.0_1 website port Utility script to generate custom margins in PPDs for CUPS
allacrost 1.0.2_33 website port Single player 2D role-playing game
allegro website port Cross-platform library for games and multimedia programming
alltraxclock 2.0.2_12 website port Analog clock plugin for gkrellm2
almostti 1.3 website port Texas Instruments Z80 series calculator emulator
alo-lv2 0.9 website port Looper LV2 plugin
alpine 2.26 website port Mail and news client descended from Pine
alpng 1.3_4 website port Library for display PNG images in programs
alsa-lib 1.2.2_1 website port ALSA compatibility library
alsa-plugins 1.2.2_11 website port ALSA compatibility library plugins
alsa-seq-server 1.1.0_1 website port ALSA MIDI sequencer server
alsa-sndio 0.2_1 website port ALSA PCM sndio plugin
alsa-utils 1.2.2_3 website port ALSA compatibility utilities
alttab 1.7.0 website port Task switcher for minimalistic window managers
alure 1.2_13 website port Utility library to help manage common tasks with OpenAL
am-aspell 0.03.1_1,2 website port Aspell Amharic dictionary
amanda-perl-wrapper 1.01 website port Perl wrapper to use with Amanda (with* linked)
amass 4.1.0 website port In-depth DNS enumeration
amath 1.8.5 website port Simple command line calculator
amavis-logwatch 1.51.03_1 website port Amavisd-new log parser
amazon-ssm-agent 2.3.1205.0_15 website port Amazon Simple Systems Manager Agent
amazon-ssm-plugin 1.2.463.0_1 website port Amazon AWS Manages shell experience using SSM APIs
amb-plugins 0.8.1_2 website port Ambisonics LADSPA plugins, mainly to be used within Ardour
amber-code-search-replace-tool 0.5.9_6 website port Code search/replace tool
amberfish 1.6.4_1 website port General purpose text retrieval Software
amberol 0.10.3_2 website port Plays music, and nothing else
amd64-binutils 2.40_4,1 website port GNU binary tools
amd64-freebsd-sysroot a2023.08.03 website port FreeBSD 12.4-RELEASE amd64 sysroot
amd64-gcc12 12.2.0_8 website port Cross GNU Compiler Collection for amd64
amd64-gcc9 9.5.0_11 website port Cross GNU Compiler Collection for amd64
amfora 1.9.2_14 website port Fancy terminal browser for the Gemini protocol
amgcl 1.4.3_1 website port C++ header-only library for solving large sparse linear systems
amigadepacker 0.04 website port Tool for depacking some compressed Amiga formats
amigafonts 1.02 website port Faithfully remade Amiga fonts
amiwm 0.21.pl2_1 website port Window manager that makes your desktop look like an Amiga(TM)
aml 0.3.0 website port Another Main Loop
ammonite 2.5.6 website port Provides a system shell in the high-level Scala language
amoebax 0.2.1_8 website port Cute and addictive Puyo Puyo like game
amp website port Complete text editor for your terminal
ampache-php80 5.6.0 website port Web-based Audio file manager
ampache-php81 5.6.0 website port Web-based Audio file manager
ampache-php82 5.6.0 website port Web-based Audio file manager
ampache-php83 5.6.0 website port Web-based Audio file manager
ampasACES-container 1.0.2_1 website port ACES Container Reference Implementation
ampasCTL 1.5.2_19 website port Color Transformation Language interpreter
amphetadesk 0.93.1_7 website port RSS client that serves HTTP to your local web browser
ample 0.5.7 website port Allows you to listen to your own MP3's away from home
amqp-cpp 4.1.4_1 website port C++ library for asynchronous non-blocking communication with RabbitMQ
amrstat 20070216_1 website port Utility for LSI Logic's MegaRAID RAID controllers
amtk 5.6.0_1 website port Actions, Menus and Toolbars Kit
amule 2.3.3_9 website port All-platform eMule p2p client
an 1.2_16 website port Fast anagram generator
anacron 2.3_7 website port Schedules periodic jobs on systems that are not permanently up
analog 6.0_13,1 website port Fast program for analysing WWW logfiles
ancient 2.1.1 website port Decompression routines for ancient formats
and 1.2.2_1 website port Auto Nice Daemon
android-file-transfer 4.2 website port Android MTP client with minimalistic UI
android-file-transfer-qt5 4.2 website port Android MTP client with minimalistic UI
anese 0.9.1 website port NES Emulator written for fun and learning
angband 4.2.2 website port Rogue-like game with color, X11 support
angelscript 2.34.0 website port AngelCode Scripting Library
angrysearch 1.0.3_3 website port Quick search GUI tool for Unix-like systems
animorph 0.3_8 website port Morphing engine for MakeHuman
ann 1.1.2_1 website port Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbor Searching
annoy 1.17.3 website port Approximate Nearest Neighbors in C++
anomaly-mono g20210310 website port Retrofuturism inspired monospaced programming font
anomy-sanitizer 1.76_6 website port Sanitize and clean incoming/outgoing mail
anonymous-pro 1.002_3 website port Fixed width sans designed especially for coders
anope 2.0.13 website port Set of IRC services for IRC networks
ansible-sshjail website port Ansible connector for remote jails
ansifilter 2.20 website port Customizable ANSI Code Converter
ansilove 4.2.0 website port ANSI / ASCII art to PNG converter
ansiprint 1.0 website port Prints through a terminal with ANSI escape sequences
ansiweather 1.18.0 website port Shell script for displaying the current weather in your terminal
ant-dracula-theme 3.0 website port Dark theme for GTK & KDE
antibody 6.1.1_13 website port High-performance zsh plugin manager
antimicro 2.23_3 website port Program for mapping keyboard and mouse to a gamepad
antimony-language 0.7.0_5 website port Antimony programming language
antipolix 2.1_2 website port Simple multiplayer game for X Window System
antivirus 3.30_10 website port Sendmail milter wich uses McAfee Virus Scan or clamav
antiwm 0.0.5 website port Minimalist window manager inspired by Ratpoison
antiword 0.37_4 website port Application for displaying Microsoft(R) Word documents
antlr 2.7.7_2 website port ANother Tool for Language Recognition
antlr3 3.5.2_1 website port ANother Tool for Language Recognition
antlr4 4.12.0 website port ANother Tool for Language Recognition
anubis 4.2_17 website port Outgoing SMTP mail processor
anvil 0.0.20 website port Tools for distributing ssl certificates
anyremote 6.7.3 website port Remote control service over Bluetooth, infrared, or TCP/IP networking
anyremote2html 1.4 website port Web interface for anyRemote
aom 3.6.1 website port AV1 reference encoder/decoder
aop 0.6_2 website port Ncurses based arcade game with only 64 lines of code
ap-utils 1.4.1_5 website port Set of utilities to configure and monitor wireless access points
ap24-mod_amazon_proxy 20100913_1 website port Amazon Auth Proxy for Product Advertising API
ap24-mod_auth_cas 1.2 website port Apache 2.x module that supports the CASv1 and CASv2 protocols
ap24-mod_auth_cookie_mysql2 1.0_1 website port Allows authentication against MySQL database via secure cookie
ap24-mod_auth_gssapi 1.6.5 website port Apache module for authenticating users with GSSAPI
ap24-mod_auth_kerb2 5.4_8 website port Apache module for authenticating users with Kerberos v5
ap24-mod_auth_mysql2 1.11 website port MySQL-based authentication module with VirtualHost support
ap24-mod_auth_mysql_another 3.0.0_5 website port Allows users to use MySQL databases for user authentication
ap24-mod_auth_pam2 1.1.1_4 website port Allows users to use PAM modules for user authentication
ap24-mod_auth_pgsql2 2.0.3_4 website port Allows users to use PostgreSQL databases for user authentication
ap24-mod_auth_pubtkt 0.13 website port Apache module to provide public key ticket based authentication
ap24-mod_auth_tkt 2.1.0_3 website port Lightweight single-sign-on authentication module for apache
ap24-mod_authn_dovecot 0.2.4 website port Apache authentication against Dovecot
ap24-mod_authnz_external24 3.3.2 website port Allows users authentication based on external mechanisms on apache 2.4
ap24-mod_cfg_ldap 1.2_6 website port Allows you to keep your virtual host configuration in a LDAP directory
ap24-mod_cloudflare 2016.10.0 website port Cloudflare fork of mod_remoteip
ap24-mod_defensible 1.5 website port Apache 2.4 module aiming to block IP listed in DNSBL
ap24-mod_dnssd 0.6_12 website port Apache module that provides DNS-SD capabilities
ap24-mod_evasive 1.10.1_2 website port Apache module to try to protect the HTTP Server from DoS/DDoS attacks
ap24-mod_fastcgi website port Apache 2.4 fast-cgi module
ap24-mod_fcgid 2.3.9 website port Alternative FastCGI module for Apache2
ap24-mod_fileiri 1.15_1 website port Apache 2.x http IRIs module
ap24-mod_gnutls 0.12.1 website port Extension for Apache httpd using GnuTLS library to provide HTTPS
ap24-mod_h264_streaming 2.2.7_2 website port Apache H264 streaming module
ap24-mod_http2 2.0.21 website port HTTP/2 modules for Apache httpd
ap24-mod_jk 1.2.48,1 website port Apache JK module for connecting to Tomcat using AJP1X
ap24-mod_limitipconn2 0.24_1 website port Allows you to limit the number of simultaneous connexions
ap24-mod_maxminddb 1.2.0 website port MaxMind DB Apache Module
ap24-mod_memcache 0.1.0_5 website port Apache 2.2.x module to manage apr_memcache connections
ap24-mod_memcache_block 1.0,1 website port Apache 2.2 module to block IPs from lists stored in memcache
ap24-mod_mono 3.13 website port Apache module for serving ASP.NET applications
ap24-mod_mpm_itk 2.4.7_2 website port Run each vhost under a separate uid and gid
ap24-mod_proctitle 0.4.1_1 website port Set httpd process titles to reflect currently processed request
ap24-mod_qos 11.74 website port QoS for Apache
ap24-mod_realdoc 20170405 website port Apache module to support atomic deploys
ap24-mod_reproxy 0.02.20110826 website port Apache module to support x-reproxy-url header
ap24-mod_rpaf2 0.8.4_1 website port Make proxied requests appear with client IP
ap24-mod_scgi 2.0 website port Apache module that implements the client side of the SCGI protocol
ap24-mod_setenvifplus 0.40 website port Allows setting environment variables based on request attributes
ap24-mod_tidy 0.5.5_1 website port Validates the HTML output of your apache2 web server
ap24-mod_webkit 1.2.3 website port Apache module for WebWare WebKit AppServer
ap24-mod_xsendfile 0.12_3 website port Apache2 module that processes X-SENDFILE headers
ap24-py39-mod_wsgi 4.9.2 website port Python WSGI adapter module for Apache
apache-ant 1.10.13 website port Java- and XML-based build tool, conceptually similar to make
apache-bcel 6.4.1 website port Apache Commons Byte Code Engineering Library
apache-commons-beanutils 1.9.4 website port JavaBeans utility library
apache-commons-cli 1.4 website port Java library for command line arguments and options
apache-commons-codec 1.16.0 website port Implementations of common encoders and decoders
apache-commons-collections 3.2.2 website port Classes that extend/augment the Java Collections Framework
apache-commons-collections4 4.4 website port Classes that extend/augment the Java Collections Framework
apache-commons-compress 1.23.0 website port Classes for working with various archivers
apache-commons-configuration 1.10_1 website port Java package for the reading of configuration/preferences files
apache-commons-csv 1.10.0 website port Java support for Comma Separated Value format
apache-commons-daemon 1.3.2 website port Wrapper code to start/stop a Java application as a daemon
apache-commons-dbcp 2.9.0 website port Apache Commons Database Connection Pool
apache-commons-dbutils 1.7 website port JDBC helper library
apache-commons-digester 2.1_2 website port XML-to-Java-object mapping utility package
apache-commons-httpclient 3.1_2 website port Package implementing the client side of the HTTP standard
apache-commons-io 2.11.0 website port Collection of I/O utilities for Java
apache-commons-jelly 1.0_1 website port XML based scripting engine
apache-commons-jxpath 1.3 website port Utilities for manipulating Java Beans using the XPath syntax
apache-commons-lang 2.6 website port Apache library with helper utilities for the java.lang API
apache-commons-lang3 3.12.0 website port Apache library with helper utilities for the java.lang API
apache-commons-logging 1.2 website port Generic logging wrapper library
apache-commons-math 3.6.1_1 website port Java library of self-contained mathematics and statistics components
apache-commons-net 3.9.0 website port Collection of network protocol implementations for Java
apache-commons-pool 2.11.1 website port Apache Commons Object-pooling API
apache-jmeter 2.11_3 website port Functional behaviour load and performance test application
apache-log4j2 2.20.0 website port Fast and flexible logging library for Java
apache-mode.el 2.0_1 website port Emacs major mode for editing Apache configuration files
apache-poi 5.2.3 website port Java API To Access Microsoft Format Files
apache-rat 0.13 website port Release audit tool
apache-spark 3.3.0 website port Fast big data processing engine
apache-xml-security-c 2.0.4 website port Apache XML security libraries - C++ version
apache-xmlbeans 5.1.1_1 website port Java classes for XML
apache24 2.4.57_1 website port Version 2.4.x of Apache web server
apachetop 0.19.7 website port Apache realtime log stats
apbs 1.5.102 website port Electrostatic and solvation properties for complex molecules
apc 1.0_8 website port Xforms based Auto Payment Calculator
apel 10.8.20220720_4 website port Portable Emacs Library
apel-emacs_canna 10.8.20220720_4 website port Portable Emacs Library
apel-emacs_nox 10.8.20220720_4 website port Portable Emacs Library
apertium 3.8.3_1 website port Toolbox to build shallow-transfer machine translation systems
apertium-eng website port Apertium monolingual language package for English
apg 0.4.1_10,1 website port Automated Password Generator written in Go
aphelia g20190913 website port Light, single-file, minimalist window manager for X11
apib 1.2.1_2 website port Simple and fast HTTP performance testing tool
apinger 0.6.1_3 website port IP device monitoring tool
apitrace 9.0_2 website port Tools for tracing OpenGL and other graphics APIs
apl385 20191020 website port APL385 Unicode monospaced code font
apngasm 2.91 website port Create Animated PNG from a sequence of files
apngdis 2.9 website port Deconstructs APNG files into individual frames
apoolGL 0.99.22_9 website port Another billiards simulator
app-builder 3.4.2_13 website port Generic helper tool to build app in a distributable format
apparix 20110303 website port Bookmark directories and apparate inside them
appjail 2.6.0 website port Simple and easy-to-use tool for creating portable jails
appjail-devel g20230729 website port Simple and easy-to-use tool for creating portable jails (devel)
appmenu-gtk-module 0.7.6_3 website port GTK module for putting application menubar in a global menubar
appmenu-registrar 0.7.6_2 website port Appmenu DBusMenu registrar
appres 1.0.5 website port Program to list application's resources
appstream-glib 0.8.2_1 website port Library to help with AppStream metadata
appwrapper 0.1_12 website port GNUstep application wrapper
apr website port Apache Portability Library
apricots 0.2.8 website port Fly a little plane around and shoot things and drop bombs
aprsd 2.2.515_3 website port Server daemon providing Internet access to APRS packet data
apt-cacher-ng 3.2.1 website port Specialized http/s proxy for caching software distribution sites
apt-mirror-devel website port Debian/Ubuntu apt sources mirroring tool
aptly 1.5.0_11 website port Debian repository management tool
apwal 0.4.5_15 website port Simple and powerful application launcher
aqbanking 6.5.4 website port Online banking interface and financial data framework
aqemu 0.9.2_3 website port Qt5 based QEMU frontend
aqualung 1.0_24 website port Music player with rich features
aquaria 1.002.22_9 website port Underwater 2D fantasy action-adventure (game engine)
aquatone 1.7.0_13 website port Tool for domain flyovers that checks open ports and takes screenshots
ar-ae_fonts1_ttf 1.1_5 website port Collection of TrueType Arabic fonts
ar-ae_fonts_mono 1.0_5 website port Collection of PCF fonts that include Arabic glyphs
ar-aspell 1.2.0_1,1 website port Aspell Arabic dictionaries
ar-kacst_fonts 2.01_3 website port Truetype Arabic fonts created by KACST
ar-khotot 1.0_3 website port Meta-port for popular Arabic font packages
ar-libitl 0.8.0 website port API abstraction to common Islamic calculations
arandr 0.1.10_2 website port Another XRandR GUI
aranym 1.1.0_3 website port Atari Running on Any Machine
arataga 0.5.4_1 website port Performant SOCKS5/HTTP1.1 proxy server
aravis 0.8.20_1 website port Camera control and image acquisition viewer
arborx 1.4.1_1 website port Performance-portable geometric search library
arc 5.21q website port Create & extract files from DOS .ARC files
arc-gruvbox-theme g20161220 website port Gruvbox variation on Arc Black Ubuntu theme
arc_summary 20220410 website port Print ZFS ARC cache statistics and other information
arcanist-lib-php80 20220518_4 website port Libraries for the command line interface for Phabricator
arcanist-lib-php81 20220518_4 website port Libraries for the command line interface for Phabricator
arcanist-lib-php82 20220518_4 website port Libraries for the command line interface for Phabricator
arcanist-lib-php83 20220518_4 website port Libraries for the command line interface for Phabricator
arcanist-php80 20220518_4 website port Command line interface for Phabricator
arcanist-php81 20220518_4 website port Command line interface for Phabricator
arcanist-php82 20220518_4 website port Command line interface for Phabricator
arcanist-php83 20220518_4 website port Command line interface for Phabricator
archey4 website port Simple system information tool written in Python
archimedes 2.0.1 website port Semiconductor device simulation software
archiva 2.2.3 website port Extensible repository management software
archivemount 0.9.1 website port Mount archives with FUSE
archiveopteryx-devel website port Advanced PostgreSQL-based IMAP/POP server
archivesmtp 1.2_3 website port SMTP mail archiver
archmbox 4.10.0_1 website port Email archiver that parses mailboxes and performs actions
ardour 7.5.0 website port Multichannel digital audio workstation
arduino-avrdude 6.3_4 website port Program for programming the on-chip memory of Atmel AVR Arduino CPUs
arduino-bsd-mk 2.4 website port Build Arduino sketches from the command line on FreeBSD
arduino-core 1.6.18_1 website port Core board support for Arduino devices
arduino-ctags 5.8_1 website port Feature-filled tagfile generator used by Arduino 1.6
arduino-irremote 4.1.2 website port Multi-protocol infrared remote library for the Arduino
arduino-sevseg 3.7.0 website port Arduino seven segment display library
arduinoOTA 1.2.0_12 website port OTA upload tool for Arduino/ESP8266
argc 1.8.0 website port Easily parse command line arguments in bash
argdata 0.7_4 website port Binary serialisation format inspired by YAML, MessagePack and nvlists
argobots 1.1.186 website port Lightweight, low-level threading and tasking framework
argouml 0.34_2 website port UML design tool with cognitive support
argp-standalone 1.5.0 website port Standalone version of arguments parsing functions from GLIBC
argparse 2.9_1 website port Argument Parser for Modern C++
args 6.4.6 website port Header-only C++ argument parser library
argtable 2.13_2 website port ANSI C library for parsing GNU style command line arguments
argus-sasl website port Generic IP network transaction auditing tool
argyllcms 1.9.2_6 website port ICC compatible color management system
aria2 1.36.0_2 website port Yet another download tool
aribas 1.64 website port Interpreter for big integer/multi-precision floating point arithmetic
aribb24 1.0.4 website port ARIB STD-B24 library
ario 1.6_3 website port GTK client for MPD
arj 3.10.22_9 website port Open source implementation of the ARJ archiver
arm-elf-binutils 2.39 website port GNU binutils for vanilla ARM cross-development
arm-gnueabi-binutils 2.40_4,1 website port GNU binary tools
arm-none-eabi-binutils 2.40_4,1 website port GNU binary tools
arm-none-eabi-gcc 11.3.0_1 website port GNU Compiler Collection for bare metal arm cross-development
arm-none-eabi-newlib 2.4.0_2 website port Newlib distribution for arm-none-eabi targets
armagetronad website port Tron clone in 3D
armv6-gcc12 12.2.0_8 website port Cross GNU Compiler Collection for armv6
armv6-gcc9 9.5.0_11 website port Cross GNU Compiler Collection for armv6
armv7-freebsd-sysroot a2023.08.03 website port FreeBSD 12.4-RELEASE armv7 sysroot
armv7-gcc12 12.2.0_8 website port Cross GNU Compiler Collection for armv7
armv7-gcc9 9.5.0_11 website port Cross GNU Compiler Collection for armv7
arp-scan 1.10.0 website port ARP scanning and fingerprinting tool
arp-sk 0.0.16_5 website port Tool designed to manipulate ARP tables of all kinds of equipment
arpc 0.7_2 website port GRPC-like RPC library that supports file descriptor passing
arpdig 0.5.7 website port ARP Digger utility
arping 2.21_1 website port ARP level "ping" utility
arpoison 0.7_1 website port UNIX arp cache update utility
arprelease 1.2_5 website port Libnet tool to flush arp cache entries from devices (eg. routers)
arpwatch 3.3 website port Monitor arp & rarp requests
arrow-datafusion 16.0.0_5 website port Apache Arrow DataFusion SQL Query Engine
arss 0.2.3_2 website port Additive Image Synthesizer (convert audio to images, images to audio)
art 0.9.02 website port Resource tracing, debugging, and profiling tool
artemis website port DNA sequence viewer and annotation tool
arti 1.1.7 website port Implementation of Tor, in Rust
artifactory 5.8.3 website port Universal Artifact Repository Manager
arts++ 1.1.a13_2,1 website port Network data storage and analysis library from CAIDA
arttime 2.1.0 website port Bring curated text/ascii art to artless terminals
artwiz-aleczapka-de 1.3_4 website port Set of (improved) artwiz fonts
artwiz-aleczapka-en 1.3_4 website port Set of (improved) artwiz fonts
artwiz-aleczapka-se 1.3_4 website port Set of (improved) artwiz fonts
artwiz-fonts 1.0_5 website port Set of free fonts for X11 desktops
artyfx-lv2 1.3.1_1,1 website port ArtyFX plugin bundle
arx-libertatis 1.2.1_1 website port Cross-platform port of Arx Fatalis
asbutton 0.3_3 website port Dockapp that displays 4 or 9 buttons to run apps of your choice
ascent-simulation-engine 0.7.1 website port C++ simulation engine and differential equation solver
ascii-invaders 1.0.1_1 website port ASCII-art game like Space Invaders using Curses
ascii2binary 2.14_1 website port Convert between textual representations of numbers and binary
asciidoc 10.2.0_2 website port Text document format for writing short documents and man pages
asciinema-agg 1.4.1_2 website port Asciinema gif generator
asciiquarium 1.1_1 website port Aquarium/sea animation in ASCII art
asclock 1.0_4 website port Afterstep clock with some language extensions
asclock-xlib 2.0.11_4 website port New flavor of asclock
ascpu 1.11_7 website port CPU statistics monitor utility for XFree86
asedit 1.3.2_5 website port Text editor for X/Motif
aseprite 1.2.9_10 website port Animated sprite editor and pixel art tool
asignify 1.0 website port Yet another signify tool
asio 1.28.0 website port Cross-platform C++ library for network and low-level I/O programming
ask 2.5.3 website port Anti Spam Killer content filtering
aslookup 0.13d website port Tool that searches the sequence of AS numbers
asm2html 1.7 website port Converts NASM syntax assembly code to HTML code
asmail 2.1_4 website port Biff-type program, designed to match AfterStep
asmctl 1.9 website port Apple System Management Controller
asmem 1.12_1 website port AfterStep look-n-feel memory utilization monitor
asmix 1.5_3 website port Volume control dock-app for the AfterStep Window Manager
asmixer 0.5_3 website port Mixer control for AfterStep window manager
asmx 1.8.2_2 website port Multi-CPU macro assembler for many major 8-bit and 16-bit CPUs
asn1c 0.9.27 website port Modern ASN.1 to C compiler
aspell 0.60.8_1,1 website port Spelling checker with better suggestion logic than ispell
aspell-ispell 0.60.8 website port Ispell compatibility script for aspell
aspostit 1.3_7 website port AfterStep dockable version of XPostIt
asprint 1.0_3 website port Simple browser to allow a user to print
asql 1.7 website port Query Apache logfiles via SQL
asr-manpages 20000406 website port alt.sysadmin.recovery man page distribution
asr10 1.0 website port Access to Ensoniq EPS/EPS+/ASR devices and image files
assaultcube website port Free, multiplayer, first-person shooter game based on the CUBE engine
assh 2.15.0_7 website port Smart SSH client wrapper
assimp 5.2.5 website port Library to import various 3D model formats in a uniform manner
ast-aspell 0.01 website port Aspell Asturian dictionary
asteroids3d 0.5.1_9 website port First-person shooter blowing up asteroids in 3D space
astime 2.8_2 website port Time/Date applet for WindowMaker
astk-client 2020.0.1_1 website port Graphical interface for Code_Aster (client side)
astk-serveur 2020.0.1_1 website port Graphical interface for Code_Aster (server side)
astroid 0.16_5 website port Graphical email client for notmuch, inspired by sup and others
astromenace 1.4.2 website port Hardcore 3D space shooter with spaceship upgrade possibilities
astron 0.0.20200521_3 website port Server Technology for Realtime Object Networking
astyle 3.4 website port Source code indenter and formatter for C, C++, C#, and Java
astzclock 1.0_2 website port Afterstep clock with some timezone extensions
asunder 2.9.6_3 website port Lightweight GTK+ CD ripper
asusoled 0.10_10 website port Utility for ASUS USB OLED Display
asylum 0.3.2_2 website port Surreal platform shooting game
async 0.1.1_6 website port Tool to parallelize shell commands
asyncplusplus 1.1 website port Async++ concurrency framework for C++11
at-spi2-core 2.48.0 website port Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface
atanks 6.5_3 website port 2D tank game with large, cartoonish weapons
atari800 3.1.0_2 website port Atari 8-bit computer emulator
aterm 1.0.1_7 website port Color vt102 terminal emulator with transparency support
atf 0.21_1 website port C, C++ and shell libraries to write ATF-compliant test programs
atheme-services 7.2.12 website port Set of services for IRC networks
athens 0.12.1 website port Proxy server for the Go Modules download API
atkinson-hyperlegible 2020.0514_1 website port Braille Institute font for low vision readers
atkmm 2.28.0_1 website port C++ wrapper for ATK API library
atlantis 0.23.5_1 website port Terraform Pull Requests Automation
atlast 1.2 website port Autodesk Threaded Language Application System Toolkit
atlc 4.6.1_1 website port Tool to calculate the impedance of transmission lines
atom 1.0 website port Converts text files to html with special attributes
atomicparsley 20221229.172126.d813aa6 website port Command line program for reading parsing and setting MP4/M4A metadata
atomix 3.34.0_1 website port Yet another little mind game
atool 0.39.0 website port Manage file archives of various types
atop 2.0.2.b3_3 website port ASCII Monitor for system resources and process activity
atp 1.50_2 website port QWK message packet reader and composer for FreeBSD
atr3d 0.6_19 website port 3D asteroids-like multiplayer game
atril 1.26.0_20 website port MATE multi-format document viewer
atril-lite 1.26.0_20 website port MATE multi-format document viewer
atris 1.0.7_7 website port Atris: Alizarin Tetris
atris-sounds 1.0.1_2 website port Sounds for Atris: Alizarin Tetris
atslog 2.1.1_8 website port Software for collecting and analyzing calls from different PBX models
atuin 15.0.0_2 website port Magical shell history
aub 2.2_1 website port Assemble usenet binaries
aubio 0.4.9_4 website port Library for audio labelling
auctex 13.1_4 website port Integrated environment for writing LaTeX using GNU Emacs
auctex-emacs_canna 13.1_4 website port Integrated environment for writing LaTeX using GNU Emacs
auctex-emacs_nox 13.1_4 website port Integrated environment for writing LaTeX using GNU Emacs
audacious 4.3.1_1 website port Lightweight and versatile audio player
audacious-gtk2 4.3.1_1 website port Lightweight and versatile audio player
audacious-gtk3 4.3.1_1 website port Lightweight and versatile audio player
audacious-plugins 4.3.1_1 website port Plugins needed for audacious
audacious-plugins-gtk2 4.3.1_1 website port Plugins needed for audacious
audacious-plugins-gtk3 4.3.1_1 website port Plugins needed for audacious
audacious-plugins-qt6 4.3.1_1 website port Plugins needed for audacious
audacious-qt6 4.3.1_1 website port Lightweight and versatile audio player
audacious-skins 1.0.0 website port Collection of audacious skins
audacity 3.3.3_1 website port GUI editor for digital audio waveforms
audiere 1.9.4_7 website port High-level audio API
audiowmark 0.6.1_1 website port Audio and video watermarking tool
augeas 1.14.0_1 website port Configuration editing tool
augustus 3.2.0_1 website port Open source re-implementation of Caesar III
aumix 2.9.1_1 website port Audio mixer for X11, terminal, or command line
auralquiz 1.0.0_5 website port Simple music quiz game using your own music files
ausweisapp2 1.24.2 website port Official authentication app for German ID cards and residence permits
authoscope 0.8.1_6 website port Scriptable network authentication cracker
auto-admin 0.7.18 website port Portable tools for automating systems management
autobackupmysql 1.4 website port Make daily, weekly, and monthly backups of your MySQL databases
autobench 2.1.2_9 website port Automating the process of benchmarking a web server
autobook 1.5 website port GNU autoconf, automake, and libtool - The Book
autocd 3.02.12b_3 website port Compact disc control utility
autoconf 2.71 website port Generate configure scripts and related files
autoconf-archive 2022.09.03 website port Set of useful GNU Autoconf macros
autoconf-switch 20220527 website port Wrapper script to switch between autoconf versions
autoconf2.13 2.13 website port Generate configure scripts and related files
autoconf2.69 2.69 website port Generate configure scripts and related files
autogen 5.18.16_4 website port Tool designed to simplify the creation and maintenance of programs
autojump 22.5.3_1 website port Faster way to navigate your filesystem
automake 1.16.5 website port GNU Standards-compliant Makefile generator
automount 1.7.8 website port FreeBSD's devd(8) based automount solution
automounter 1.5.1 website port Provides scripts to dynamically configure amd
automuteus 7.2.7_10 website port Discord Bot to automute Among Us players at round transitions
automx 0.10.2_3 website port Handles mail account profile requests from mail clients
automysqlbackup 3.0.r6 website port Automatic MySQL Backup Tool
autorandr 1.12.1 website port Auto-detect displays and configure them with xrandr
autorespond 2.0.5 website port Simple autoresponder for qmail
autossh 1.4g website port Automatically restart SSH sessions and tunnels
autotalent 0.2_1 website port Real-time pitch correction plugin for LADSPA
autotools 20220528 website port Autotools meta-port
autotrace 0.31.1_34 website port Convert bitmap to vector graphics
autozen 2.1_8 website port Adjust brain waves with sound
av1an 0.4.1_6 website port Command-line encoding framework with per scene quality
avahi 0.8 website port "meta-port" for the Avahi service discovery suite
avahi-app 0.8_1 website port Service discovery on a local network
avahi-autoipd 0.8_1 website port IPv4LL network address configuration daemon
avahi-gtk 0.8_1 website port Gtk+ tools and bindings to the Avahi mDNS system
avahi-gtk3 0.8_1 website port Gtk+ 3 library to the Avahi mDNS system
avahi-header 0.8_1 website port Install an avahi-gtk* header to avoid conflict
avahi-libdns 0.8_1 website port mDNSResponder compatibility from Avahi
avahi-qt5 0.8_1 website port Qt 5 bindings to the Avahi mDNS system
avahi-sharp 0.8_1 website port Mono bindings for Avahi service discovery
avalon-framework 4.2.0_2 website port Apache Avalon core framework for component programming
avanor 0.5.8 website port Rogue-like game with easy ADOM-like user interface
avarice 2.14 website port Atmel AVR JTAG programmer and debugging interface for avr-gdb
avce00 2.0.0 website port OpenSource C library convert Arc/Info Vector Coverages to E00
avenger 0.8.5 website port Anti-spam SMTP server
averiagwf 1.00_1 website port Average font
avfs 1.1.4 website port Virtual File System library
aview 1.3.0.r1_7 website port Graphics viewer for viewing netpbm format on console or X using aalib
avir 3.0 website port High-quality image resizing/scaling C++ library
avis 1.2.0_1 website port Elvin Publish/Subscribe Message Bus server based on the Elvin protocol
avldrums-lv2 0.6.1 website port Dedicated AVLDrumkits LV2 Plugin
avoision 1.1_9 website port Simple collect-dots-avoid-blocks game
avp 20170505_1 website port Open source re-implementation of Alien versus Predator
avr-binutils 2.40_4,1 website port GNU binary tools
avr-gcc 11.2.0_1 website port FSF GCC for Atmel AVR 8-bit RISC cross-development
avr-gdb 7.3.1_6 website port GNU GDB for the AVR target
avra 1.4.2 website port Macro Assembler for Atmel AVR microcontrollers
avrdude 7.2 website port Program for programming the on-chip memory of Atmel AVR CPUs
avro-c 1.11.2 website port C library for Apache Avro
avro-cpp 1.11.2 website port C++ library for Apache Avro
awale 1.6 website port African board game
awele 1.0_4 website port African board game
awesome 4.3_4,1 website port Highly configurable, next generation framework window manager
awesome-vicious 2.6.0 website port Widgets for the awesome window manager
awffull 3.10.2_18 website port Web server log analysis tool forked from Webalizer
awka 0.7.5_1 website port Converts the AWK script to C, then compiles it
awless 0.1.11_15 website port Fast, powerful and easy-to-use CLI for AWS
aws-c-auth 0.7.2 website port C99 library implementation of AWS client-side authentication
aws-c-cal 0.6.1 website port Aws Crypto Abstraction Layer
aws-c-common 0.9.0,1 website port Core c99 package for AWS SDK for C
aws-c-compression 0.2.17 website port C99 implementation of compression algorithms
aws-c-event-stream 0.3.1,1 website port C99 implementation of the content-type
aws-c-http 0.7.11 website port C99 implementation of the HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2 specifications
aws-c-io 0.13.30 website port Event driven framework for implementing application protocols
aws-c-mqtt 0.9.1 website port C99 implementation of the MQTT 3.1.1 specification
aws-c-s3 0.3.14 website port C99 library implementation for communicating with the S3 service
aws-c-sdkutils 0.1.12 website port AWS SDK C utilities
aws-checksums 0.1.17,1 website port Cross-Platform HW accelerated CRC32c and CRC32
aws-crt-cpp 0.21.0 website port C++ wrapper around the aws-c libraries
aws-ec2-imdsv2-get 1.0.3_5 website port Reads data from EC2 IMDS with v2 protocol
aws-iam-authenticator 0.6.11 website port Use AWS IAM credentials to authenticate to a Kubernetes cluster
aws-sdk-cpp 1.11.114 website port C++ interface for Amazon Web Services (AWS)
aws-sdk-php80 3.273.3 website port PHP interface for Amazon Web Services (AWS)
aws-sdk-php81 3.273.3 website port PHP interface for Amazon Web Services (AWS)
aws-sdk-php82 3.273.3 website port PHP interface for Amazon Web Services (AWS)
aws-sdk-php83 3.273.3 website port PHP interface for Amazon Web Services (AWS)
aws-vault 6.6.2_4 website port Vault for securely storing and accessing AWS credentials
awstats 7.9,1 website port Free real-time logfile analyzer to get advanced web statistics
axa 3.0.1 website port AXA library and tools
axc 0.3.7 website port Crypto interfaces for libsignal-protocol-c
axel website port Lightweight CLI download accelerator
axfr2acl 1.01 website port Transfer A records from DNS zones and convert to BIND ACLs
axis2 1.8.0 website port Provides a Web Services,SOAP and WSDL engine from Apache
axmldec 1.2.0_8 website port Stand-alone binary AndroidManifest.xml decoder
aylet 0.5_7 website port Aylet plays music files in the .ay format
az-aspell 0.02.0_1,2 website port Aspell Azerbaijani dictionary
azure-agent website port Microsoft Azure Linux Agent
b2 1.3.8_1 website port Command Line Interface for Backblaze's B2 storage service
b2sum 20190724_1 website port Fast secure hashing
b3sum 1.3.1_12 website port Command line implementation of the BLAKE3 hash function
b43-fwcutter 019 website port Firmware extractor for Broadcom wireless adapters
b612 1.008 website port Highly legible font family for aircraft cockpit screens
babel 1.6_4 website port Converts among various molecular file formats
babeld 1.10_1 website port Distance-vector routing protocol
babeltrace 1.5.7 website port Tool and library to read, write and convert execution traces
babl 0.1.106 website port Dynamic pixel format conversion library
backdown 1.1.1_1 website port Tool to safely and ergonomically remove duplicate files
backuppc 3.3.2_5 website port Multi-platform backup to disk-based storage
backuppc-devel website port Multi-platform backup to disk-based storage
backuppc4 4.4.0 website port Multi-platform backup to disk-based storage
backupuser 1.1.1 website port User Backup Utility
bacon 2.12.1 website port Background rust code check
bacula-web-php80 8.7.0_1 website port Bacula-web provides a summarized output of Bacula jobs
bacula-web-php81 8.7.0_1 website port Bacula-web provides a summarized output of Bacula jobs
bacula-web-php82 8.7.0_1 website port Bacula-web provides a summarized output of Bacula jobs
bacula-web-php83 8.7.0_1 website port Bacula-web provides a summarized output of Bacula jobs
bacula11-docs 11.0.6 website port Bacula document set
bacula13-docs 13.0.1 website port Bacula document set
bacula9-docs 9.6.7_1 website port Bacula document set
baculum-api 11.0.6 website port Baculum API
baculum-common 11.0.6 website port common libraries for baculum
baculum-web 11.0.6_1 website port Baculum Web
baikal 0.9.3 website port Lightweight CalDAV/CardDAV server
baka-mplayer 2.0.4_12 website port Qt 5 multimedia player based on libmpv
balance 3.57 website port Simple but powerful generic TCP proxy with round robin features
ballerburg 1.2.1 website port Two players, two castles, and a hill in between
bam 0.4.0 website port Fast and flexible build system using Lua
bambootracker 0.6.2 website port Music tracker for the Yamaha YM2608 (OPNA) sound chip
bamf 0.5.6_1 website port BAMF Application Matching Framework
bamp-lv2 g20210212 website port Basic testing plugin for using BWidgets for LV2
bamtools 2.5.2_1 website port API and toolkit for handling BAM files
bamutil 1.0.15 website port Utilities for working with SAM/BAM files
bangr-lv2 1.6.2 website port Multi-dimensional dynamicly distorted staggered multi-bandpass
banihstypos 0.2 website port Simple game to teach you typing, fast
bar 1.4 website port Cat with ASCII progress bar
barcode 0.98_1 website port Barcode generation library and command-line frontend
bareos-client 22.0.3 website port Backup archiving recovery open sourced (client)
bareos-server 22.0.3 website port Backup archiving recovery open sourced (server)
bareos-traymonitor 22.0.3 website port Backup archiving recovery open sourced (traymonitor)
bareos-webui 22.0.3 website port PHP-Frontend to manage Bareos over the web
bareos18-webui 18.2.12 website port PHP-Frontend to manage Bareos over the web
bareos19-client 19.2.13 website port Backup archiving recovery open sourced (client)
bareos19-server 19.2.13 website port Backup archiving recovery open sourced (server)
bareos19-traymonitor 19.2.13 website port Backup archiving recovery open sourced (traymonitor)
bareos19-webui 19.2.13 website port PHP-Frontend to manage Bareos over the web
bareos20-client 20.0.8 website port Backup archiving recovery open sourced (client)
bareos20-server 20.0.8 website port Backup archiving recovery open sourced (server)
bareos20-traymonitor 20.0.8 website port Backup archiving recovery open sourced (traymonitor)
bareos20-webui 20.0.8 website port PHP-Frontend to manage Bareos over the web
bareos21-client 21.1.7 website port Backup archiving recovery open sourced (client)
bareos21-server 21.1.7 website port Backup archiving recovery open sourced (server)
bareos21-traymonitor 21.1.7 website port Backup archiving recovery open sourced (traymonitor)
bareos21-webui 21.1.7 website port PHP-Frontend to manage Bareos over the web
barnyard2 1.13_6 website port Interpreter for Snort unified2 binary output files
barnyard2-sguil 1.13_6 website port Interpreter for Snort unified2 binary output files
barony 3.3.7_2 website port 3D roguelike game
barrage 1.0.7 website port Destroy as many targets as possible
barrier 2.4.0 website port Mouse and keyboard sharing utility
barvinok 0.41.7 website port Library for counting the number of integer points in polytopes
bas2tap 2.6 website port Convert 48k/128k ZX Spectrum BASIC text files to TAP files
base64 1.5_1 website port Utility to encode and decode base64 files
base91 0.6.0 website port Utility to encode and decode base91 files
bash 5.2.15 website port GNU Project's Bourne Again SHell
bash-completion 2.11_2,2 website port Programmable completion library for Bash
bash-static 5.2.15 website port GNU Project's Bourne Again SHell
bashc 5.1.8 website port GNU Bourne Again shell extended with two-panel file manager
bashdb website port Source-code debugger for bash
bashtop 0.9.25_1 website port Linux/OSX/FreeBSD resource monitor
basic-stats 0.1.2 website port Command-line tool to perform basic statistics on tabular data
basic256 website port Easy to use BASIC language and IDE for education
bastet 0.43.2_5 website port Ncurses Tetris clone which is harder than every other Tetris
bat 0.23.0_3 website port Clone of cat with syntax highlighting
batik 1.16 website port Java based SVG toolkit
batmon 0.8_6 website port GNUstep battery monitor for laptops
bats-core 1.10.0 website port Bash automated testing system
battalion 1.4b_3 website port Monsters, explosions, destruction game for X Window System
batterycat 1.6_1 website port Graphical battery monitoring tool
battmond 0.4_1 website port Daemon monitoring the battery level of ACPI-enabled laptops
battray 2.3_1 website port Display notebook battery status in tray
batv-milter 0.5.0_2 website port Milter for BATV (Bounce Address Tag Validation)
bayespam 0.9.2_1 website port Qmail spam filter written in Perl using Bayesian classification
bazel-buildtools 3.2.1_12 website port Bazel BUILD file formatter and editor
bbappconf 0.0.2_2 website port Application configuring tool for the blackbox window manager
bbdate 0.2.4_3 website port Tool made for Blackbox that displays the date in a decorated window
bbdb 3.2.2.a_5 website port Big Brother Database
bbdb-emacs_canna 3.2.2.a_5 website port Big Brother Database
bbdb-emacs_nox 3.2.2.a_5 website port Big Brother Database
bbdock 0.2.9_2 website port Application launcher for Blackbox-like window manager
bbe 0.2.2_2 website port Sed-like editor for binary files
bbftp-client 3.2.1 website port Secure file transfer suite optimized for large files (client)
bbftp-server 3.2.1 website port Secure file transfer suite optimized for large files (server)
bbjd 1.01_1 website port Beat the blackjack dealer
bbkeys 0.9.1_1 website port Keygrabber for the Blackbox window manager
bbmail 0.9.3 website port Tool intended for Blackbox that checks for new mail
bbmap 38.92 website port BBMap short read aligner, and other bioinformatic tools
bbpager 0.4.7_3 website port Pager for the Blackbox window manager
bbrun 1.6_14 website port Run box for Blackbox
bcf-score 1.16_1 website port Bcftools plugins for GWAS-VCF summary statistics files
bcftools 1.17 website port Tools for manipulating next-generation sequencing data
bcg729 1.1.1 website port Software G729A encoder and decoder library written in C
bchoppr-lv2 website port Audio stream chopping LV2 plugin
bchunk 1.2.2 website port Converts .bin/.cue files to .iso/audio
bclock 1.0_2 website port Round, analog X11 clock with Bezier curve hands
bcmatroska2 5.2.1_1 website port Belledonne Communications Matroska media container support
bcpp 20230130 website port Utility similar to indent for C++ code
bcrypt 1.1 website port Cross-platform blowfish encryption utility
bctoolbox 5.2.94 website port Belledonne Communications utility library
bcunit 5.2.62 website port Fork of defunct project CUnit, with several fixes and patches applied
bcwipe 1.9.13 website port BCWipe securely erases data from magnetic and solid-state memory
bddsolve 1.04_13 website port BDD-based satisfiability and reachability solver
bdelta 0.3.1 website port Advanced delta creator, patcher, and library
bdes 1993 website port Encrypt/decrypt using the Data Encryption Standard (DES)
bdf2sfd 1.1.8 website port BDF to SFD converter
bdfresize 1.5_2 website port Tool for resizing BDF format font
bdftopcf 1.1_2 website port Convert X font from BDF to PCF
be-aspell 0.01_1,2 website port Aspell Belarusian dictionary
beacon 1.4_4 website port Beacon active measurement tool to monitor multicast
beadm 1.3.5 website port Solaris-like utility to manage Boot Environments on ZFS
beadm-devel website port Solaris-like utility to manage Boot Environments on ZFS
beancount 2.3.5 website port Double-Entry Accounting from Text Files
beansdb website port Yet another distributed key-value storage system from Douban Inc
beanstalkd 1.12 website port Fast, distributed, in-memory workqueue service
bear 3.1.2_1 website port Tool that generates a compilation database for clang tooling
bearssl 0.6 website port Implementation of TLS/SSL in C
beav 1.40.18_3 website port Binary Editor And Viewer, a full featured binary file editor
bedtools 2.31.0 website port Toolset for genome set arithmetic such as intersect, union
bee-host 1.3.6 website port Host application for Browser's Exernal Editor extension
beebeep 5.8.4 website port Secure office (Local-area-network) chat
beecrypt 4.2.1_2 website port Open source cryptographic library
beehive 0.4.0_14 website port Flexible event/agent & automation system with lots of bees
beets 1.6.0_2 website port Media library management system for obsessive-compulsive music geeks
beforelight 1.0.5_1 website port Sample screen saver for X
belcard 5.2.94 website port vCard support library
belle-sip 5.2.94 website port SIP (RFC 3261) implementation written in C
belooted website port Popular 32-card trick-taking game played in France
belr 5.2.94 website port Language recognition library
bemenu 0.6.15 website port Dynamic menu library and client program inspired by dmenu
benchmark 1.8.2 website port Microbenchmark support library
bencodetools g20221122 website port Collection of tools for manipulating bencoded data
beret 1.2.1 website port 2D puzzle-platformer game
berry 0.1.9 website port Byte-sized, Xlib-based window manager
bestfit 0.2.0 website port Optimally choose files to be put on a CD (or other media)
bfbtester 2.0.1_1 website port Security tool for testing binaries for overflows
bfc g20150417 website port Correct sequencing errors from Illumina sequencing data
bfe2 20030723_11 website port X11 GUI for the bochs debugger (revision 2)
bfg 1.14.0 website port Removes large or troublesome blobs like git-filter-branch does
bforce-kst website port Simple ifcico like Fidonet technology mailer
bfs 3.0.1 website port Breadth-first version of the UNIX find command
bftpd 6.1 website port Very configurable FTP server that can do chroot easily
bg-aspell 4.1.0_1,2 website port Aspell Bulgarian dictionary
bg-hyphen 4.3_1 website port Bulgarian hyphenation rules
bg-mythes 4.3_1 website port Bulgarian thesaurus
bgfx 1.121.8558.454 website port Cross-platform, graphics API agnostic rendering library
bglibs 2.04_1,1 website port One stop library package by Bruce Guenter
bgpq3 0.1.36 website port Lightweight prefix-list generator for various routers
bgpq4 1.11 website port Lightweight prefix-list generator for various routers v4
bgpuma 20151209_1 website port Searching BGP update files
bgrot 1.31 website port Program to handle your X background to prevent boredom
bgs 0.8 website port Simple X11 BackGround Setter using Imlib2
bharvestr-lv2 g20201225_1 website port Granular synthesizer LV2 plugin
bhyve-rc 4 website port FreeBSD RC script for starting bhyve guests in tmux
biabam 0.9.7_2 website port Command-line attachment mailer
bib2html 6.7 website port BibTeX to HTML Translator
bibclean 3.06 website port Prettyprinter, portability verifier, and syntax checker for BibTeX
bibcursed 2.0.1 website port Simple curses-based editor for BibTeX bibliography files
bible-kjv 4.38 website port Interactive King James Bible
biblesync 2.1.0 website port Multicast shared co-navigation library for Bible programs
bibletime 2.11.2_4 website port Open source Bible study tool
biblical-curse 0.02 website port Fake biblical curse generator
biboumi 9.0_2 website port XMPP gateway to IRC
bibview 2.2_2 website port Graphical interface for manipulating BibTeX bibliography databases
bicom 1.01 website port Data compressor in the PPM family
bicon 0.5 website port Bidirectional text console
bifrost 1.2.1 website port Parallel construction, indexing and querying of de Bruijn graphs
bigyear 20010226,1 website port Program to print a large (one month per page) calendar
billardgl 1.75_2 website port OpenGL pool billiard simulation
biloba 0.9.3_5 website port Strategy board game for 2 to 4 players
binaryen 114 website port Compiler infrastructure and toolchain library for WebAssembly
binbloom 2.0.12 website port Raw binary firmware analysis software
bincimap 1.2.13_3 website port Light-weight IMAP server for Maildir
binclock 1.5 website port CLI binary clock
bind-tools 9.18.16 website port Command line tools from BIND: delv, dig, host, nslookup...
bind9-devel website port BIND DNS suite with updated DNSSEC and DNS64
bind916 9.16.42 website port BIND DNS suite with updated DNSSEC and DNS64
bind918 9.18.16 website port BIND DNS suite with updated DNSSEC and DNS64
bind_exporter 0.6.1 website port Prometheus exporter for BIND server statistics
bindgraph 0.3_1 website port RRDtool frontend for BIND statistics
bindtest 1.56_1 website port Test bind() semantics of IPv6 sockets
bined 0.2.1 website port Binary/hexadecimal editor written in Java
bingrep 0.11.0_5 website port Grep through binaries
bingrok 0.0.1 website port Binary data editor for reverse engineering
biniax2 1.30_9 website port Original logic game with arcade and tactics modes
binkd 1.1.a.115 website port Fidonet TCP/IP mailer
bino 1.6.5_8 website port 3D video player with multi-display support
binocle 0.3.1_3 website port Graphical tool to visualize binary data
binutils 2.40_4,1 website port GNU binary tools
binwalk 2.3.3 website port Search binary images for embedded files and executable code
bio-mocha 1.16 website port Bcftools plugin for mosaic chromosomal alteration analysis
bioawk 1.0.7 website port BWK awk modified for biological data
biococoa 2.2.2_8 website port Bioinformatics framework
biodiff 1.1.0_1 website port Hex diff viewer using alignment algorithms from biology
biolibc website port Low-level high-performance bioinformatics library
biolibc-tools website port High-performance bioinformatics tools based on biolibc
bioparser 3.0.15 website port C++ header-only parsing library for several formats in bioinformatics
biorythm 1.1.4 website port Simple biorhythm calculation program
bip 0.9.0.r4 website port Simple IRC proxy with SSL support
birch g20200327 website port IRC client written in bash
bird 1.6.8 website port Dynamic IP routing daemon (IPv4 version)
bird2 2.13.1 website port Dynamic IP routing daemon
bird2-netlink 2.13.1 website port Dynamic IP routing daemon
bird6 1.6.8 website port Dynamic IP routing daemon (IPv6 version)
birda 1.3 website port Bohlin's IrDA utilities, ported from NetBSD's pkgsrc
birdfont 2.32.3_2 website port Font editor for creating fonts in TTF, EOT, SVG and BIRDFONT format
birdtray 1.9.0 website port System tray new mail notification for Thunderbird
birthday 1.6.2 website port Outputs reminders for upcoming events (e.g. birthdays)
bison 3.8.2,1 website port Parser generator from FSF, (mostly) compatible with Yacc
bit 1.1.2_13 website port Modern command-line interface to Git
bitchx 1.2.1_3,1 website port Feature-rich scriptable IRC client
bitcoin 25.0 website port Virtual Peer-to-Peer Currency Client (QT)
bitcoin-daemon 25.0 website port Virtual Peer-to-Peer Currency (Daemon)
bitedit 0.9.4 website port Simple ncurses file editing program
bitefusion 1.0.2_3 website port Snake game with 8 levels
bitflu 1.52 website port BitTorrent client written in Perl
bitlbee 3.6_1 website port IRC to other chat networks gateway
bitlbee-discord website port Discord plugin for bitlbee
bitlbee-facebook 1.2.2,1 website port Facebook plugin for bitlbee
bitlbee-mastodon 1.4.5 website port Bitlbee plugin to communicate with Mastodon instances
bitlbee-steam 1.4.2 website port Steam plugin for bitlbee
bitmap 1.0.9 website port Bitmap editor and converter utilities for X
bitmap-graphics-library g20181222_1 website port Minimalistic library manipulating 24-bit per pixel bitmap images
bitmap2pp 4.35.0_1 website port Convert PNG/JPEG/TIFF to PDF/EPS
bitstream 1.5 website port Binary MPEG, DVB, IETF, etc. structures access library
bitstream-vera 1.10_8 website port Bitstream Vera TrueType font collection
bitter 2.110,1 website port Contemporary serif typeface for text designed for comfortably reading
bittwist 3.8 website port Libpcap-based Ethernet packet generator, with PCAP editor
bitwise 0.50 website port Terminal-based bit manipulator in curses
bjumblr-lv2 1.6.8_1 website port Pattern-controlled audio stream / sample re-sequencer LV2 plugin
bkmrkconv 1.12 website port Netscape bookmarks.html converter
bkpupsd 1.0a website port Simple UPS daemon for APC BK Pro(TM)
bksh 1.7 website port Backup-only shell
bkt 0.6.1_3 website port Subprocess caching utility
black-box 1.4.8_3 website port Shoot in and watch where the shot leaves the box
black-hole-solver 1.12.0 website port Black Hole Solitaire Solver
blackbox 0.70.1_7 website port Small and fast window manager for X11R6
blackbox_exporter 0.24.0 website port Prometheus exporter for endpoints over HTTP(S), DNS, TCP and ICMP
blackout g20140730 website port Stencil font inspired by filling in sans-serif newspaper headlines
blackshadeselite 0.0.1_11 website port Psychic Bodyguard FPS - protect the VIP
bladeRF 2023.02 website port BladeRF USB 3.0 Superspeed software defined radio
blahtexml 1.0 website port TeX to MathML converter designed with MediaWiki in mind
blame website port Display last modification for each line in an RCS file
blender-doc 3.5 website port Blender Documentation
bless 0.6.3_1,1 website port High-quality, full-featured hexadecimal editor
blind 1.1 website port Collection of command line video editing utilities
blinkensisters-with-addons 0.5.3_17 website port Parallax-style 2D scrolling platform game
blis 0.9.0_1 website port Software framework for high-performance BLAS-like libraries
bliss-graph-tool 0.73 website port Tool for computing automorphism groups and canonical forms of graphs
bliss-music-analyzer website port Multithreaded C library used to compute distance between songs
blitz 1.0.2_4 website port Blitz++ Multi-Dimensional Array Library for C++
bloaty 1.1_10 website port Size profiler for binaries
blobby 1.1,1 website port Official continuation of the famous Blobby Volley 1.x game
blobwars 2.00_1 website port Mission and Objective based 2D Platform Game
block 0.6 website port Small text based maze game
blockattack 2.8.0_2 website port Puzzle game inspired by Tetris
blockout 2.5_5 website port BlockOut II is an adaptation of the original Blockout DOS game
blockrage 0.2.3_6 website port Falling blocks game with 2-player hotseat mode
blocky 0.21_1 website port Fast and lightweight DNS proxy as ad-blocker
blogbench 1.1_1 website port Performance Test of Filesystem I/O
blokish 0.9.4_13 website port Clone of the strategy board game 'Blokus'
bloodfrontier b2_12 website port Single- and multi-player first-person shooter based on Cube 2
blop 0.2.8_2 website port Bandlimited oscillator plugins for LADSPA-aware audio applications
bluefish 2.2.14_1 website port HTML editor designed for the experienced web designer
bluegps-linux 2.0 website port Command line tool to download datalogs from the Royaltek RBT-3000 bluetooth GPS receiver
bluemoon 2.12 website port Blue Moon card solitaire
blueprint-compiler 0.10.0 website port Markup language for GTK user interfaces
blues g20220312 website port Blues Brothers, Jukebox Adventure, and Prehistorik 2 engine reimplementation
bluez-firmware 1.2 website port Firmware for the D-Link BCM2033 bluetooth adaptor for use by bcmfw(1)
bmake 20230723 website port Portable version of NetBSD 'make' utility
bmfdec g20211007 website port Decompile binary MOF file (BMF) from WMI buffer
bmkdep 20140112 website port Construct Makefile dependency list
bmon 4.0 website port Human-readable bandwidth monitor and rate estimator
bmp2html 0.1_6 website port BMP to HTML converter
bmpanel2 2.1.p1_2 website port Lightweight NetWM-compliant panel (taskbar) for X11
bn-aspell,2 website port Aspell Bengali dictionary
bnc 2.9.4 website port Simple IRC relay proxy with support for virtual hosting
bnf 1.6.10_1 website port Generate C parser given a grammar in BNF notation
bochs 2.7_1,2 website port IA-32 (x86) PC emulator that runs DOS, Win 95, and more
bodr 10 website port Chemistry data like element and isotope properties, atomic radii, etc
boehm-gc 8.2.4 website port Garbage collection and memory leak detection for C and C++
boehm-gc-threaded 8.2.4 website port Garbage collection and memory leak detection for C and C++
bogofilter 1.2.5_3 website port Fast, teachable, learning spam detector
bogofilter-bdb 1.2.5_3 website port Fast, teachable, learning spam detector
bogofilter-kc 1.2.5_3 website port Fast, teachable, learning spam detector
bogofilter-sqlite 1.2.5_3 website port Fast, teachable, learning spam detector
bogosort 0.4.2_2 website port Sort (or not) stdin using the bogo-sort algorithm
boiling-egg 0.02_1 website port Front-end of Egg V4
boinc-client 7.20.2_4 website port Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing client
boinc_curses 0.2.3_1 website port Console, ncurses based monitor and manager for BOINC
bolt 2.2.24 website port Sophisticated, lightweight & simple CMS
bomb-her-man 0.3_7 website port Bomberman clone written in C++
bombardier 1.2.6 website port Fast cross-platform HTTP benchmarking tool written in Go
bomberclone 0.11.9_3 website port Reimplementation of Atomic Bomber Man
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bonnie++ 1.98 website port Performance Test of Filesystem I/O
bonzomatic 2022.08.20 website port Live shader coding tool and Shader Showdown workhorse
bookworm 1.1.2_18 website port Simple, focused ebook reader
boolector 3.2.2_2 website port Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) solver
boops-lv2 1.8.2_1 website port Glitch effect sequencer LV2 plugin
boost-all 1.82.0 website port The "meta-port" for boost libraries
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boost-libs 1.82.0_1 website port Free portable C++ libraries (without Boost.Python)
boot-extract g20190614 website port Android Boot image extraction tool
bootstrap-openjdk11 website port Java Development Kit 11
bootstrap-openjdk17 website port Java Development Kit 17
bootstrap-openjdk8 r453316_2 website port Java Development Kit 8
bopm 3.1.3_3 website port Open proxy and DNSBL monitor designed for use with ircds
boringssl website port Fork of OpenSSL
bosh-bootloader 7.6.0_14 website port CLI for standing up CloudFoundry or Concourse on an IAAS
bosh-cli 5.5.0_13 website port CLI for BOSH
bossa 1.9.1 website port Flash programmer for Atmel SAM microcontrollers
bosun 0.9.0_13 website port Time series alerting framework developed by Stack Exchange
botan2 2.19.3_2 website port Portable, easy to use and efficient C++ crypto library
bottlerocket 0.04c_2 website port Home Automation Software for the X10 FireCracker kit
bottom 0.9.3_1 website port Graphical process and system monitor
bounce 1.0_8 website port Bounce TCP connections to another machine/port
bouncycastle 1.45_2 website port Cleanroom build of Java Cryptography Extensions
bouncycastle15 1.71 website port Cleanroom build of Java Cryptography Extensions
box 0.4.0_2 website port Compiler for box, the figure description language
boxes 2.2.0_1 website port Draws ASCII-art configurable boxes around text or code
boxfort 0.1.4 website port Convenient and cross-platform sandboxing C library
bpatch 1.0_1 website port Hex editor that doesn't load the whole file at once
bpft 4.20040506_1 website port BPF Traffic collector
bpl+ 1.0_1 website port B Plus file transfer protocol
bpython-py39 0.24 website port Fancy interface to the Python interpreter
bpytop 1.0.68_1 website port Linux/OSX/FreeBSD resource monitor
br-aspell 0.50.2,1 website port Aspell Breton dictionary
braincurses 1.1.0_5 website port Clone of the Mastermind game
brainparty 0.61_3 website port Family-friendly set of 36 puzzle games
brainworkshop 5.0.2_1 website port Dual N-Back mental exercise
bredbandskollen 0.20190705_1 website port Command line tool to check internet connection speed
brename 2.13.0 website port Tool for batch renaming files/directories via regular expressions
brickout 2002.06.09 website port Ball-and-paddle game
brickshooter 0.04_8 website port Push blocks on to the playing field, match block colors to remove them
brikx 0.4.5_9 website port Puzzle game - remove all tiles from the table
briquolo 0.5.7_16 website port Breakout clone with an OpenGL 3D representation
brisk-menu 0.6.2_1 website port Brisk Menu is an efficient menu for the MATE Desktop
bristol 0.60.10_8 website port Vintage synthesizers emulation for electric pianos and organs
brlaser 6.2 website port Brother laser printer driver
brogue 1.12 website port Much-loved minimalist roguelike game (community edition)
brogue-nox11 1.12 website port Much-loved minimalist roguelike game (community edition)
broot 1.22.1_2 website port Quick and easy new way to see and navigate directory trees
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brumbrumrally 0.7 website port Racing game with randomized tracks
brunsli 0.1_2 website port Lossless JPEG repacking library
brut 1.55_1 website port Multitool, Partition Editor, Manage User/Groups
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bruteblock 0.0.5_10 website port Software for blocking bruteforce attacks with ipfw
brynet 1.12.2 website port Header-only cross-platform C++ TCP network library
bschaffl-lv2 1.4.10_1 website port Groove quantizer LV2 MIDI plugin
bsd-diff 20120705_2 website port BSD-licensed version of diff from OpenBSD
bsd-plotutils 1.4.2_2 website port Traditional plotting utilities
bsd-splash-changer 060211 website port Boot Splash Image Changer
bsdadminscripts2 0.4.2 website port BSD Administration Scripts 2
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bsdcflow 0.0.6_1 website port Call graph generator for C and assembler code
bsdconfig 0.9.0_1 website port Utility to configure various aspects of FreeBSD
bsdconv 11.6 website port BSD licensed charset/encoding converter library
bsdconv-opencc 11.5 website port OpenCC conversion module for bsdconv
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bsddialog 0.4.1 website port Text User Interface Widgets
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bsdec2-image-upload 1.4.6 website port Tool for creating Amazon EC2 AMIs
bsdftpd-ssl 1.1.0_4 website port Secure FTP client/server with TLS/SSL support
bsdhwmon 20151206 website port Hardware sensor monitoring utility for FreeBSD
bsdinfo 0.22_2 website port Simple utility to display system-based information
bsdisks 0.30 website port UDisks2 service implementation for FreeBSD
bsdnt 1.0_1 website port Bignum Library
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bsdtris 1.1_2 website port BSD version of text-based Tetris game
bsequencer-lv2 1.8.10 website port Multi channel MIDI step sequencer LV2 plugin
bsfilter 1.0.19_3 website port Bayesian spam filter written in Ruby
bsh 2.1.1 website port Beanshell java scripting language
bshapr-lv2 0.13 website port Beat/envelope shaper LV2 plugin
bslizr-lv2 1.2.16 website port Sequenced audio slicing effect LV2 plugin ("step sequencer effect")
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bsp 5.2 website port Node builder for Doom
bspwm 0.9.10 website port Tiling window manager based on binary space partitioning
bspwm-devel website port Tiling window manager based on binary space partitioning
bstack 0.1_1 website port Debug tool that shows the stack trace of a running process
bstone 1.1.9_3 website port Source port of Blake Stone
bsvc 2.4.6 website port Extensible hardware simulation framework with MC68K support
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btoa 5.2_1,1 website port Encode/decode binary to printable ASCII
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btparse 0.35_1 website port C library for parsing and processing BibTeX data files
btpd 0.16_3 website port Bittorrent client consisting of a daemon and client commands
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buddy 2.4_2 website port Binary Decision Diagram library
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bullet 3.25 website port 3D collision detection and rigid body dynamics library
bullet-double 3.25 website port 3D collision detection and rigid body dynamics library
bumprace 1.5.8_1 website port Simple arcade racing game
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burgerspace 1.9.5 website port BurgerTime clone
busybox 1.36.1_1 website port Set of common utilities built as single binary
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buzhug 1.8_1 website port Pure-Python database engine
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bwa 0.7.17_1 website port Burrows-Wheeler sequence aligner
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byobu 5.133_2 website port Profile and configuration utilities for GNU Screen and/or tmux
bzflag 2.4.26_1 website port Multiplayer 3D tank battle game
bzflag-server 2.4.26_1 website port Multiplayer 3D tank battle game (server only)
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c 0.14 website port Tool to compile and run C programs like a shell script
c-a-i-r 2.19 website port Content Aware Image Resizer is an implementation of seam carving
c-ares 1.19.1 website port Asynchronous DNS resolver library
c-blosc 1.21.0 website port Blocking, shuffling and loss-less compression library
c-blosc2 2.10.0 website port High performance compressor optimized for binary data
c-icap 0.5.10_1,2 website port ICAP server implementation
c-icap-modules 0.5.5_1 website port Modules for c-icap: virus_scan and srv_url_check
c-nocem 3.7_4 website port NoCeM for C News and INN
c-sig website port Signature insertion tool for Emacs
c-sig-emacs_canna website port Signature insertion tool for Emacs
c-sig-emacs_nox website port Signature insertion tool for Emacs
c2html 0.9.6 website port C-language sources to HTML converter
c2man 2.0.42 website port Tool to generate documentation from C source code comments
c2mdoc 20040302_1 website port Script to generate mdoc(7) markup from C functions
c2ps 4.0_4 website port PostScript pretty-printer for C source
c3p0 website port Library for augmenting JDBC drivers with JNDI-bindable DataSources
c64bdf 1.0_4 website port Commodore 64 X11 fonts
ca-aspell,1 website port Aspell Catalan dictionary
ca_root_nss 3.91 website port Root certificate bundle from the Mozilla Project
cabextract 1.11 website port Program to extract Microsoft cabinet (.CAB) files
cadaver 0.23.3_4 website port Commandline client for DAV
cadical 1.6.0 website port Simple CDCL satisfiability solver
cado-nfs website port Implementation of the Number Field Sieve Algorithm
cadubi 1.3.4 website port ASCII drawing utility
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cairo-dock-plugins 3.4.1_12 website port Cairo-Dock-Plugins for Cairo-Dock
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cairomm 1.12.2_6 website port C++ interface to cairo
caja 1.26.1_3 website port File manager for the MATE desktop
caja-extensions 1.26.0_4 website port Set of extensions for Caja
cake 2005.12.26_14 website port Quake3 map viewer (and powerful 3D game engine)
cal 4.1 website port Enhanced color version of standard calendar utility
cal3d 0.11.1 website port Skeletal based 3D character animation library written in C++
calamaris 2.59_2 website port Perl script to produce statistics out of Squid log files
calamaris-devel website port Perl script to produce statistics out of Squid log files
calcoo 1.3.18_8 website port RPN and algebraic scientific calculator
caldavzap 0.13.1_1 website port CalDAV web client implementation
calendar 0.9.3 website port Port of the FreeBSD calendar program
calendar-data 2022.11 website port Calendar files for the BSD calendar program
calf-lv2 website port Calf Studio Gear: audio plug-in pack for LV2 and JACK
calibrator 0.9 website port Cache Profiling Tool
calife 3.0.6_1 website port Lightweight alternative to sudo
caliper 2.10.0 website port Instrumentation and performance profiling library
cam 1.02 website port Cpu's Audio Mixer [curses based]
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caneda 0.3.1 website port EDA software suite focused on ease of use and portability
cannonball 0.34_2 website port Enhanced OutRun Engine
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canta-icon-theme 2020.05.17 website port Flat icons for Canta GTK theme
cantarell-fonts 0.301 website port Cantarell, a Humanist sans-serif font family
cantata 2.5.0_3 website port Graphical client for MPD using Qt5
canu 2.2_3 website port Single molecule sequence assembler
caph 1.1_6 website port Physics-based sandbox game
capnproto 0.10.3 website port Serialization/RPC system
capnproto080 0.8.0 website port Serialization/RPC system
caps-plugins 0.4.5_1 website port The C* LADSPA Audio Plugin Suite
capstone 5.0.p1 website port Multi-platform, multi-architecture disassembly framework
capstone3 3.0.5_1 website port Multi-platform, multi-architecture disassembly framework
capstone4 4.0.2 website port Multi-platform, multi-architecture disassembly framework
carbon-relay-ng 0.10.0_1 website port Go implementation of carbonapi
carbonapi 0.14.1_13 website port Go implementation of carbonapi
carbonzipper 0.74_12 website port Proxy between carbonapi and go-carbon
cardpeek 0.8.4_1 website port Tool for reading the contents of ISO 7816 smart cards
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cargo-audit 0.17.6_1 website port Audit Cargo.lock for crates with security vulnerabilities
cargo-bloat 0.11.1_5 website port Find out what takes most of the space in your executable
cargo-c 0.9.22 website port Cargo C-ABI helpers
cargo-generate 0.18.3_1 website port Quickly generate Rust project templates from existing git repositories
caribou 0.4.21_6 website port Gnome On-Screen keyboard
cartotheque 0.1_12 website port Managing notes on small cards
cascade 1.4 website port Simple tool to analyze noise and distortion of a RF system
cascade-compiler g20200105.1 website port Just-In-Time Compiler for Verilog from VMware Research
cascadia-code 2111.01 website port Monospaced font with programming ligatures
cask 0.8.3_11 website port Project management tool for Emacs
cask-emacs_canna 0.8.3_11 website port Project management tool for Emacs
cask-emacs_nox 0.8.3_11 website port Project management tool for Emacs
cast2gif website port Tool to render Asciinema cast files to GIFs
castget website port Command-line podcast downloader
castxml 0.6.1 website port C-family Abstract Syntax Tree XML Output
cataclysm-dda 0.f,1 website port Roguelike set in a post-apocalyptic world
cataclysm-dda-tiles 0.f,1 website port Roguelike set in a post-apocalyptic world
catatonit 0.1.7_2 website port A signal-forwarding process manager for containers
catch 2.13.10 website port Header-only test framework for C++
catch2 3.4.0 website port Test framework for C++ (3.x series)
catclock g20200328 website port Kit-cat xclock
catdoc 0.95 website port MS Word/Excel converter to plain ASCII or TeX. TK viewer included
catdvi 0.14_7 website port DVI to text/plain translator
catesc 0.6_1 website port Escape of the cat - hardcore oldschool platformer
catfish 4.16.4_9 website port GTK search utility
catimg 2.7.0 website port Insanely fast image printing in your terminal
catseye-fm website port Clear, fast, powerful file browser using gtk+2.0
catsit 1.4 website port Process supervisor
cave9 0.4.1.git20150408_2 website port Gravity cave-exploration game
cavezofphear 0.6.1 website port Boulder Dash / Digger-like game for consoles/terminals
cbang 1.8.0_1 website port C! (cbang) is a library of cross-platform C++ utilities
cbfmt 0.2.0_6 website port Tool to format codeblocks inside markdown and org documents
cbrowser 0.8_4 website port Graphical front end for cscope and cscope clones
cbsd-mq-api 0.3_12 website port Simplified API for creating and destroying CBSD virtual environments
cbsd-mq-router 0.2_13 website port CBSD message queue router
cbviewer 0.8_3 website port Comic book viewer for comic book archives in cbz, cbr, zip, rar
cc65 2.19 website port Cross-compiler for 6502-based systems
ccache 3.7.12_4 website port Tool to minimize the compile time of C/C++ programs
ccache-static 3.7.12_4 website port Tool to minimize the compile time of C/C++ programs
ccache4 4.8 website port Tool to minimize the compile time of C/C++ programs
ccaudio2 2.2.0_5 website port C++ class framework for manipulating audio files
cccc 3.2.0 website port C and C++ Code Counter
ccd2iso 0.9_1 website port CloneCD to ISO converter
ccdoc 0.8r41 website port Extracting comments from C++ source and generating HTML
ccid 1.5.1 website port Generic driver for USB CCID and ICCD
cclient 2007f_5,1 website port C-client mail access routines by Mark Crispin
ccls 0.20230115 website port C/C++/ObjC language server
ccmath 2.2.1_3 website port Mathematics library with many different functions
ccmix g20170612_2 website port Westwood Studios MIX format file manipulator
ccrtp 2.1.2 website port Implementation of the real-time transport protocol
ccrypt 1.11 website port Command-line utility for encrypting and decrypting files and streams
ccsrch 1.0.3_1 website port Is a tool that searches for credit card numbers (PAN) and track data
cctz 2.2_3 website port C++ library for handling dates, times, and time zones
ccxstream 1.0.15_4 website port Stream media files to XBox Media Center via XBMSP
ccze 0.2.1_5 website port Fast log colorizer
cd-discid 0.9 website port Backend utility to retrieve CDDB discid information
cd-hit 4.8.1_2 website port Clustering and comparing protein or nucleotide sequences
cdargs 1.35 website port Navigate the filesystem using a menu interface or a bookmark system
cdash 2.2.3_2 website port Web-based software testing server
cdbfasta 2023.07.10 website port Fast indexing and retrieval of FASTA records from flat file databases
cddb-bundle 0.2_12 website port CDDB client bundle GNUstep
cddlib 0.94m website port C-library implementation of the Double Description Method
cdecl 13.1 website port Explains complicated C/C++ declarations in plain English
cdeploy 0.2.1 website port Deploy a set of configuration files to a target file system
cdialog 1.3.20230209,2 website port Enhanced version of 'dialog' to work with ncurses
cdif 2.14.20170401 website port Word context visualizer of DIFF output
cdircmp 0.3 website port Compare directories and select files to copy
cdk 5.0.20161210,1 website port Curses Development Kit for speedy development of full screen programs
cdk-chemistry 2.7.1 website port Chemistry Development Kit
cdlabelgen 4.3.0 website port Generate postscript for frontcards and traycards for CDs
cdogs-sdl 1.5.0 website port Classic overhead run-and-gun game
cdparanoia 3.9.8_10 website port CDDA extraction tool (also known as ripper)
cdpd website port Daemon to send CDP/LLDP announces over ethernet
cdpr 2.4 website port Cisco Discovery Protocol Reporter
cdpsnarf 0.1.6_1 website port Tool to extract information from CDP packets
cdrdao 1.2.5 website port Record CD-R[W]s in disk-at-once mode
cdroot 1.2.6 website port Scripts automating setup of a bootable CD-ROM based FreeBSD system
cego 2.48.28 website port Relational and transactional database system
cegobridge 1.6.4 website port Imports non-cego database dump files into cego
celestia-glut 1.6.1_14 website port Scriptable space flight simulator for X11
celestia-gtk 1.6.1_14 website port Scriptable space flight simulator for X11
celluloid 0.25_1 website port Simple GTK+ frontend for mpv
cemu 1.3_1 website port TI-84 Plus CE and TI-83 Premium CE calculator emulator
cenon 4.0.2_6,1 website port Vector graphics tool for GNUstep
centerim 4.22.10_6 website port Text mode menu- and window-driven IM interface
centreon-clib 21.04.4 website port Common library of all Centreon projects written in C or C++
cereal 1.3.2_1 website port C++11 library for serialization
certmgr 3.0.3_13 website port Automated certificate management using a CFSSL CA
ceylon 1.3.3 website port Language for writing large programs in teams
cf 6.49.0_13 website port CLI for Cloud Foundry written in Go
cfdg 3.4.1_3 website port Context Free Design Grammar compiler
cfengine 3.22.0 website port Systems administration tool for networks
cfengine-devel 3.2023.07.28 website port Systems administration tool for networks
cfengine-masterfiles 3.22.0 website port cfengine sample policies for installations and upgrades
cfengine-masterfiles-devel 3.2023.07.24 website port cfengine sample policies for installations and upgrades
cfengine-masterfiles320 3.20.0 website port cfengine sample policies for installations and upgrades
cfengine-masterfiles321 3.21.2 website port cfengine sample policies for installations and upgrades
cfengine-masterfiles322 3.22.0 website port cfengine sample policies for installations and upgrades
cfengine320 3.20.0 website port Systems administration tool for networks
cfengine321 3.21.2 website port Systems administration tool for networks
cfengine322 3.22.0 website port Systems administration tool for networks
cfiles 1.8.6_28 website port Ncurses file manager written in C with vim-like keybindings
cfitsio 4.2.0 website port Library for reading and writing files in FITS data format
cflow 2.0_1 website port Call graph generator for C code
cflow2vcg 0.5_1 website port Convert the result of the cflow utility in a VCG format
cfortran 4.3 website port Easy-to-use powerful bridge between C and FORTRAN
cfr 0.152 website port Class File Reader (CFR) Java decompiler
cg 0.4 website port Semi-automatic newsgroup binary downloader
cg3 1.3.6_6 website port Tools for the Constraint Grammar formalism
cgdb 0.8.0 website port Curses-based interface to the GNU Debugger
cgi-lib 1.4_1 website port ANSI C Library for CGI Programming
cgi-lib_pl 2.18_1 website port De facto standard library for creating CGI in perl
cgichk 2.60_1 website port Web site vulnerability scanner
cgif 0.3.2 website port GIF encoder written in C
cgiirc 0.5.12 website port IRC web gateway written in Perl
cgilib 0.7_1 website port Library of procedures for developing CGI programs in C
cgit 1.2.3 website port Fast, lightweight web frontend for Git repositories
cgiwrap 4.1 website port Securely execute Web CGI scripts
cglm 0.9.0 website port Highly optimized graphics math (glm) for C
cgoban 1.9.14_4 website port Internet Go Server client and game editor
cgribex 1.9.4_3 website port Lightweight GRIBEX in C with portable Fortran interface
chaco 2.2 website port Software for partitioning graphs
chafa 1.12.5_3 website port Character art facsimile generator
chaoskube 0.28.0_1 website port Chaoskube periodically kills random pods in your Kubernetes cluster
chaosreader 0.96 website port Tool to extract data from tcpdump logs
chapping 0.43_14 website port Turn based board football game
charls 2.4.2 website port C++ JPEG-LS library implementation
charmtimetracker 1.12.0_7 website port Time tracker
chart 3.0.0_13 website port CLI tool to create quick plots
charva 1.1.4_6 website port Java Windowing Toolkit for Text Terminals
chatgpt-shell-cli g20230516 website port Shell script to use OpenAI's ChatGPT and DALL-E from the terminal
chatgpt-shell-cli-nox11 g20230516 website port Shell script to use OpenAI's ChatGPT and DALL-E from the terminal
chatterino2 2.4.1 website port Twitch chat client
cheat 4.4.0_6 website port Create and view interactive cheatsheets on the command-line
check 0.15.2 website port Unit test framework for C
check_logfiles 4.1.1 website port Nagios plugin which scans log files for specific patterns
check_mk_agent 2.1.0.p22 website port Checkmk agent to monitor *nix style systems
check_multi 0.26_1 website port Multi-purpose wrapper plugin for Nagios
check_mysql_health 2.2.2 website port Nagios plugin to check various parameters of a MySQL database
check_nwc_health website port Nagios plugin to monitor network equipment via SNMP
check_ssl_cert 2.37.0 website port Nagios/Icinga plugin for checking SSL/TLS certificates
check_ups_health website port Nagios plugin to check various UPS systems
checkbashisms 2.22.2 website port Check for the presence of bashisms
checkbot 1.80_2 website port WWW link verifier, similar to momspider
checkheaders 1.0.1_1 website port Checks headers in C/C++ programs
checkmate 0.21 website port Command-line utility for checking mp3 files for errors
checkpassword-pam 0.99_1 website port Implementation of checkpassword authentication program
checkrestart 0.5.0_1 website port Find processes that need restarting after an upgrade
cheese 41.1_3 website port Photobooth-inspired app for taking pictures and videos from webcam
chef 19930426 website port Feelter thet cunferts Ingleesh text tu Muck Cheenese-a
chemical-mime-data 0.1.94_10 website port Collection of chemical MIME types for UNIX desktops
chems 0.x04_1 website port The geekest content helper management system
chemtool 1.6.14_4 website port Draw organic molecules easily and store them
chemtool-devel 1.7.20050716_12 website port Drawing organic molecules easily and store them (developer version)
cheri-desktop-hybrid-extras 20230914 website port Meta-port with hybrid ABI applications for the CHERI desktop environment.
chexedit 0.9.7_2 website port Full screen text mode Hex editor using the [n]curses library
chgrep 1.2.4 website port Fast string substitution across multiple files
chiapos 1.0.3 website port Chia proof of space plotting, proving, and verifying (cmake part)
chibi-scheme 0.10.0 website port Minimal Scheme implementation for use as a C extension language
chicago95 website port Classic Redmond theme
chicken 5.3.0,1 website port Scheme-to-C compiler
chipvault 200607 website port Project organizer for VHDL and Verilog RTL hardware designs
chirp-py39 20230731 website port Free, open-source tool for programming your amateur radio
chisel 1.8.1_1 website port Fast TCP tunnel over HTTP
chkascii 2.4 website port Check an ASCII text file for invalid characters
chkrootkit 0.58b website port Tool to locally check for signs of a rootkit
chmlib 0.40_1 website port Library for dealing with Microsoft ITSS/CHM format files
chmview 2.0b4_2 website port Extractor from .chm files
chntpw 140201 website port Utility to set the password and edit registry on Microsoft NT system
chocolate-doom 3.0.1_1 website port Doom/Heretic/Hexen/Strife engine port compatible with the originals
chomsky 2.3 website port New York Times masthead, reimagined as a full font
choose 1.3.4_4 website port Human-friendly and fast alternative to cut and (sometimes) awk
choparp 20150613 website port Simple proxy arp daemon
chordpack 0.8.1_2 website port Script to convert ChordPro files to HTML, ASCII, and TeX
chpp 0.3.5_7 website port Non-intrusive full-featured text preprocessor
chroma 1.20 website port Abstract puzzle game
chroma-syntax-highlighter 0.9.2_13 website port General purpose syntax highlighter in pure Go
chromaprint website port AcoustID audio fingerprinting library
chromium 115.0.5790.110_1 website port Google web browser based on WebKit
chromium-bsu website port Arcade-style, top-scrolling space shooter
chromono 1.1.1 website port Circular color puzzle
chrono-time-tracking website port Fast time tracking tool made with love
chrony 4.3 website port System clock synchronization client and server
chrony-lite 4.3 website port System clock synchronization client and server (lite)
chroot_safe 1.4_1 website port LD_PRELOAD wrapper to safely chroot(2) any program
chrootuid 1.3 website port Simple wrapper that combines chroot(8) and su(1) into one program
chruby 0.3.9 website port Changes the current Ruby
chryzodus 0.32_4 website port Chryzode (http// explorer
chu 0.1.29 website port Synchronise computer clock to CHU radio station
chuffed 0.12.1 website port Lazy clause generation CP solver for MiniZinc
chyves 0.2.0 website port bhyve front-end manager
cidr 2.3.2_1 website port RFC 1878 subnet calculator / helper
cim 3.37_2 website port Compiler for the SIMULA programming language
cineencoder 3.5.5_1 website port HDR-aware multimedia file converter
cingb 0.32_1 website port Yet another Nintendo Game Boy emulator
cinnamon-control-center 5.4.6_2 website port Control center for Cinnamon
cinnamon-desktop 5.4.2_2 website port Additional UI API for cinnamon
cinnamon-menus 5.4.0 website port Additional UI API for cinnamon
cinnamon-screensaver 5.4.2_2 website port Cinnamon screen saver and locker
cinnamon-session 5.4.0_1 website port Session component for the cinnamon desktop
cinnamon-settings-daemon 5.4.4_2 website port Cinnamon desktop settings daemon
cinnamon-translations 5.4.2 website port Translations for the cinnamon desktop
cinny 2.2.6 website port Yet another Matrix client for the web
circuslinux 1.0.3_14 website port "Circus Linux!" is a clone of the Atari 2600 game "Circus Atari"
cirrus-cli 0.101.2 website port Command line interface for Cirrus CI
ciscoconf 1.1 website port Fetches configuration from Cisco routers and stores them under RCS
ciso 1.0.0_2 website port Tool to compress ISO images to CSO format
cityhash 1.1.1_1 website port Family of hash functions
civetweb 1.15 website port Embedded C/C++ web server
cjdns 21.1_1 website port Routing engine designed for security, scalability, speed
ck4up 1.4_1 website port Check HTTP and FTP sites for updates
ckeditor 4.21.0 website port WYSIWYG editor to be used inside web page
ckpass 0.2 website port Ncurses based password database client
cksfv 1.3.15 website port Create or manipulate Simple File Verification (SFV) checksum files
cl-asdf,2 website port System definition facility for Common Lisp
cl-clx website port X11 client library for Common Lisp
cl-infix 19960628_3 website port Lisp macro for reading math expressions in infix form
cl-lml 2.5.7_2 website port Lisp Markup Language
cl-md5 1.8.5_1 website port Native MD5 implementation in Common Lisp
cl-meta 0.1_3,1 website port Parser generator for Common Lisp
cl-port 2002.10.02.1_3 website port Cross-Lisp portability package
cl-ppcre 2.1.1 website port Portable Perl-Compatible Regular Expression for Common Lisp
cl-split-sequence 20011114.1_2 website port Partitioning Common Lisp sequences
cl-trivial-features 2010.01.16_1 website port Ensures consistent *FEATURES* in Common Lisp
cl-trivial-gray-streams 2008.11.02_1 website port Thin compatibility layer for Gray streams
clad 1.2 website port Automatic differentiation for C/C++
clamassassin 1.2.4_7 website port Simple virus filter wrapper for ClamAV
clamav 1.1.0_2,1 website port Open-source (GPL) anti-virus engine (Regular Feature Release)
clamav-lts 1.0.1_2,1 website port Open-source (GPL) anti-virus engine (LTS Feature Release)
clamav-unofficial-sigs 7.2.5_2 website port Update script for third-party ClamAV databases
clamd-stream-client 1.3 website port Standalone clamav client
clamsmtp 1.10_5 website port ClamAV anti-virus SMTP Filter
clamtk 6.14_1 website port GTK front-end for Clam Antivirus
clash 1.17.0 website port Rule-based tunnel in Go
clasp 3.3.5 website port Answer set solver for (extended) normal logic programs
classiclooks 2.2.0_1 website port Retro theme providing a consistent look for all standard GUI toolkits
claws-mail-plugins 3.19.0 website port claws-mail plugins meta-port
claws-mail-themes 20140629 website port Claws Mail icon themes
clawsker 1.3.5 website port Applet to edit Claws Mail's hidden preferences
clazy 1.11_2 website port Qt oriented code checker based on clang
clblas 2.10_15 website port Software library containing BLAS functions written in OpenCL
cld2 20150505 website port Compact language detector library
cldr-emoji-annotation website port Emoji annotation files in CLDR
clean 3.4 website port Automatically remove unwanted files
cleanfeed 20200402 website port Spam filter for Usenet news servers
cleanfeed-current 20200402 website port Spam filter for Usenet news servers
cleanup-maildir 0.3.1 website port Script for cleaning up mails in Maildir folders based on arival date
clearlooks 0.6.2_14 website port GTK+ 2.x engine based on Bluecurve
clearlooks-metacity 2.0_7 website port Clearlooks Metacity theme
clearlooks-phenix-theme 7.0.1 website port Gtk3 port of Clearlooks theme for the Xfce Desktop
clearlooks-themes 0.6.2_14 website port Clearlooks themes with the engine coming from gtk-engines2
clearlooks-themes-extras 0.6_9 website port Extras colour schemes for Clearlooks engine theme
clearsans 1.00_2 website port Versatile OpenType font for screen, print, and Web
clearsilver 0.10.5_1 website port Fast, powerful, and language-neutral template system
clewn 1.14_3 website port Clewn provides Gdb support within Vim
clex 4.7 website port Command line file manager
clhep website port Object-oriented toolkit for particle physics applications by CERN
cli 2.1.0 website port Library for interactive command line interfaces in modern C++
cli-visualizer 1.8.27_2 website port CLI based audio visualizer
cli11 2.3.2 website port Command line parser for C++11 and beyond
cli53 0.8.22_2 website port Command line tool for Amazon Route 53
clifm 1.13 website port Non-curses, KISS file manager for the terminal
clig website port Auto-generate an (argc, argv) processor, usage message, and manpage
cligen 6.2.0 website port Command-line interface generator
climm 0.7.1_12 website port CLI-based Multi-Messenger
clinfo website port Print information about all available OpenCL platforms/devices
clingcon 5.2.0 website port Extension of clingo to handle constraints over integers
clingo 5.6.2 website port Grounder and solver for logic programs
clipcat 0.5.0_6 website port Clipcat is a clipboard manager written in Rust
cliphist 0.4.0_1 website port Wayland clipboard manager
clipit 1.4.5_1 website port Lightweight GTK+ clipboard manager forked from parcellite
clipman 1.6.2 website port Simple clipboard manager for Wayland
clipmenu 6.2.0 website port Clipboard management using dmenu, rofi or fzf
clipnotify website port Program to notify on new X clipboard events
clipp 1.2.3 website port Command line interfaces for modern C++
clips 6.30 website port Tool for Building Expert Systems
cliquer 1.22 website port Routines for clique searching
clisp-hyperspec 7.0 website port Common Lisp reference in HTML format, from LispWorks Ltd
clixon 6.2.0 website port YANG-based toolchain including CLI, NETCONF and RESTCONF interfaces
cln 1.3.6 website port Class Library for Numbers
cloak 0.3.0_14 website port Command line OTP Authenticator application
cloc 1.96 website port Count lines of code
clog 1.6 website port Tcp connection logger daemon
clojure website port Dynamic programming language for the JVM
clojure-cider 1.7.0_5 website port Clojure IDE and REPL for Emacs
clojure-cider-emacs_canna 1.7.0_5 website port Clojure IDE and REPL for Emacs
clojure-cider-emacs_nox 1.7.0_5 website port Clojure IDE and REPL for Emacs
clojure-mode.el 5.11.0_10,1 website port Emacs lisp module for the Clojure language
clojure-mode.el-emacs_canna 5.11.0_10,1 website port Emacs lisp module for the Clojure language
clojure-mode.el-emacs_nox 5.11.0_10,1 website port Emacs lisp module for the Clojure language
clone 1.0.8 website port File tree cloning tool
clonehdd 2.0.3_1 website port Tool for clone HDD on FreeBSD
cloog 0.21.1 website port Code generator in the polyhedral model
closql 1.2.1_5 website port Store EIEIO objects using EmacSQL
closql-devel website port Store EIEIO objects using EmacSQL
closql-devel-emacs_canna website port Store EIEIO objects using EmacSQL
closql-devel-emacs_nox website port Store EIEIO objects using EmacSQL
closql-emacs_canna 1.2.1_5 website port Store EIEIO objects using EmacSQL
closql-emacs_nox 1.2.1_5 website port Store EIEIO objects using EmacSQL
cloudabi 0.19 website port Constants, types and data structures used by CloudABI
cloudabi-toolchain 1.11_2 website port C and C++ toolchain for CloudABI
cloudabi-utils 0.38_2 website port Utilities for running CloudABI programs
cloudquery 0.32.0 website port Transform cloud infrastructure into queryable SQL tables
clpbar 1.11.1 website port Command Line Progress Bar
clpeak 1.1.2 website port Benchmarking tool to measure peak capabilities of opencl devices
clsync 0.4.r2_2 website port Live file sync daemon based on inotify, written in GNU C
clthreads 2.4.2_1 website port C++ wrapper library around the POSIX threads API
cltune 2.7.0_2 website port Library to tune OpenCL kernels
clucene website port C++ port of Lucene
clunk 1.3.261_1 website port Real-time 3D sound generation library
clustal-omega 1.2.4 website port Multiple alignment of nucleic acid and protein, replaces clustalw
clustalw 2.1_3 website port Multiple alignment program for DNA or proteins
clusterit 2.5 website port Collection of clustering tools
clusterssh 4.16 website port Controls multiple hosts simultaneously via xterms and ssh
clutter 1.26.4_1 website port OpenGL based interactive canvas library
clutter-gst 2.0.18_2 website port Clutter GStreamer integration
clutter-gst3 3.0.27_2 website port Clutter GStreamer integration
clutter-gtk3 1.8.4_2 website port GTK+ Integration library for Clutter
cluttermm 1.17.3_5 website port C++ interfaces for clutter
clxclient 3.9.2 website port C++ wrapper library around the X Window System API
cmake 3.26.1 website port Meta-port to connect all CMake bits
cmake-core 3.26.1_1 website port Cross-platform Makefile generator
cmake-doc 3.26.1 website port HTML and Qt Creator helpfiles for CMake
cmake-fedora 2.9.2 website port Set of cmake modules for fedora developers
cmake-man 3.26.1 website port Manual pages for CMake
cmake-modules-webos 1.0.b website port CMake modules needed to build WebOS components
cmark 0.30.2 website port CommonMark parsing and rendering library and program in C
cmatrix 2.0 website port Show a scrolling 'Matrix' like screen
cmdftp 0.9.8 website port Command line shell-like FTP client
cmdwatch 0.2.0_2 website port Watches the output from a command at specified intervals
cmios9 2.1 website port Ftp-like access to Fairlight image files and devices
cmocka 1.1.5 website port Unit testing framework for C with support for mock objects
cmockery2 1.3.8 website port Cmockery2 revival of Cmockery unit test framework from Google
cmogstored 1.8.1 website port Alternative mogstored implementation for MogileFS
cmph 2.0_1 website port Minimal perfect hashes for C
cmt 1.16_1 website port The Computer Music Toolkit - a collection of LADSPA plugins
cmunge 1.0_2 website port Tool for encrypting and compacting C source code
cnagios-nagios3 0.33_1 website port Curses-based interface for nagios
cnagios-nagios4 0.33_1 website port Curses-based interface for nagios
cncli 5.3.2_3 website port A community-based cardano-node CLI tool
cnd 0.7_1 website port Console network display
cnews cr.g_20 website port News server
cntlm 0.92.3 website port NTLM / NTLM Session Response / NTLMv2 authenticating HTTP proxy
cobalt-site-generator 0.19.0_1 website port Static site generator written in Rust
coccinella 0.96.20_2 website port Jabber client with whiteboard communication
cocoalib 0.99800 website port C++ library for doing Computations in Commutative Algebra
cocogitto 5.4.0_1 website port Conventional commits toolbox
cocor 1.7_3 website port Compiler generator that combines the functionality of lex and yacc
cocot 20120313_1 website port Code Converter on TTY
code-minimap 0.6.4_4 website port High performance code minimap render
code2000 1.171_3 website port Shareware demo Unicode TrueType font
code2html 0.9.1_1 website port Sourcecode to HTML converter
codeblocks 20.03_6 website port Open source, cross-platform, free C/C++ IDE
codec2 1.0.3_1 website port Low bit rate codec
codequery 0.26.0 website port Code understanding, browsing and search tool
codesearch 1.1.0_12 website port Fast (indexed) text search tool from Google
codespell 2.2.5 website port Source code spelling checker
codeville 0.1.18 website port Anarchic control version system without unnecessary re-merges
codeworker 4.5.3 website port Versatile parsing tool and source code generator
coeurl 0.3.0 website port Simple async wrapper around CURL for C++
coffeescript 2.7.0_1 website port Unfancy JavaScript
cogl 1.22.8_1 website port Clutter OpenGL abstraction library
coin-or-Data-Netlib 1.2.9 website port COIN-OR netlib models
coin-or-Data-Sample 1.2.12 website port COIN-OR data samples
coin-or-Data-Stochastic 1.1.7 website port COIN-OR stochastic models
coin-or-asl 2.0.0 website port COIN-OR autotools harness to build AMPL Solver Library
coin-or-creme g20210114 website port Randomized thermal relaxation method for MaxFS problems
collada-dom 2.5.0_8 website port COLLADA Document Object Model (DOM) C++ Library
colly 2.1.0_12 website port Elegant scraper and crawler framework for Golang
colm website port Colm Programming Language
colobot 0.2.0_6 website port Educational game aiming to teach programming to kids
color g20210207 website port C++ header-only library for color conversion and manipulation
color-widgets-qt5 2.2.0 website port Qt (C++) widgets to manage color inputs
colorcode 0.8.5_2 website port Advanced MasterMind game and solver
colord 1.4.6 website port Manage color profiles to accurately color input/output devices
colord-gtk 0.3.0_1 website port Manage color profiles to accurately color input/output devices
colordiff 1.0.21 website port Tool to colorize diff output
colorgcc 1.4.5 website port Perl script to colorize the terminal output of GCC
colorize 0.3.4_3 website port Robust log colorizer
colormake 0.9_1 website port Wrapper to color gmake output
colortail 0.3.3_1 website port tail(1) replacement with color support
coloursum 0.2.0_6 website port Colourise your checksum output
colpack website port Graph Coloring Algorithm Package
colt 1.2.0_1 website port Java package for scalable scientific and technical computing
columns 1.2b_9 website port Nice little implementation of columns game for X Window System
colwide 0.01 website port Utility which outputs a number of characters to the screen
comfortaa-ttf 3.001_1 website port Stylish, modern and free sans-serif true type font
comic-neue 2.51 website port Free Comic Sans alternative
commit-patch 2.6 website port Commit patches or partial workspace changes to a VCS repository
commoncpp 1.8.1_3,2 website port GNU project portable class framework for C++
compat.el website port Compatibility library for Emacs Lisp
compat.el-emacs_canna website port Compatibility library for Emacs Lisp
compat.el-emacs_nox website port Compatibility library for Emacs Lisp
compat12x-aarch64 12.2.1202000.20210406 website port Convenience package to install the compat12x libraries
compiler-rt 0.r131639 website port Compiler runtime library with Blocks support
compiz 0.8.8_15 website port Compiz Composite/Window Manager
compiz-bcop 0.8.8_2 website port Code generator for Compiz Fusion Plugins
compiz-plugins-extra 0.8.8_12 website port Plugins for Compiz Composite Window Manager
compiz-plugins-main 0.8.8_11 website port Plugins for Compiz Composite Window Manager
compiz-plugins-unsupported 0.8.8_10 website port Plugins for Compiz Composite Window Manager
compton 20160907_6 website port Feature-rich compositing window manager for X11
compton-conf 0.16.0_1 website port Controls compton settings
comrak 0.18.0_1 website port CommonMark + GFM compatible Markdown parser and renderer
comserv 1.4.4 website port Access local serial ports via network connections
conan 2.0.9 website port C/C++ package manager
conauto 2.03 website port Program for graph isomorphism testing & automorphism group computation
concentration 1.2_12 website port Find all matching pairs of icons as fast as possible
concordance 1.5 website port Command-line Logitech Harmony configuration tool
concorde 20031219 website port Combinatorial Optimization package
concurrencpp 0.1.7 website port C++ concurrency library: tasks, executors, timers, C++20 coroutines
concurrentqueue 1.0.4 website port Fast C++11 multi-producer multi-consumer lock-free concurrent queue
cone 1.11 website port Console based mail client with POP3/IMAP/SMAP support
confctl 1.2 website port Utility to parse and modify C-like configuration files
confetti 0.0.20120801 website port Configuration file parser generator
confget 5.1.0 website port Read variables from INI-style configuration files
confregdecode 1.2.1_3 website port Cisco Systems IOS(tm) configuration register decoder
conmon 2.1.7_3 website port OCI container runtime monitor
connectagram 1.3.4_1 website port Word unscrambling game
connectfive 1.0.2_9 website port Place five pieces in a row on a 3D board
cons 2.2.0_3 website port Perl-based Make Replacement
cons-test 2.2.0_4 website port Test bed for `Cons' development
conserver-com 8.2.7 website port Application that allows multiple users to watch serial consoles
consolamono-ttf 20130127_2 website port Monospace font created for programming, text editors and terminal-use
consolekit2 1.2.5_1 website port Framework for defining and tracking users
construo 0.2.3_2 website port Fun construction toy
consul 1.16.0 website port Service discovery and configuration made easy
consul-alerts 0.6.0_12 website port Simple daemon to send notifications based on Consul health checks
consul-replicate 0.4.0_12 website port Consul cross-DC KV replication daemon
consul-template 0.32.0 website port Generic template rendering and notifications with Consul
consul_exporter 0.3.0_12 website port Exporter for Consul metrics
containernetworking-plugins 0.3 website port Networking plugins for container networking support
containers-common 0.53.0 website port Common manpages and config files for podman and buildah
contractor 0.3.5 website port Desktop-wide extension service
controllermap 2.28.2 website port Game controller mapping generator
convco 0.4.1 website port Conventional commit CLI
converseen website port Easy to use graphics conversion utility
convertall 0.8.0_7 website port Another unit converter
convey 0.3_3 website port Instant Message (IM) program using the Jabber protocol
convmv 2.05 website port Convert filenames from one encoding to another
cool-retro-term 1.1.1_2 website port Terminal emulator which mimics old cathode displays
cooledit 4.1.2 website port CoolEdit Programmers Code Editor
coolmail 1.3_3 website port Xbiff like mail tool with animated 3D graphics
coolreader 3.2.55_2 website port E-book reader
coordgenlibs 3.0.2 website port Schrodinger-developed 2D coordinate generation
coovachilli 1.0.12_1 website port Access controller for wired & wireless clients
coppermine 1.6.25_1 website port Web picture gallery script
copperspice 1.7.4_2 website port First class GUI library to unite the C++ community
copperspice-examples 1.7.4_2 website port Example programs for Copperspice
copyq-qt5 7.0.0_3 website port Qt5 based clipboard manager
copyq-qt6 7.0.0_3 website port Qt6 based clipboard manager
coredns 1.10.1_2 website port DNS server that chains plugins
coregarage 4.3.0_2 website port Settings manager for C Suite
coreos-ct 0.9.0_12 website port Container Linux Config Transpiler
coreos-etcd 2.3.8_18 website port Highly-available key value store and service discovery
coreos-etcd34 3.4.18_15 website port Highly-available key value store and service discovery
coreterminal 4.3.0_3 website port Terminal emulator from the CoreApps family
coreutils 9.1 website port Free Software Foundation core utilities
corkscrew 2.0_1 website port HTTP tunnelling utility for SSH
corrade 2020.06.1214_1 website port C++11/C++14 multiplatform utility library
corrupter 1.0_12 website port Simple image glitcher for screen lockers
corsixth 0.66_2 website port Open source clone of Theme Hospital
cos 2002.11.05_3,1 website port The O'Reilly package of utility classes for servlet developers
cosmoplayer 2.1.1_2 website port Java classes to support VRML
cosmosmash 1.4.8 website port Clone of the Intellivision(TM) game Astrosmash(TM)
countdown 20150606 website port Counts down a specified time interval, beeps, then exits
courier-analog 0.21 website port Courier log analyzer
courier-authlib 0.72.0 website port Meta-port for the courier authentication library
courier-authlib-base 0.72.0 website port Courier authentication library base
courier-authlib-ldap 0.72.0 website port LDAP support for the Courier authentication library
courier-authlib-mysql 0.72.0 website port MySQL support for the Courier authentication library
courier-authlib-pgsql 0.72.0 website port PostgreSQL support for the Courier authentication library
courier-authlib-sqlite 0.72.0 website port SQLite support for the Courier authentication library
courier-authlib-userdb 0.72.0 website port Userdb support for the Courier authentication library
courier-authlib-usergdbm 0.72.0 website port Userdb support for the Courier authentication library
courier-authlib-vchkpw 0.72.0 website port Vpopmail/vchkpw support for the Courier authentication library
courier-imap 5.2.4,2 website port IMAP (and POP3) server that provides access to Maildir mailboxes
courier-prime g20180831_1 website port It's Courier, just better
courier-sox 0.17 website port Courier Socks 5 Proxy client library and wrapper
courier-unicode 2.2.6 website port Courier implementation of Unicode Standard related algorithms
couriergraph 20060202_6 website port RRDtool frontend for Courier statistics
courierpassd 1.1.2 website port User authentication and password changing daemon utility
courierpasswd 1.1.3 website port User authentication and password changing utility
courieruserinfo 1.1.2 website port User account information retrieval utility
coursier 1.1.0.m12 website port Pure Scala Artifact Fetching
cowpatty 4.8 website port Brute-force dictionary attack against WPA-PSK
cowrie 2.5.0 website port Cowrie SSH/Telnet honeypot
cowsay 3.04_2 website port Configurable talking characters in ASCII art
coxeter 3.1.20210124 website port Library for the study of combinatorial aspects of Coxeter group theory
cozette 1.20.1 website port Bitmap programming font optimized for coziness
cp2k-data 2022.2 website port Data for cp2k quantum chemistry package
cpan-upload 2.2_2 website port Script for uploading distributions to CPAN
cpan-upload-http 2.4_1 website port Perl script to upload one or more files to CPAN, using PAUSE
cparser 0.9.14 website port C99 compiler using libFIRM as backend
cpdup 1.22 website port Comprehensive filesystem mirroring and backup program
cpeditor 6.10.3 website port Lightweight and cross-platform code editor for competitive programming
cpipe 3.0.2 website port Benchmarking tool for pipes
cpmtools 1.1_2 website port Utility to transfer files from/to CP/M (R) diskettes
cpmtools2 2.24 website port Tools to access CP/M disks and disk images
cpp-hocon 0.3.0_4 website port C++ configuration library
cpp-httplib 0.13.3 website port C++ header-only HTTP/HTTPS server and client library
cpp-netlib 0.13.0_5 website port Cross-platform, standards compliant networking library
cpp-pcp-client 1.7.7_4 website port Client libraries for the PCP protocol
cpp-peglib 1.8.4 website port C++ header-only PEG (Parsing Expression Grammars) library
cpp-utilities 5.24.0_1 website port Common C++ classes such as argument parser, IO, conversion utilities
cppcheck 2.10.3 website port Tool for static C/C++ code analysis
cppdb 0.3.1_2 website port Platform and database independent SQL connectivity library
cppi 1.18_1 website port Tool to indent the C preprocessor directives
cpplint 1.6.1 website port Static code checker for C++
cpprestsdk 2.10.18 website port Microsoft C++ REST SDK
cpptest 2.0.0_1 website port Unit testing framework for handling automated tests in C++
cpptoml 0.1.1 website port Header-only C++ library for parsing TOML
cppunit 1.15.1 website port C++ port of the JUnit framework for unit testing
cppurses 0.3.5 website port Terminal User Interface framework with NCurses
cpputest 4.0 website port Unit testing and mocking framework for C/C++
cppzmq 4.9.0 website port C++ bindings for 0MQ
cpr 1.10.4 website port C++ Requests: Curl for People
cproto 4.7k website port Generate C function prototypes and convert function definitions
cptutils 1.76 website port Convert and manipulate colour gradients
cpu-x 4.5.3 website port Gathers information about CPU, motherboard, and more
cpu-x-tuionly 4.5.3 website port Gathers information about CPU, motherboard, and more
cpu_rec_rs 1.0.0_1 website port Determine which CPU architecture is used in a binary file
cpuid2cpuflags 12 website port Tool to generate CPU_FLAGS_* for your CPU
cpulimit 2.2 website port Limit the CPU usage of a process
cquery 20180718_7 website port Highly-scalable, low-latency language server for C/C++/Objective-C
crack-attack 1.1.14_18 website port OpenGL game based on Super Nintendo classic Tetris Attack
cracklib 2.9.7_1 website port Password-checking library
crackpkcs12 0.2.11 website port Multithreaded program to crack PKCS
craft 1.0_10 website port Simple Minecraft clone written in C using modern OpenGL
cramfs 1.1_1 website port Linux Compressed ROM FileSystem
crashme 2.4_1 website port Tool to test an operating system's robustness
crashtest 1.1_4 website port Educational crash simulator
crate 0.1.3_2 website port Containerizer for FreeBSD (alpha-software, expect bugs)
crawl 0.4_14 website port Small, efficient web crawler with advanced features
crc32c 1.1.2 website port CRC32C implementation supporting CPU-specific acceleration
cream 0.43 website port Gvim extension with many features
create-rb-port 0.0.3 website port Script to ease creation of rubygem- ports
createtorrent 1.1.4 website port Create BitTorrent files from the command line
cretan-hubris 0.2_7 website port Maze on the Isle of Crete
crex 0.2.5_2 website port Explore, test, and check regular expressions in the terminal
crf++ 0.59_2 website port Yet Another CRF toolkit
cricket 1.0.5_12 website port High performance, flexible monitoring system
crimson-fields 0.5.3_5 website port Tactical war game in the tradition of Battle Isle
crispy-doom 6.0_1 website port Enhanced-resolution Doom source port based on Chocolate Doom
critcl 3.2 website port Compiled Runtime in Tcl
criterion 2.4.2 website port C and C++ unit testing framework for the 21st century
criticalmass 1.5.0_3,1 website port SDL/OpenGL space shoot'em up game
crlfuzz 1.4.1_13 website port Fast tool to scan CRLF vulnerability written in Go
crlibm 1.0.b4_2 website port Correctly-rounded mathematics library
crm114 20100106_6 website port Markov based SpamFilter
crmsh 4.3.1 website port Command-line interface for High-Availability cluster management
croc 9.6.5 website port Tool to simply and securely transfer files and folders
cronic 3 website port Shell script that handles cron error detection
cronolog 1.6.2_6 website port Web log rotation utility that provides datestamp filenames
cronolog-devel 1.7.1_1 website port Web log rotation utility that provides datestamp filenames
croscorefonts 1.31.0_2 website port Fonts created from by Google for ChromeOS to replace MS TTF
crosextrafonts-caladea 20130214_4 website port Font created by Google for ChromeOS to replace MS Cambria
crosextrafonts-carlito 20130920_4 website port Font created by Google for ChromeOS to replace MS Calibri
crossfire-client 1.75.2_1 website port Cooperative multiplayer graphical RPG and adventure game
crossip 1.2_5 website port Java DNS update client for the ThatIP protocol
crosti 1.14.0_2 website port Convert custom image to cross stitch design, edit stitch designs
crow-translate 2.10.10 website port Translator using Google, Yandex Bing, LibreTranslate and Lingva
crowdsec 1.5.1 website port CrowdSec lightweight and collaborative security engine
crrcsim 0.9.13_3 website port Model-airplane flight simulation program
crunch 3.6 website port Charset-based wordlist generator
crw 1.03_3 website port Utility to process Canon camera RAW (.crw) files
cryptoballot g20181015_15 website port Cryptographically secure online voting
cryptominisat 5.11.11 website port General-purpose award-winning SAT solver
cryptopp 8.8.0 website port Free C++ class library of Cryptographic Primitives
cryptoslam 1.2 website port Curses-based tool for creating and solving the cryptograms
cs 0.9.6_2 website port Cross Stitch software
cs-aspell 20040614.1_1,1 website port Aspell Czech dictionary
cs-hunspell 2.0 website port Czech hunspell dictionaries
cs-hyphen 2.0 website port Czech hyphenation rules
cs-mythes 2007.09.26_1 website port Czech thesaurus
csb-aspell 0.02.0_1,2 website port Aspell Kashubian dictionary
cscope 15.9 website port Interactive C source code browser
csharp-mode.el 0.9.2_10 website port Emacs major mode for editing C# source code
csharp-mode.el-emacs_canna 0.9.2_10 website port Emacs major mode for editing C# source code
csharp-mode.el-emacs_nox 0.9.2_10 website port Emacs major mode for editing C# source code
csmash 0.6.6_23 website port 3D tabletennis game
csmith 2.3.0 website port Generates random C programs that conform to the C99 standard
csoap 1.1.0_5 website port Client/server SOAP library written in pure C
csocks 1.7_1 website port SOCKS Client v4/v5 RFC Compliant with many features
css-mode-elisp 0.11_2 website port CSS(Cascade Style Sheet) editing mode for Emacsen
cssc 1.4.1 website port Workalike for the source code control system SCCS
cssed 0.4.0_15 website port Application to help CSS style sheets creation and maintenance
csso 1.3.9_3 website port CSS optimizer
csstidy 1.4 website port Opensource CSS parser and optimiser
cstream 3.2.1 website port Like dd(1) tool, precise bandwidth limiting/reporting, fifo, TCP
csvdiff 1.7_1 website port Compare/diff two (comma) separated files with each other
csvq 1.18.1 website port SQL-like query language for csv
csvtk 0.24.0_13 website port Cross-platform and ultrafast toolkit for CSV/TSV processing
csync2 2.0_3 website port Cluster synchronization tool
ct-submit 1.1.2_13 website port Submission utility for transparency logs
ctags 5.8 website port Feature-filled tagfile generator for vi and emacs clones
ctcs 1.4.1_1 website port CTorrent monitoring and managing interface
ctl-sat g20200210 website port CTL (Computation Tree Logic) SAT solver
ctm 2.0_3 website port Generate, receive and apply FreeBSD source updates per mail
ctorrent 3.3.2_4 website port BitTorrent Client written in C for FreeBSD and Linux
ctpl 0.3.4 website port C Template (Parser) Library
ctpp2 2.8.3_8 website port C++ library to use templates in C/C++ projects, version 2
ctrace 0.9_1 website port Multiprotocol traceroute tool
ctre 3.8 website port C++ header-only library for Compile Time Regular Expressions
ctris 0.42.1 website port Colorized, small, and flexible Tetris(TM)-clone for the console
ctrlproxy 3.0.8_9 website port Flexible IRC proxy
ctronome 0.5.6 website port Programmable console-based metronome
ctwm 4.1.0_1,1 website port Extension to twm, with support for multiple virtual screens 1.2_2 website port Foreign function interface for bash
cube 2005.08.29_19 website port OpenGL 3D FPS (first person shooter) game
cudd 3.0.0 website port Package for the manipulation of Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs), etc
cuetools 1.4.1 website port Utilities for working with CUE and TOC files
cunit 2.1.3_3 website port Automated unit testing framework for C
cups 2.4.6 website port Common UNIX Printing System
cups-bjnp 2.0.3 website port CUPS backend for Canon USB over IP protocol
cups-filters 1.28.16_5 website port Additional backends, filters and other software for CUPS
cups-fxlinuxprint 1.0.1_3 website port Fuji Xerox Printer Driver
cups-pdf 3.0.1_2 website port Virtual printer for CUPS to produce PDF files
cups-pk-helper 0.2.7 website port Helper that makes system-config-printer use polkit
cups-smb-backend 1.0_12 website port CUPS backend for printing to Windows servers
curator 2.1_8 website port Static Image Gallery Generator for web or CD-ROM galleries
curl 8.2.1 website port Command line tool and library for transferring data with URLs
curlie 1.6.7_13 website port Frontend to cURL that adds the ease of use of HTTPie
curlpp 0.8.1_4 website port C++ wrapper for libcurl
currtime 0.2.5 website port Enhanced command-line operated real time clock
cursive 0.11,1 website port Create ASCII character cursive handwriting
cursor-ardoise-theme 3.6 website port Ardoise X cursor theme
cursor-chameleon-anthracite 0.5_1 website port Chameleon Xcursors theme
cursor-chameleon-darkskyblue 0.5_1 website port Chameleon Xcursors theme
cursor-chameleon-pearl 0.5_1 website port Chameleon Xcursors theme
cursor-chameleon-skyblue 0.5_1 website port Chameleon Xcursors theme
cursor-chameleon-white 0.5_1 website port Chameleon Xcursors theme
cursor-crystal-theme 1.1.1_8 website port KDE Crystal style X cursor theme
cursor-dmz-aa-theme 0.4.5 website port DMZ AA style neutral scalable cursor theme
cursor-dmz-theme 0.4.5 website port DMZ style neutral scalable cursor theme
cursor-jimmac-theme 0.1_3 website port Beautiful Jimmac X cursor themes
cursor-neutral-white-theme 1.1.1 website port White cursor theme based on neutral
curv 0.5_16 website port Language for making art using mathematics
cut 2.7_1 website port Unit Testing Framework for C, C++, and Objective-C
cutecom 0.51.0_1 website port Graphical serial terminal for embedded programming
cutegram 2.7.1_5 website port Free and opensource telegram client
cutelyst-asql 0.80.0 website port Qt async SQL library (for Postgres)
cutemaze 1.3.2_1 website port Simple, top-down game in which mazes are randomly generated
cutils 1.6_1 website port Miscellaneous C programmer's utilities
cutmp3 3.0.1_2 website port Small and fast command line MP3 editor
cutter 1.2.6_4 website port Unit Testing Framework for C and C++
cuttlefish 1.3_5 website port Plots diurnal and geographical patterns of supplied data
cuttlefish-texture-compressor 2.7.3 website port Texture compression library and tool
cuyo 2.1.0,1 website port Nice, innovative, challenging Tetris-like game
cvise 2.8.0 website port C-Vise is a super-parallel Python port of the C-Reduce
cvm 0.97 website port Credential Validation Modules
cvs 1.20120905_7 website port Version control system
cvs+ipv6 1.20120905_3 website port IPv6 enabled cvs. You can use IPv6 connection when using pserver
cvs-devel 1.12.13_13 website port IPv6 enabled cvs. You can use IPv6 connection when using pserver
cvs-syncmail 2.1 website port CVS notification tool
cvs2cl 2.73 website port CVS-log-message-to-ChangeLog conversion script
cvs2html 1.98_1 website port Perl script to turn ``cvs log'' output into HTML
cvsadmin 1.0.3_2 website port Simple program to administrate users of a CVS repository
cvsbook 1.21_3 website port Tutorial and reference for CVS
cvschangelogbuilder 2.5 website port Utility to generate changelogs and reports from a CVS repository
cvschk 1.12 website port Quick offline checker for CVS modifications
cvsd 1.0.24 website port CVS pserver daemon
cvsdadm 0.3.2_1 website port Tool for CVSd pserver user administration
cvsdelta 1.7.0 website port Cvsdelta summarizes differences between local and in-cvs files
cvsdiff2patch 1.0.1 website port Turn cvs diff output into patch input
cvsgraph 1.7.2_1 website port Graph the life story of a file under CVS or RCS
cvslines 1.6.9 website port Wrapper to ease merging of changes between CVS branches
cvsmail 2.2 website port Small program to add cvsweb links to FreeBSD commit messages
cvsmonitor 0.6.3_8 website port Monitor activity on a CVS Repository
cvsplot 1.7.4_5 website port Perl script which analyses the history of a CVS-managed project
cvsps 2.1_2 website port Create patchset information from CVS
cvsps-devel 2.2.b1 website port Create patchset information from CVS
cvsspam 0.2.12_1 website port Sends diffs when a change is committed to your CVS repository
cvstrac 2.0.1_1 website port Web-Based Bug And Patch-Set Tracking System For CVS
cvsutils 0.2.6,1 website port CVS utilities which facilitate working with local working directories
cvsweb 2.0.6_2 website port WWW CGI script to browse CVS repository trees
cvsweb3 3.0.6_5 website port WWW CGI script to browse CVS repository trees version 3
cvswrap 0.2 website port Helper for multiple CVS repositories
cvsync 0.25.0 website port Portable CVS repository synchronization utility
cw 1.0.16_1 website port Non-intrusive color wrapper for common commands
cwdaemon 0.10.2 website port Amateur Radio cw (Morse code) keyer daemon
cweb 3.64a.a website port Literate programming tools for the C language
cwm 7.1 website port Minimalistic window manager for X11 based on evilwm
cwrap 1.1.0 website port Testing your full software stack on a single machine
cwstudio 0.9.6_5 website port Multichannel portable Morse code signals generator
cwtext 0.96 website port Morse Code Generator
cxmon 3.2 website port Interactive file manipulation tool and disassembler
cxref 1.6e website port C program cross-referencing and documentation tool
cxxmatrix g20220324 website port C++ Matrix: The Matrix Reloaded in Terminals
cxxopts 3.1.1 website port Lightweight C++ command line option parser
cxxplot 0.4.2_1 website port C++ 2D plotting library
cxxtest 4.4_2 website port Simple and powerful JUnit/CppUnit/xUnit-like framework for C++
cy-aspell 0.50.3_1,1 website port Aspell Welsh dictionary
cy-hunspell v20220727 website port Welsh Hunspell dictionaries
cyanrip 0.9.0_2 website port Audio CD ripper with command-line interface and focus on accuracy
cyberbit-ttfonts 2.0.20050220_5 website port Bitstream Cyberbit TrueType font that covers Unicode 2.0
cyberchef 10.5.2 website port Cyber operations within a web browser
cyr-rfx-koi8-o 1.1_5 website port Cyrillic X11 bitmap fonts from CYR-RFX project
cyrus-imapd23 2.3.20_2 website port Cyrus mail server, supporting POP3 and IMAP4 protocols
cyrus-imapd24 2.4.22 website port Cyrus mail server, supporting POP3 and IMAP4 protocols
cyrus-imapd25 2.5.17_2 website port Cyrus mail server, supporting POP3 and IMAP4 protocols
cyrus-imapd30 3.0.18_1 website port Cyrus mail server, supporting POP3 and IMAP4 protocols
cyrus-imapd32 3.2.11_1 website port Cyrus mail server, supporting POP3 and IMAP4 protocols
cyrus-imapd34 3.4.5_1 website port Cyrus mail server, supporting POP3 and IMAP4 protocols
cyrus-sasl 2.1.28 website port RFC 2222 SASL (Simple Authentication and Security Layer)
cyrus-sasl-gssapi 2.1.28 website port SASL GSSAPI authentication plugin
cyrus-sasl-ldapdb 2.1.28 website port SASL LDAPDB auxprop plugin
cyrus-sasl-saslauthd 2.1.28 website port SASL authentication server for cyrus-sasl2
cyrus-sasl-sql 2.1.28 website port SASL SQL plugins
cyrus-sasl-srp 2.1.28 website port SASL SRP authentication plugin
cyrus2courier 1.4_1 website port Cyrus-IMAP to Maildir++ conversion utility
cyrus2dovecot 1.3 website port Convert Cyrus folders to Dovecot
cytoscape 3.6.1 website port Software to visualize molecular interaction networks, gene expression
czkawka 6.0.0_1 website port Multi functional app to find duplicates, empty folders, similar images etc.
czmq 4.1.1 website port High-level C Binding for ZeroMQ
czmq4 4.2.1 website port High-level C Binding for ZeroMQ (Version 4)
d-feet 0.3.16_1 website port D-Bus Python introspection debugger
d-spy 1.6.0 website port D-Bus explorer
d0_blind_id 1.0_2 website port Crypto library
d11amp 0.61_1 website port Oldskool MP3 player
d2x 0.2.5_15 website port Unix port of Descent 2 Game
dMagnetic 0.37 website port Magnetic Scrolls Interpreter
da-aspell,2 website port Aspell Danish dictionary
daa2iso 0.1.7e_1 website port Convert PowerISO DAA files to ISO9660
dact 0.8.42_2 website port Dynamic Adaptive Compression Tool
dadadodo 1.04 website port Text processor which analyses text and generates random sentences
dae 0.9 website port List and control system daemon
daemonize 1.7.8 website port Tool to run a command as a daemon
daemontools-encore 1.11 website port Collection of tools for managing Unix services
daggy 2.1.3_1 website port Data Aggregation Utility: runs commands on remote hosts simultaneously
dahdi 2.4.0rc5_7 website port DAHDI userland utilities and libraries
dailystrips 1.0.28_1,1 website port Utility to download or view your favorite online comic strips daily
dalmp 3.1.0 website port Database Abstraction Layer for MySQL using PHP
damager 0.1 website port Overrides chunks of files with garbage
dancer 4.16_1 website port IRC bot written in C for UNIX, Windows, and AmigaOS
dangen 0.5_5 website port Shoot'em up game where accurate shooting matters
dar 2.7.10 website port Command-line backup tool, aimed for disks
darcnes 9b0401_8 website port Multi-system emulator
darkbot 6f6.r6_3,1 website port IRC talking bot with a fast algorithm for its database
darkhttpd 1.14 website port Simple, static web server
darkice 1.4_2 website port IceCast, IceCast2, and ShoutCast live audio streamer
darkplaces 20180412.b1_1 website port Quake engine modification
darkstat 3.0.721 website port Network statistics gatherer and reporter
darling-dmg g20221019_1 website port FUSE module for .dmg files (containing an HFS+ filesystem)
darts 0.32_1 website port C++ template library that implements Double-Array
dasel 2.3.4 website port Query and update data structures from the command line
dash 0.5.12 website port POSIX-compliant implementation of /bin/sh
dash.el 2.19.1_7 website port Modern list library for Emacs
dash.el-emacs_canna 2.19.1_7 website port Modern list library for Emacs
dash.el-emacs_nox 2.19.1_7 website port Modern list library for Emacs
dasm website port Macro assembler with support for several 8-bit microprocessors
datadraw 3.1.1_1 website port Feature rich persistent database generator
datalegreya 0.2017.03.29_1 website port Typeface that melts text and data visualisation
datamash 1.8 website port Numeric, textual, and statistical operations on text files
datapipe 1.0_1 website port Bind a local port and connect it to a remote socket
datasette 0.63.3 website port Multi-tool for exploring and publishing data
date 3.0.1 website port Date and time library based on the C++11/14/17 header
dateutils 0.4.1_1 website port Command line utilities for working with dates
datovka 4.22.1 website port Qt re-implementation of Datovka
dav1d 1.2.1_1 website port Small and fast AV1 decoder
davical-php80 1.1.12 website port Simple CalDAV server using a postgres backend
davical-php81 1.1.12 website port Simple CalDAV server using a postgres backend
davical-php82 1.1.12 website port Simple CalDAV server using a postgres backend
davical-php83 1.1.12 website port Simple CalDAV server using a postgres backend
davmail 6.1.0 website port POP/IMAP/SMTP/Caldav/Carddav/LDAP Exchange Gateway
db 1.27,2 website port Manipulate db(3)'s btree(3) and hash(3) databases - NetBSD port
db18 18.1.40 website port Oracle Berkeley DB, Release 18.1
db2latex 0.8p1_2 website port DocBook to LaTeX XSL stylesheets
db5 5.3.28_9 website port Oracle Berkeley DB, revision 5.3
dbacl 1.14.1 website port Digramic Bayesian classifier
dbeacon website port Distributed multicast beacon server
dbench 4.0_2 website port Simulation of the Ziff-Davis netbench benchmark
dbf 0.9.0_3 website port Show and convert the content of dBASE III, IV, and 5.0 files
dbh 5.0.22_1 website port Disk Based Hashtables
dblatex 0.3.12 website port DocBook to LaTeX/ConTeXt Publishing
dbow 0.7_1 website port Database object generator for C, Perl, PHP, etc.
dbtool 1.9.1_1 website port Store and retrieve data in a key/value format in a hash database
dbus 1.14.6,1 website port Message bus system for inter-application communication
dbus-c++ 0.9.1_5 website port C++ API for D-BUS
dbus-glib 0.112 website port GLib bindings for the D-BUS messaging system
dbus-java 2.7 website port Java API for D-BUS
dbus-sharp 0.8.1_1,1 website port Mono interface to the D-BUS messaging system
dbus-sharp-glib 0.6 website port D-Bus for .NET: GLib integration module
dbus-tcl 3.0 website port Tcl interface to the D-Bus messaging system
dbview 1.0.4 website port View dBase III files
dbvis 13.0.4 website port DbVisualizer database tool
dc20pack 1.0 website port Digital camera control and download tool for Kodak DC20/25 camera
dc3dd 7.3.0 website port dd program useful for computer forensics
dcd 0.99.2_2 website port Simple, programmable, intelligent CD player
dcf77pi website port DCF77 receiver/logger/analyzer and library for the Raspberry Pi
dcfldd 1.9.1 website port Enhanced dd tool with MD5 hashing capability
dclib 0.3.23_8 website port Direct connect interface library for valknut
dclock 2.2.2_1 website port 7-segment digital clock with some optional features
dconf 0.40.0_3 website port Configuration database system for GNOME
dconf-editor 3.38.3_1 website port Configuration database editor for GNOME
dcraw 9.28_4 website port Decoder for RAW files from digital cameras
dcraw-m 9.22_9 website port Modified Decoder for RAW files from digital cameras
dcw-gmt 2.1.1 website port Digital Chart of the World for GMT 5 or later
dd_package 2.2.0 website port MQT decision diagram package tailored to quantum computing
ddate,3 website port Command to print the date in Discordian date format
ddclient 3.9.1 website port Update dynamic DNS entries
ddgr 2.1 website port DuckDuckGo from the terminal
ddh 64_6 website port Fast duplicate file finder
ddns 1.0 website port Lightweight UDP-based dynamic DNS updater
ddosify 1.0.5 website port High-performance load testing tool
ddpt 0.97 website port dd tool that specializes in files that are block devices
ddrescue 1.25 website port Data recovery tool
de-BBBike 3.18_4 website port Route-finder for cyclists in Berlin and Brandenburg
de-alt-aspell 2.1.1_1,1 website port Aspell German Old Spelling (Deutsch - alte Rechtschreibung) dictionary
de-aspell 20161207_3 website port Aspell German dictionary
de-dict 1.2 website port Simple English/German dictionary
de-ding 1.9 website port German-English dictionary program for X windows/Unix
de-dtaus 0.9 website port Belegloser DatenTraegerAUStausch
de-eric6 21.11 website port de i18n package for Eric6 IDE
de-geonext 1.74 website port Interactive (dynamic) elementary Geometry Software
de-hunspell 20161207_3 website port German hunspell dictionaries
de-hyphen 2007.02.17_1 website port German hyphenation rules
de-jdictionary-eng-ger 1.4_2 website port JDictionary plugin: English-German dictionary
de-jdictionary-ger-hun 1.4_2 website port JDictionary plugin: German-Hungarian dictionary
de-mythes 2023.07.02 website port German thesaurus
de-phone 1.20170802 website port German phone code / Deutsche Telefonvorwahl (AVON)
de-schwobifyer 20050730 website port Utility for translating German into the Schwaebisch dialect
de-webalizer 2.23.8_14 website port Web server log file analysis program
de-wordpress-de_DE 6.2.2_1 website port State-of-the-art semantic personal publishing platform
deadbeef 0.7.2_25 website port Ultimate music player for Unix-like systems
deadbeef-jack-plugin 0.0.2011.03.22_2 website port JACK output plugin for DeaDBeeF music player
deadbeef-mpris2-plugin 1.12_1 website port MPRIS protocol version 2 plugin for DeaDBeeF music player
deadbeef-musical-spectrum-plugin 0.0.2015.10.13_2 website port Musical spectrum plugin for DeaDBeeF audio player
deadbeef-playback-status-plugin 0.0.2015.09.12_2 website port Playback status widget for DeaDBeeF audio player
deadbeef-quick-search-plugin 0.0.2016.01.02_2 website port Quick playlist search bar plugin for DeaDBeeF audio player
deadbeef-spectrogram-plugin 0.0.2015.01.10_2 website port Spectrogram plugin for DeaDBeeF audio player
deadbeef-vu-meter-plugin 0.0.2014.09.14_2 website port VU meter plugin for DeaDBeeF audio player
deadbeef-waveform-seekbar-plugin 0.0.2016.01.01_2 website port Waveform seekbar plugin for DeaDBeeF audio player
deb2targz 20100710 website port Command-line utility for converting a Debian .deb file to a .tar.gz
debhelper 13.11.4 website port Helper programs for debian/rules
debootstrap 1.0.128n2_1 website port Install Debian or Ubuntu base system into a directory
debugedit 20170411.1 website port ELF file debug information extractor and editor
deco-misc 3.9_5 website port Demos Commander, a free Norton Commander clone
dee 1.2.7_24 website port Model to synchronize multiple instances over DBus
defendguin 0.0.12_6 website port Your mission is to defend little penguinoids
deforaos-browser 0.5.1_1 website port DeforaOS desktop file browser
deforaos-editor 0.4.0_1 website port DeforaOS desktop text editor
deforaos-keyboard 0.3.1_1 website port DeforaOS desktop virtual keyboard
deforaos-libdesktop 0.2.2_2 website port DeforaOS desktop library
deforaos-libsystem 0.3.1_1 website port DeforaOS core system library
deforaos-mailer 0.1.7_1 website port DeforaOS desktop mail client
deforaos-pdfviewer 0.0.2_46 website port DeforaOS desktop PDF viewer
deforaos-player 0.1.6_5 website port DeforaOS desktop media player
deforaos-todo 0.2.1_1 website port DeforaOS desktop todo list
deheader 1.6 website port Tool to find unnecessary includes in C/C++ files
dehydrated website port Pure BASH/ZSH Lets Encrypt client
dejagnu 1.6.3 website port Automated program/system tester
dejavu 2.37_1 website port Bitstream Vera Fonts clone with a wider range of characters
delaboratory 0.8_13 website port Unique image postprocessing application
delatt 1.1.3_1 website port Strip attachments from email
delay 1.6 website port Delay program with feedback to the user
delta 2020.06.22 website port Heuristically minimizes interesting files
deltarpm 3.6_1 website port Tool that generates delta RPMs
deltup 0.4.4_1 website port Source delta update program
denature 0.6.5_2 website port HTML to PDF converter
denemo 2.0.6_18 website port Graphical score editor
denominator 4.7.1 website port Portably control DNS clouds
denyhosts-py39 3.1.2 website port Script to thwart ssh and imap attacks
desed 1.2.1_9 website port Demystify and debug sed scripts from the comfort of your terminal
desktop-file-utils 0.26_1 website port Couple of command line utilities for working with desktop entries
desktop-installer website port Quickly configure a FreeBSD desktop system
destroy 20130926 website port Securely destroy files on the hard disk
detex 2.8_1 website port Strips TeX/LaTeX codes from a file
detox 1.4.5 website port Removes non-standard characters from filenames
deutex 5.2.2 website port WAD file manipulator for Doom, Heretic, Hexen, and Strife
dev86 0.16.20 website port 8086 development tools
devd 0.9_16 website port Local web server for developers
devd-mount website port Automount tool utilizing devd notifications
devhelp 41.2_1 website port Developer help browser for GNOME
devil 1.8.0_3,1 website port Cross-platform image library
devilspie 0.23_1 website port Window manipulation tool
devilspie2 0.43_2 website port Window manipulation tool
devilutionX 1.4.1_2 website port Diablo I engine for modern operating systems
devisor 2.1_3 website port Design and Visualization Software Resource for FeatFlow
devmon 0.3.1.b1_4 website port Device monitoring addition to Xymon/Hobbit/BigBrother
devmon-templates 20080206 website port Device templates for use with devmon
devstat 0.3.3_1 website port Utility to display device statistics
devtodo 0.1.20_3 website port Tool to effectively maintain todo lists aimed at developers
dfc 3.1.1 website port Display file system space usage using graph and colors
dfshow 0.10.1.b website port Directory file editor
dfu-programmer 0.7.2 website port Device Firmware Update based USB programmer for Atmel chips
dfu-util 0.11 website port Device firmware update (DFU) USB programmer
dfuife-curses website port DFUI curses frontend
dgd 1.4.23 website port Dworkin's Game Driver
dgd-kernel 1.3.4_2 website port Kernel mudlib, for use with DGD
dgd-lpmud 2.4.5_6 website port LPmud mudlib, for use with DGD
dgedit 0.10.0_1 website port DrumGizmo drumkit editor
dgen-sdl 1.33_5 website port Wonderful Sega Genesis/MegaDrive emulator
dhcdrop 0.5_3 website port Tool for searching and suppressing false DHCP servers
dhcp6 20080615.2_3 website port KAME DHCP6 client, server, and relay
dhcpcd 10.0.2 website port DHCP/IPv4LL/IPv6RS/DHCPv6 client
dhcpcd-ui 0.7.9 website port GTK+ / Curses interface to dhcpcd
dhcpd-pools 3.1 website port Tool to analyze isc-dhcp pool usage based on leases
dhcpdump 1.8 website port Decode and diagnose sniffed DHCP packets
dhcping 1.2 website port Send DHCP request to DHCP server for monitoring purposes
dhcprelya 6.1_1 website port Lightweight DHCP relay agent (Yandex edition)
dhewm3 1.5.2 website port Doom 3 GPL source port
dhex 0.69 website port Ncurses-based hex-editor with diff mode
dhisd 5.5 website port DHIS server for dynamic updates on the server using specific engines
dhrystone 2.1_2 website port Computing benchmark for integer operations
dht 0.27 website port Mainline variant of Kademlia Distributed Hash Table (DHT)
dhttpd 1.02a_1 website port Minimal secure web server. Fast and efficient, no cgi-bin support
dia 0.97.3_5,1 website port Diagram creation program, similar to Visio
dia2code 0.8.8_2 website port Small utility used to generate code from a Dia diagram
dia2code+ 1.0.0_9 website port Complete rewrite of dia2code in C++
diablo 5.1_2 website port Comprehensive newsfeeding and newsreading software package
diakonos 0.9.7_1 website port Console editor for the masses
diamond 2.1.8 website port BLAST-compatible local sequence aligner
diamond-cs 1.3.8_2 website port Compact programmers editor
dico 2.11_1 website port Flexible modular implementation of DICT server
dict 1.13.1 website port Dictionary Server Protocol (RFC2229) client
dictd 1.13.1 website port Dict protocol (RFC 2229) server
dictem 1.0.4_17 website port DICT protocol client for [X]Emacs
dictem-emacs_canna 1.0.4_17 website port DICT protocol client for [X]Emacs
dictem-emacs_nox 1.0.4_17 website port DICT protocol client for [X]Emacs
dictfmt 1.13.1 website port Format a DICT protocol dictionary database
diction 1.11_2 website port GNU diction and style
dictionary 1.8.7_33 website port Dictionary client for Emacs
dictionary-emacs_canna 1.8.7_33 website port Dictionary client for Emacs
dictionary-emacs_nox 1.8.7_33 website port Dictionary client for Emacs
dieharder 3.31.1_9 website port Random number generator testsuite
diesel-cli 2.1.0_2 website port Extensible ORM and Query Builder for Rust
diff-pdf 0.5.1_1 website port Tool for visually comparing two PDFs
diff-so-fancy 1.4.4 website port Fancier diff output formatter
diffcode 1.2 website port Progrssive differential cipher
diffmark 0.10_4 website port XML diff and merge package
diffsplit 1.0 website port Splits a unified diff into pieces which patch one file each
diffstat 1.65 website port Makes a histogram summarizing "diff" output
difftastic 0.49.0 website port Diff tool that compares files based on their syntax
diffutils 3.8 website port GNU differential compare utilities
dify 0.6.0_5 website port Fast pixel-by-pixel image comparison tool in Rust
digdag 0.10.5 website port Workload Automation System
digestpp g20200907 website port Experimental C++11 header-only message digest library
digiham 0.3.0 website port Tools for decoding digital ham communication
digital 0.29 website port Digital logic designer and circuit simulator
digitemp 3.7.2 website port Dallas Semiconductor 1-wire device reading console application
dijo 0.2.7_6 website port Scriptable, curses-based, digital habit tracker
dilay 1.9.0_6 website port 3D sculpting application
dillo 3.0.5_4 website port Fast, small graphical Web browser built upon fltk
dim 1.1 website port Directory lister which sorts the file list in 2D
dimod 0.12.10 website port DWave: Shared API for QUBO/Ising samplers
din 56_1 website port Open source, cross-platform sound synthesizer
dina 2.92_2 website port Monospace bitmap font, primarily aimed at programmers
ding-libs 0.6.1 website port Collection of useful libraries for developers
dino 0.4.3 website port Modern XMPP Chat Client using GTK+/Vala
dinotrace 9.4f_4 website port Graphical signal trace waveform viewer
dinotrace-emacs_canna 9.4f_4 website port Graphical signal trace waveform viewer
dinotrace-emacs_nox 9.4f_4 website port Graphical signal trace waveform viewer
dionysus-topology-library g20210521_1 website port Library for computing persistent homology
dirac 1.0.2_5 website port Open source video codec from the BBC
dirbuster 1.0r1 website port DirBuster allows file and directory brute forcing on web servers
dircproxy 1.2.0.r1_2 website port Detachable irc proxy server with many features
dirdiff 2.1_4 website port Graphical diff tool
directfb 1.4.17_4 website port Graphic development lightweight API
direnv 2.32.3 website port Environment variable manager for your shell
direvent 5.3 website port Per-directory file system event monitor
direwolf 1.6_2 website port Software "soundcard" modem/TNC and APRS encoder/decoder
dirvish 1.2.1_3 website port Network backup system based off of rsync
discid 1.3_1 website port Identify audio cd in your drive
disco 1.2_2 website port IP discovery and fingerprinting utility
discount 2.2.7c website port C implementation of the Markdown markup language
discus 0.5.0 website port Discus is a program to display hard drive space usage
diskcheckd 20150220 website port Daemon to check for disk read errors
diskimage-tools 0.2 website port Convenience tools for manipulating disk images
diskonaut 0.11.0_27 website port Terminal disk space navigator
diskscrub 2.6.1 website port Writes patterns on files to make retrieving the data more difficult
diskus 0.7.0_13 website port Mminimal, fast alternative to 'du -sh'
disman 0.527.0 website port Qt/C++ display management library
distcache 1.5.1 website port Distributed OpenSSL session caching tools
distcc 3.4 website port Distribute compilation of C(++) code across machines on a network
distcc-pump 3.4 website port Distribute compilation of C(++) code across machines on a network
distel 4.1.1_13 website port Distel extends Emacs Lisp with Erlang-style message passing
distel-emacs_canna 4.1.1_13 website port Distel extends Emacs Lisp with Erlang-style message passing
distel-emacs_nox 4.1.1_13 website port Distel extends Emacs Lisp with Erlang-style message passing
distilator 1.4 website port Command-line script to check the availability of a ports distfiles
distorm 20121220.r230_2 website port Fast x86 and x86-64 disassembler library
diswall 0.4.2_1 website port Distributed firewall
ditaa 0.11.0 website port Convert ASCII art diagrams into proper bitmap graphics
dive 0.11.0 website port Tool for exploring each layer in a docker image
divide-and-succeed 0.9.4_1 website port Divide polygons into the rigth number of equal parts
djgpp-binutils 2.17_1 website port FSF binutils for DJGPP cross-development
djview 4.12_2 website port Standalone Djvu viewer and plugin based on Qt toolkit
djvulibre 3.5.28_2 website port DjVu base libraries and utilities
dk-milter 1.0.2_6 website port Domainkeys milter for Sendmail
dkfilter 0.11_1 website port Domainkeys filter for Postfix
dkftpbench 0.45_2 website port FTP benchmark program
dkimproxy 1.4.1_1 website port DKIM filter for Postfix
dkns 1.100 website port Simple console text editor
dlib-cpp 19.24_1 website port Machine learning framework written in C++
dlib-models 20210513 website port Trained model files for dlib example programs
dlint 1.4.1 website port Lint for DNS zones (Domain Name Server zone verification utility)
dlmalloc 2.8.6 website port Small, fast malloc library by Doug Lea
dma 0.13.20220128_1,1 website port DragonFly Mail Agent, a small MTA for local/outbound mail
dmachine 0.25 website port Non interactive, non graphical, batch download manager
dmake 4.13.1,1 website port Another hyper make utility
dmalloc 5.6.5 website port Portable debug memory allocation library
dmarcts-report-parser 2.0 website port Perl based tool to parse DMARC reports
dmenu 5.1 website port X11 menu application designed for the dwm window manager
dmenu-wayland 0.1 website port Efficient dynamic menu for wayland
dmg2img 1.6.7 website port DMG2IMG convert tool
dmidecode 3.5 website port Tool for dumping DMI (SMBIOS) contents in human-readable format
dmidiplayer 1.7.2_1 website port Featured MIDI file player
dmjava 1.05_2 website port Dungeon Master Java is a remake of the classic Dungeon Master by FTL
dmlc-core 0.3.123 website port Common library for scalable and portable distributed machine learning
dmtx-utils 0.7.6_2 website port Software for reading and writing Data Matrix barcodes
dnf 4.16.1 website port Dandified YUM, the next-generation version of YUM
dnrd 2.20.3_1 website port Proxy DNS daemon
dns-ui v0.2.7_1 website port LDAP-authenticated PowerDNS user interface by Opera
dns2blackhole 0.1 website port Malware Prevention through Domain Blocking
dns2tcp 0.5.2 website port Tool for relaying TCP connections over DNS
dns_balance 2.1 website port Dynamic load-balancing DNS server
dnsblast 0.0.2016060901 website port Simple load testing tool for DNS resolvers
dnscap 2.1.3,1 website port DNS network traffic capture utility
dnscheckengine 1.1_4 website port DNS checker from the folks that run the .SE top level domain
dnscontrol 4.1.5 website port Synchronize your DNS to multiple providers from a simple DSL
dnscrypt-proxy2 2.1.4_3 website port Flexible DNS proxy with support for encrypted protocols
dnscrypt-wrapper 0.4.2_2 website port Adds dnscrypt support to any name resolver
dnsdbck 1.01 website port Verify consistency of DNS information in an SQL database
dnsdbflex 1.0.6 website port Tool to use the DNSDB Flexible Search API extensions
dnsdbq 2.6.4 website port DNSDB API Client, C Version
dnsenum website port Enumerate DNS information and discover non-contiguous IP blocks
dnsflood 1.20 website port DNS flood detector
dnsforwarder 6.1.15,1 website port Simple DNS forwarder
dnshistory 1.3_2 website port Store DNS lookups to a DB
dnsjava 2.1.9 website port Implementation of DNS in Java
dnsmap 0.30 website port DNS domain name brute forcing tool
dnsmasq 2.89_1,1 website port Lightweight DNS forwarder, DHCP, and TFTP server
dnsmax-perl 1.0.1 website port DNSMax-perl is a perl DNS update client for the REST DNSMax protocol
dnsproxy 1.17_3 website port Proxy for DNS queries
dnsrecon 0.10.1_1 website port DNS enumeration tool
dnsreflector 1.02 website port Listens for DNS queries on a UDP port and change the answer
dnstable 0.13.1 website port Encoding format, library, and utilities for passive DNS data
dnstable-convert 0.12.0_1 website port Conversion utility for passive DNS data in dnstable format
dnstop 20140915 website port Captures and analyzes DNS traffic (or analyzes libpcap dump)
dnstracer 1.10 website port Trace a chain of DNS servers to the source
dnsviz 0.9.4 website port Analysis and visualization of DNS/DNSSEC behavior
dnswalk 2.0.2_3 website port DNS debugger - requests a zone transfer and analyzes the result
dnswall 0.1.4_1 website port Daemon that filters out private IP addresses in DNS responses
dnsx 1.1.4_1 website port DNS toolkit allow to run multiple DNS queries
doas 6.3p9 website port Simple sudo alternative to run commands as another user
dobutsu 5 website port Tablebase and Engine for Dobutsu Shogi
doc 2.2.3 website port Diagnose unhealthy DNS domains
doc-mode.el 1.1_26 website port Asciidoc fontlocking for emacs
doc-mode.el-emacs_canna 1.1_26 website port Asciidoc fontlocking for emacs
doc-mode.el-emacs_nox 1.1_26 website port Asciidoc fontlocking for emacs
docbook 1.5 website port Meta-port for the different versions of the DocBook DTD
docbook-sgml 4.5_1 website port DocBook SGML DTD
docbook-to-man 1.0_2 website port DocBook SGML DTD into nroff/troff -man macros converter
docbook-utils 0.6.14_13 website port Generates various output formats from DocBook SGML documents
docbook-xml 5.0_3 website port DocBook XML DTD
docbook-xsd 1.0.b1 website port DocBook W3C XML Schema
docbook-xsl 1.79.1_1,1 website port XSL DocBook stylesheets
docbook-xsl-ns 1.79.1 website port Namespace-aware DocBook XSLT stylesheets
docbook2X 0.8.8_7 website port Convert DocBook documents into UNIX man page and GNU Texinfo formats
docbook2mdoc 1.1.0_1 website port Convert DocBook refentry to mdoc
docbook2odf 0.244_2 website port Convert docbook document to Oasis Open Document
docear 1.2.0 website port Academic literature suite
docker-compose 1.24.0_1 website port Define and run multi-container applications with Docker
docker-credential-pass 0.6.4_12 website port Helper to use sysutils/password-store as Docker credentials store
docker-machine 0.16.2_13 website port Tool to create Docker hosts
docker-registry 2.7.1_12 website port Docker implementation of the OCI Distribution Specification
docker-tray 1.5_8 website port Dockapp with support for GNOME2 and KDE3 tray icons
docopt.cpp website port C++11 options parser based on help messages
docproj-fonts-cjk 20221225 website port CJK fonts required by the FreeBSD Documentation Project
docproj-legacy 3.1 website port Meta-port for the FreeBSD Legacy Documentation Project
doctest 2.4.8 website port Header-only C++ unit-testing
doctorj 5.1.2_2 website port Tool for analyzing Java code and documentation
dodgindiamond2 0.2.2_11 website port Old school shoot'em up game
doh-proxy 0.9.8_4 website port DNS-over-HTTP server proxy
doinkd 0.02 website port Daemon that logs out idle users and those users hogging resources
dojo 1.12.2 website port Open-source DHTML toolkit written in JavaScript
dokuwiki-php80 20230404a website port Simple and easy to use wiki, no database required
dokuwiki-php81 20230404a website port Simple and easy to use wiki, no database required
dokuwiki-php82 20230404a website port Simple and easy to use wiki, no database required
dokuwiki-php83 20230404a website port Simple and easy to use wiki, no database required
dolibarr 17.0.1 website port Modern software package to manage your company or foundation
dolibarr16 16.0.5 website port Modern software package to manage your company or foundation
dolly 0.58.c website port Program to clone harddisks/partitions over a fast switched network
dom4j 1.6.1_2 website port Open Source XML framework for Java
domc 0.8.0_4 website port Lightweight implementation of the DOM in ANSI C
domination 1.2.5 website port Board game that is a bit like the well known game Risk
dontspace 1.2_4 website port Solitaire game for X11 modeled after Free Space
doom-data 1.0_1 website port Shareware data files for Doom, Doom II, Hexen, Heretic, and Strife
doom-freedoom 0.12.1 website port Complete Doom-based game IWAD that is Free Software
doom-hacx 1.0 website port Full TC using the Doom II engine
doom-hr 1.0_1 website port Hell Revealed is a megawad, a 32-level replacement for DooM II
doom-hr2 1.0 website port Hell Revealed II is a megawad, a 32-level replacement for DooM II
doom-wolfendoom 1.0 website port Wolfenstein 3D levels ported to Doom II
doomlegacy 1.48.12,1 website port Improved and extended version of Doom
dosage 3.0_1 website port Application to keep a local mirror of web comics
dosbox 0.74.3_1 website port Emulator of a PC with DOS
dosbox-staging 0.80.1_1 website port DOS/x86 emulator based on DOSBox
dosbox-x 2022.12.26 website port DOSBox fork
dose-response 1.0.0_36 website port Open-world roguelike game where you play an addict
dosunix 1.0.14 website port Manipulation of text files in a mixed DOS/Windows and Unix environment
dotconf 1.3_1 website port Simple, powerful configuration-file parser
dotdotpwn 3.0.2_2 website port Fuzzer to discover traversal directory vulnerabilities
dotenv-linter 3.3.0_6 website port Linter for .env files. Written in Rust
double-conversion 3.3.0 website port Binary-decimal and decimal-binary routines for IEEE doubles
dovecot 2.3.20_1 website port Secure, fast and powerful IMAP and POP3 server
dovecot-coi 2.3.9_2 website port Dovecot COI (Chat-over-IMAP) plugin
dovecot-fts-elastic 1.1.0_3 website port Dovecot FTS plugin for using ElasticSearch 6 or 7
dovecot-fts-flatcurve 0.3.4 website port Dovecot FTS plugin based on Xapian
dovecot-fts-xapian 1.5.4_5 website port Dovecot FTS plugin based on Xapian
dovecot-pigeonhole 0.5.20 website port Sieve plugin for the Dovecot 'deliver' LDA and LMTP
downtimed 1.0 website port System downtime monitoring and reporting tool
downzemall 3.0.6_1 website port Multi-protocol standalone download manager
doxygen 1.9.6,2 website port Documentation system for C, C++, and other languages
dparser 1.33 website port Simple but powerful tool for parsing
dpf-plugins-lv2 1.7_1 website port Collection of DPF-based LV2 plugins
dpinger 3.3 website port IP device monitoring tool
draco-3d-compression 1.5.6 website port Library for compressing and decompressing 3D meshes and point clouds
dragonfly-reverb 3.2.10 website port Bundle of free audio effects
drawing 1.0.2_1 website port Drawing application for the GNOME desktop
drawterm 20140106_1 website port Plan9 cpu client
dreamchess 0.3.0_3 website port OpenGL chess game
drg2sbg 2.2 website port Convert proprietary .drg file format into SBaGen format
drgeo 1.1.0_26 website port GTK interactive geometry software
driftnet 1.5.0_1 website port Tool to grab images out of (your) TCP connections
drill 0.8.3_1 website port HTTP load testing application written in Rust
drjava 20140826.r5761_1 website port Lightweight IDE for writing Java programs
drm_info 2.5.0 website port Small utility to dump info about DRM devices
droid-fonts-ttf 20131024_5 website port Droid typeface family
dropbear 2022.83 website port SSH 2 server, designed to be usable in small memory environments
dropbox-uploader 1.0,1 website port BASH script for the Dropbox backup service
drumgizmo 0.9.19_2 website port Multichannel drum sampler
drumkv1-lv2 0.9.31 website port Old-school drum-kit sampler: LV2 plugin and Jack app
drumpiler 0.9.0_7 website port Drum machine compiler
drumstick 2.8.0_1 website port MIDI libraries for Qt/C++
drupal10 10.0.9 website port Database driven web content management system (CMS)
drupal7 7.95 website port Database driven web content management system (CMS)
drupal7-wysiwyg 7.x.2.9 website port Allows implementation of WYSIWYG editors for editing Drupal content
drupal8 8.9.20 website port Database driven web content management system (CMS)
drupal9 9.5.9 website port Database driven web content management system (CMS)
drush-php80 8.4.11 website port Drupal command line and scripting interface
drush-php81 8.4.11 website port Drupal command line and scripting interface
drush-php82 8.4.11 website port Drupal command line and scripting interface
drush-php83 8.4.11 website port Drupal command line and scripting interface
dsbautostart 1.2_1 website port Manage commands to be executed at X session start
dsbbatmon 1.0.6_1 website port Qt battery monitor
dsbdriverd 1.1 website port Hardware detecting, device driver loading daemon
dsblogoutmgr 1.3.2_1 website port Graphical logout manager
dsbmc 1.2_1 website port Qt client for DSBMD that lets you mount media, and more
dsbmc-cli 0.4 website port Command-line client for DSBMD
dsbmd 1.11.4 website port Media mounting daemon
dsbmixer 1.7_1 website port Tabbed Qt mixer for FreeBSD
dsbsu 0.2_1 website port Qt frontend to su(1)
dsbwrtsysctl 0.1.5 website port Changes variable=value pairs in sysctl.conf, or adds them
dsc 2.13.0 website port Tool used for collecting and exploring statistics from DNS servers
dseg 0.46 website port Font family that imitates seven and fourteen segment displays
dsp 2.0.1 website port Tool used for collecting and exploring statistics from DNS servers
dspam 3.10.2_9 website port Bayesian spam filter
dssi 1.1.1_12 website port API for audio processing plugins
dssim 3.2.4_8 website port Image similarity comparison simulating human perception
dsssl-docbook-modular 1.79_1,1 website port DSSSL stylesheets for the DocBook DTD by Norman Walsh
dstask 0.26_6 website port Single binary terminal-based TODO manager with git-based sync
dsvpn 0.1.4 website port Dead Simple VPN
dtach 0.9 website port Emulates the detach feature of screen
dtc 1.6.0 website port Device Tree Compiler
dtcp 20130602_4 website port Dynamic Tunnel Configuration Protocol daemon and client
dtcpclient 20151002_1 website port Dynamic Tunnel Configuration Protocol client
dtd-catalogs 1.2 website port SGML DTDs catalogs
dtd2relax 1.1.1_2 website port DTD to RELAX converter for Java
dtdparse 2.00_1 website port Parse a DTD and produce an XML document that represents it
dte 1.9.1 website port Small and easy to use console text editor
dtmfdial 0.2 website port Generate DTMF dial tones from the command line
dtool 0.12.0_13 website port Command-line tool collection to assist development
dtpstree 1.0.3 website port Display a tree of processes
dtrace-toolkit 1.0_7 website port Collection of useful scripts for DTrace
dtse 1.3_2 website port Indexing search engine for use on small websites
dtv-scan-tables 20221125 website port Digital TV scan tables from
du2ps 3.1 website port Filter for converting output of du to PostScript file
dua-cli 2.20.1_2 website port Conveniently learn about the disk usage of directories
dual-dhclient 1.0_1 website port Spawns dhclients for a dual-stack network
dual-dhclient-daemon 0.1 website port Spawns dhclients for a dual-stack network
duckdb 0.8.1 website port In-process SQL OLAP database management system
duel 0.98_11 website port Overhead, OpenGL space shooter
duf 0.8.1_13 website port Disk Usage/Free Utility
duff 0.5.2_2 website port Duplicate file finder
dufs 0.34.2_2 website port HTTP File Server
duhdraw 2.8.13 website port ANSI graphic drawing program
duktape 2.7.0 website port Embeddable Javascript engine
duktape-lib 2.7.0 website port Embeddable Javascript engine (shared lib)
dumb 0.9.3_5 website port IT, XM, S3M, and MOD player library
dumb-allegro 0.9.3_5 website port IT, XM, S3M, and MOD player library
dump1090 20200718 website port Simple Mode S decoder for RTLSDR devices
dumpasn1 20210212 website port Dumps the contents of an ASN.1 encoded file, e.g. an SSL certificate
dumpmpeg 0.6_10 website port Dump frames from mpeg movies
duncan 0.4_1 website port English to Thai dictionary for GNUstep
dunelegacy 0.96.4_5 website port Open source clone of Dune II
dungeon 3.2_1 website port Text adventure which became Zork I-III
dungeoncrawl 4.0.0.b26 website port Old school roguelike game
dunst 1.9.1 website port Lightweight notification daemon
duo 2.0.1 website port Duo unix integration package
dupl website port Tool for code clone detection
duplo 0.2.0 website port Find duplicated code blocks in large C/C++/Java/C
dupmerge 1.73_1 website port Searches for files with equal content
dura 0.2.0_6 website port Background process that watches Git repositories and backs up data
dust 0.8.6_2 website port More useful and intuitive version of du
dustrac 2.1.1_1 website port 2D top-view racing game
dutree 0.2.15_2 website port Tool to analyze file system usage written in Rust
dv2sub 0.3_5 website port Extracts info or subtitles from DV stream
dvb-apps website port Linux DVB API applications and utilities
dvbcut 0.7.4_5 website port Qt application for cutting of MPEG PS and MPEG TS streams (DVB)
dvbsnoop 1.4.50 website port DVB stream analyzer / MPEG analyzer
dvdauthor website port Makes a DVD file structure from one or more MPEG2 streams
dvdbackup 0.4.2_7 website port Backup content from DVD to hard disk
dvdid 0.2.0a_2 website port Tool for calculating dvdids
dvdimagecmp 0.3 website port Simple tool for comparing an image to a burned disc
dvdisaster 0.79.10 website port Optical disc error correction data and recovery tool
dvdisaster-nox11 0.79.10 website port Optical disc error correction data and recovery tool (without GUI)
dvdread g20160701_2 website port Utility to create ISO images of encrypted DVDs
dvdvideo-py39 20130117_2 website port Video DVD backup tool
dvi2tty 5.3.4 website port DVI file previewer for text only devices
dvips2ascii 1.3 website port PostScript (created by dvips) to ASCII converter
dvisvg 0.7.1.d_9 website port Converter from DVI to SVG
dvorak7min 1.6.1_1 website port Ncurses-based Dvorak typing tutor
dvtm 0.15 website port Tiling window management for the console
dwarf2json g20220807_8 website port Convert ELF/DWARF symbol and type information into JSON
dwarfdump 20161124 website port Tool to display DWARF debugging information in ELF files
dwatch 0.1.1_1 website port Daemon Watcher
dwatch-gource 0.9 website port FreeBSD dwatch profiles for creating gource logs
dwatch-json 1.2 website port FreeBSD dwatch suite to produce JSON stats
dwatch-pwsnoop 0.1.1 website port FreeBSD dwatch profile for snooping passwords
dwave-preprocessing 0.6.3 website port DWave: Preprocessing tools to aid in solving binary quadratic models
dwdiff 2.1.4_5 website port Delimited word diff program
dwm 6.4 website port Dynamic, small, fast and simple window manager
dxa65 0.1.5 website port Disassembler for MOS 6502 and compatible CPUs
dxirc 1.40.1 website port Simple IRC client
dxpc 3.9.2 website port Compressing X protocol proxy designed to support X11 over slow links
dymo-cups-drivers 1.4.0_4 website port Open source DYMO CUPS driver
dynamechs 4.0.p1_9,1 website port Multibody Dynamic Simulation Library
dynamic_motd 1.3 website port Dynamic /var/run/motd
dynamips-community 0.2.17 website port Cisco 1700/2600/3600/3700/7200 Simulator
dyncall 1.4 website port Highly dynamic multi-platform foreign function call interface library
dynip 0.0 website port Dynamic IP Address Updater
dzip 2.9 website port File compression utility specializing in Quake demo compression
e00compr 1.0.1 website port Library to Read/Write Compressed E00 Files
e107 2.3.2 website port Content management system written in PHP
e16 1.0.27_1 website port Enlightenment DR16 window manager
e16-docs website port Data files of enlightenment DOX
e16-themes 1.0.2 website port Set of themes for the e16 window manager
e2fsprogs 1.47.0 website port Wrapper to install e2fsprogs into /sbin
e2fsprogs-core 1.47.0 website port Utilities & library to manipulate ext2/3/4 filesystems
e2fsprogs-libblkid 1.47.0 website port Blkid library from e2fsprogs package
e2fsprogs-libuuid 1.47.0 website port UUID library from e2fsprogs package
e2guardian 5.3.4_2 website port Dansguardian fork with many improvements and bug fixes
e2tools 0.1.0_2 website port Utilities to manipulate files in an ext2/ext3 filesystem
e93 1.4.3 website port Tcl-based, programmer-oriented text editor
eaglemode 0.96.1_1 website port Futuristic zoomable user environment
easy-profiler website port Lightweight profiler library for C++
easy-rsa 3.1.5 website port Small RSA key management package based on openssl
easydiff 0.4.0_10 website port GNUstep graphical diff
easyexif 1.0 website port Tiny ISO-compliant C++ EXIF parsing library
easygit 0.98 website port Easy wrapper for git
easylatex 0.080 website port Perl script which transforms "pseudo-LaTeX" into proper LaTeX
easyloggingpp 9.97.1 website port C++ logging library
easyrpg-player 0.8 website port RPG Maker 2000/2003 and EasyRPG games interpreter
easystroke website port Gesture-recognition application for X11
easytag 2.4.3_8 website port GTK Tag editor for audio files
eawpats 12_4 website port Eric A. Welsh's collection of Gravis Ultrasound MIDI patches
eawplus 12.1_3 website port E.A.W.+Izumo+Tamuki collection of Gravis Ultrasound MIDI patches
ebnf2yacc 0.1.1 website port EBNF to YACC
eboard 1.1.3_1 website port GTK+ chess board interface (mainly for FICS and chessd)
ebook-tools 0.2.2_8 website port Accesses and converts various ebook file formats
ebsynth website port Example-based Image Synthesis and Style Transfer
ebumeter 0.4.2_2 website port Real-time audio level metering according to the EBU R-128
ebur128 0.1.8_2 website port Library implementing the EBU R128 loudness standard
ecartis 1.0.0.s20060813_1,1 website port The Ecartis Listserver / Mailing List Manager
ecasound 2.9.3_1 website port Multitrack audio processing software
ecce 2.9.d website port Edinburgh Compatible Context Editor
ecgi 0.6.3 website port Library for the creation of CGI-based Web applications
echat 0.04.b1 website port LAN chat program over the TCP/IP networks
echinus 0.4.9_2 website port Dynamic window manager for X11 based on dwm
echolinux 0.17a_8 website port Amateur Radio Echolink client for UNIX
echoping 6.0.2_9 website port Ping-like program that uses TCP and/or HTTP
ecl 21.2.1_1 website port ANSI Common Lisp implementation
eclat 2.1 website port Amazon EC2 command line administration tool
eclipse-ecj 4.4.2_1 website port Eclipse Java Compiler
eclipse-glassfish 5.1.0_1 website port Eclipse Jakarta EE Platform
ecos 2.0.10 website port Lightweight conic solver for second-order cone programming
ecpprog g20200725_1 website port Driver for FTDI based JTAG probes, to program ECP5 FPGAs
ecrire 0.3.4_1 website port EFL (Enlightenment) graphical text editor
ecwolf 1.4.1_3 website port Source port for Wolfenstein 3D, Spear of Destiny
ed2k-hash 0.4.0 website port Calculate eD2K hashes and create ed2k:// file links
ed2k-hash-openssl 1.4 website port Calculates 'eMule' hashes or producing ed2k:// file links
eden 0.7.4_15 website port Interact with any Open Service Broker API
edenmath 1.1.1_12 website port Scientific calculator for GNUstep
edfbrowser 1.95 website port Viewer, annotator, toolbox for timeseries files EEG, EMG, ECG, etc
edflib 1.24 website port C library to read/write EDF+/BDF+ (medical data series) files
edge 1.35_11 website port DOOM style engine aimed at the Total Conversion developer
edi 0.8.0_1 website port EFL-based/focused IDE
edid-decode 0.1.20230616 website port Decodes binary EDID information from monitors
editline 1.17.1 website port Minix editline: A free readline() for UNIX
editorconfig-core-c 0.12.6 website port EditorConfig core library and executable written in C
editres 1.0.7 website port Dynamic resource editor for X Toolkit Applications
editss 2.2_3 website port Editor for XPilot shipshapes
edje_viewer 20130520_6 website port Simple viewer for .edj files
edlib 1.2.7 website port Fast C++ library for sequence alignment using edit distance
eduke32 20221026_3 website port Duke Nukem 3D Port based on JFDuke and EDuke
edumips64 1.2.10 website port Free, cross-platform, educational, visual MIPS64 CPU simulator
efl 1.26.3_10 website port Enlightenment Foundation Libraries
eflite 0.4.1 website port Speech server for Festival Lite used by yasr and Emacspeak
eggdrop 1.9.3 website port Popular Internet Relay Chat (IRC) bot
egl 0.3.1_10 website port Enhanced OpenGL-only Quake II engine
egl-wayland 1.1.12 website port EGLStream-based Wayland external platform
eglexternalplatform 1.1 website port EGL External Platform interface
egoboo 2.8.1_1,1 website port 3D dungeon crawling adventure in the spirit of NetHack
egress-monitor 0.0.5 website port Set network interface groups based on default routes
egypt 1.11 website port Create call graphs of C programs
ehnt 0.3_8 website port Simple Cisco NetFlow data collector
eif 1.3.4_4 website port Empire text client
eights 1.0 website port Text based card game, the objective is to get rid of all your cards
einstein 2.0_10 website port Remake of old DOS game Sherlock, which was inspired by Albert Einstein's puzzle
eiskaltdcpp-cli 2.2.10_20 website port EiskaltDC++ client command-line interface
eiskaltdcpp-daemon 2.2.10_18 website port EiskaltDC++ client daemon
eiskaltdcpp-data 2.2.10_20 website port Shared data for EiskaltDC++ client GUIs
eiskaltdcpp-lib 2.2.10_24 website port EiskaltDC++ shared library and header files
ejabberd 23.04_1 website port Free and Open Source distributed fault-tolerant XMPP server
ejdb 2.73 website port Embeddable JSON database engine library
eject 1.5_4 website port Utility for ejecting media from CD or optical disk drive
ekhtml 0.3.2_2 website port El-Kabong is a speedy, yet forgiving, SAX-style HTML parser
el,1 website port Eternal Lands is a free 3D MMORPG
el-aspell 0.50.3_1,1 website port Aspell Greek dictionary
el-data,1 website port Eternal Lands data, sound, and music files
el-hyphen 2005.10.17_1 website port Greek hyphenation rules
elasticsearch-plugin-head 2015.12.16 website port ElasticSearch Head Plugin
elasticsearch8 8.8.2 website port Distributed, RESTful search and analytics engine
electric 7.0.0_5 website port Sophisticated electrical CAD system
electricfence 2.2.2_2 website port Debugging malloc() that uses the VM hardware to detect buffer overruns
element-web 1.11.37 website port Glossy Matrix collaboration client for the web
elementary-calculator 2.0.2 website port Simple calculator written in Vala
elf 0.5.4p1_5 website port Commandline based ELF header analyzer
elf-dissector 0.0.1_1 website port Tools for inspecting, analyzing and optimizing ELF files
elfcat 0.1.8_17 website port ELF visualizer, generates HTML files from ELF binaries
elfio 3.11 website port Small C++ library for reading and generating ELF files
elfkickers 3.2 website port Collection of programs to manipulate ELF files
elfsh 0.51b3_5 website port Attractive toolkit for the analysis of ELF object files
elfutils 0.187 website port Library for manipulating ELF files and partial implementation of binutils
elgg 5.0.4 website port Blogging and social networking platform
elinks website port Links text WWW browser with enhancements
elixir 1.14.5 website port Functional, meta-programming aware language built on top of Erlang VM
elixir-devel 1.15.4 website port Functional, meta-programming aware language built on top of Erlang VM
elixir-hex 2.0.6 website port Package manager for the Erlang VM
elixir-make 0.4.2 website port Make compiler for Mix
elixir-mode.el 2.3.1_13 website port Emacs major mode for Elixir
elixir-mode.el-emacs_canna 2.3.1_13 website port Emacs major mode for Elixir
elixir-mode.el-emacs_nox 2.3.1_13 website port Emacs major mode for Elixir
elk 3.99.8_2 website port Embeddable Scheme interpreter
elki website port Data mining toolkit
elliott-803 0.1.11 website port Emulator and compilers for Elliott 803 computer
elm 2.5.8_5 website port Once-popular mail user agent, version 2.5.x
elscreen website port Emacs utility similar to GNU Screen
elscreen-emacs_canna website port Emacs utility similar to GNU Screen
elscreen-emacs_nox website port Emacs utility similar to GNU Screen
elvish 0.17.0_13 website port Elvish = Expressive Programming Language + Versatile Interactive Shell
emacs 28.2_7,3 website port GNU editing macros
emacs-canna 28.2_7,3 website port GNU editing macros (Canna Japanese input flavor)
emacs-koi8u 1.0_1 website port KOI8-U coding system for [X]Emacs
emacs-lisp-intro 2.04_1 website port Introduction to Emacs Lisp programming
emacs-nox 28.2_7,3 website port GNU editing macros (No X flavor)
emacs-sqlite3-api 0.17 website port SQLite3 API for Emacs 25+
emacs-sqlite3-api-emacs_canna 0.17 website port SQLite3 API for Emacs 25+
emacs-sqlite3-api-emacs_nox 0.17 website port SQLite3 API for Emacs 25+
emacs-w3m 1.4.632.b.20230630 website port Simple front-end to w3m for emacs
emacs-w3m-emacs_canna 1.4.632.b.20230630 website port Simple front-end to w3m for emacs
emacs-w3m-emacs_nox 1.4.632.b.20230630 website port Simple front-end to w3m for emacs
emacsql 3.1.1_4 website port High-level Emacs Lisp RDBMS front-end
emacsql-devel website port High-level Emacs Lisp RDBMS front-end (Development Version)
emacsql-devel-emacs_canna website port High-level Emacs Lisp RDBMS front-end (Development Version)
emacsql-devel-emacs_nox website port High-level Emacs Lisp RDBMS front-end (Development Version)
emacsql-emacs_canna 3.1.1_4 website port High-level Emacs Lisp RDBMS front-end
emacsql-emacs_nox 3.1.1_4 website port High-level Emacs Lisp RDBMS front-end
emailrelay 1.9_6 website port Simple SMTP proxy and store-and-forward MTA
embb 1.0.0_5 website port C/C++ library for parallel programming
emc2 2.17 website port Graphical editor of two-dimensional mesh geometries
emerald 0.8.8_7 website port Emerald Window Decorator
emerald-themes 0.6.0 website port Themes for the Emerald Window Decorator
emiclock 2.0.2_5 website port Hyper-animated face analog clock for X11
emil 2.1b9_1 website port Mail format/encoding converter
emovix 0.9.0_2 website port Mini Linux distro to create bootable video CDs
emprint 20130520_5 website port Utility for taking screenshots for E17
empty 0.6.23c website port Expect-like tool for pure shell
emptyepsilon 2021.06.23 website port Spaceship bridge simulator game
emscripten 3.1.43 website port LLVM-to-Web Compiler
emu64 5.1.0 website port Commodore 64 emulator
en-aspell 2020.12.07.0 website port Aspell English dictionaries
en-gimp-help-html 2.10.0_2 website port GIMP User Manual in English
en-hunspell 2020.12.07 website port English hunspell dictionaries
en-mythes 2006.12.08_1 website port English thesaurus
enca 1.19 website port Detect encoding of text files
enchant 1.6.0_9 website port Dictionary/spellchecking framework
enchant2 2.2.15_3 website port Dictionary/spellchecking framework
enchive 3.5 website port Tool to encrypt files to yourself for long-term archival
encode-explorer 6.3 website port PHP script to browse, create folders, upload files etc
encodings 1.0.5,1 website port X.Org Encoding fonts
encrypted-dns-server 0.9.6_10 website port High-performance, zero maintenance encrypted DNS proxy
encryptpad website port Minimalist secure text editor and binary encryptor
endgame-singularity-music 007_1 website port Music pack for endgame-singularity
endian 1.1 website port Report endianness of a system
endless-sky website port Space exploration and combat game similar to Escape Velocity
endless-sky-high-dpi 0.9.16 website port High-DPI graphics for Endless Sky
endlessh 1.1_1 website port SSH tarpit
enet 1.3.17,1 website port Simple and robust communication library based on UDP
engauge-digitizer 12.2.2_33 website port Extract data points from images of graphs
engrampa 1.26.0_2 website port Archive manager for zip files, tar, etc
enigma 1.30_2 website port Reimplementation of Oxyd, a puzzle game
enlightenment 0.25.4_1,2 website port Artistic and fast X window manager
enscribe 0.1.0_12 website port Create digital audio watermark images from photographic images
enscript-a4 1.6.6_3 website port ASCII to PostScript filter
enscript-letter 1.6.6_3 website port ASCII to PostScript filter
enscript-letterdj 1.6.6_3 website port ASCII to PostScript filter
ensemblist 040126_12 website port Assemble given shapes from primitives
ent 0.20080128_1 website port Entropy calculation and analysis of putative random sequences
entangle 1.0_2 website port Digital camera tethered control and capture program
enteruser 1.0 website port Extensible script for adding new users
entombed 2007.07.04_2 website port One- or two-player maze game based on the Entombed
entr 5.3 website port Runs arbitrary commands when files change
entt 3.12.2 website port Fast and reliable entity-component system (ECS) and much more
envconsul 0.13.2 website port Populate values from Consul into a process environment
envy 0.1.0_13 website port Shell helper that automatically sets and unsets environment variables
enygma 1.04 website port Text-based puzzle game
eo-aspell 2.1.20000222_1,1 website port Aspell Esperanto dictionary
eolie 0.9.101_2 website port Simple web browser for GNOME
eom 1.26.0_4 website port Eye of MATE image viewer
eos-movrec 0.3.2.b_6 website port Capture short movies with Canon DSLR camera
epazote 2.1.2_12 website port Automated HTTP (microservices) supervisor
epdfview 0.1.8_63 website port Lightweight PDF document viewer
ephoto 1.6.0_1 website port Comprehensive Image Viewer Using EFL
epic4 2.10.10 website port (E)nhanced (P)rogrammable (I)RC-II (C)lient
epic5 2.1.12 website port Enhanced Programmable IRC-II Client
epiphany-game 0.7.0 website port Multiplatform clone of Boulderdash
epix 1.2.22_1 website port Creates math plots and line figures using easy-to-learn syntax
epkowa 2.11.0_6 website port The sane-epkowa driver for FreeBSD
epl.el 0.8_13 website port Emacs Package Library
epl.el-emacs_canna 0.8_13 website port Emacs Package Library
epl.el-emacs_nox 0.8_13 website port Emacs Package Library
epm 4.5.1 website port Free UNIX software/file packaging program
epos 2.5.37_1 website port Language independent Text-to-Speech (TTS) system
epplets 0.14_11 website port Collection of Enlightenment dock applications
eprover 2.6_1 website port Theorem prover for full first-order logic with equality
eps2png 2.905 website port Converts EPS images to PNG
epson-inkjet-printer-escpr 1.7.26 website port Epson Inkjet Printer Driver (ESC/P-R) for Linux
epsonepl 0.2.2_6 website port Printer filter for EPSON EPL-5700L etc
epstool 3.09 website port Create or extract preview bitmaps in EPS files
epte 2.0.8_1 website port Electronic Periodic Table of the Elements
eqe 1.3.0_6 website port LaTeX equation editor
equinix-metal-cli 0.14.1_2 website port Command line tool for Equinix Metal services
erdtree 3.1.2_1 website port Filesystem and disk-usage analysis tool
erfa 2.0.0 website port Essential Routines for Fundamental Astronomy
ergo-irc-server 2.11.1_5 website port Modern IRC server (daemon/ircd) written in Go
eris 1.3.23_10 website port WorldForge client entity library
erkale-pseudopotentials g20220405 website port Pseudopotentials for Erkale, the quantum chemistry program
erlang,4 website port Functional programming language from Ericsson
erlang-cl 1.2.4 website port OpenCL binding for Erlang
erlang-doc 25.3 website port Erlang documentation
erlang-java,1 website port Erlang interface for Java
erlang-man 25.3 website port Manual pages for Erlang/OTP
erlang-rebar3_hex 2.5.0 website port Rebar3 Hex library
erlang-recon 2.5.3 website port Collection of functions and scripts to debug Erlang in production
erlang-runtime21 website port Functional programming language from Ericsson
erlang-runtime24 website port Functional programming language from Ericsson
erlang-runtime25 website port Functional programming language from Ericsson
erlang-runtime26 26.0.2 website port Functional programming language from Ericsson
erminej 3.2 website port Analyses of gene sets such as gene expression profiling studies
es 0.9.b1_6 website port Extensible shell, derived from plan9's rc
es-aspell 1.11.2,1 website port Aspell Spanish dictionary
es-eric6 21.11 website port es i18n package for Eric6 IDE
es-hunspell 2.2 website port Spanish hunspell dictionaries
es-hyphen 2013.09.01,1 website port Spanish hyphenation rules
es-mythes 20140516 website port Spanish thesaurus
esbuild 0.16.17_5 website port Extremely fast JavaScript bundler and minifier
eschalot website port Vanity onion address generator for Tor
espeak-ng 1.51.1_4 website port Software speech synthesizer
espressivo-lv2 0.1.639 website port LV2 plugin bundle to handle expressive events
estd 0.6.5 website port Header-only C++ utilities in the style of the standard library
estic 1.61_10 website port Controller for ISDN TK-Anlage (PBX) made by Istec
estraier 1.2.30_4 website port Full-text search system for personal use
et-aspell,2 website port Aspell Estonian dictionary
etcd 1.0.1_3 website port Enhanced Tiny CD, a simple ncurses-based CD player
eterm 0.9.6_5 website port X11 terminal emulator based on rxvt/xterm
eterm-bg 0.9.6 website port Image files for background of Eterm
eternalterminal 6.2.4_1 website port Remote shell that reconnects without interrupting session
eteroj-lv2 0.10.0_1 website port OSC injection/ejection from/to UDP/TCP/Serial for LV2
ethash 1.0.1 website port C/C++ implementation of Ethash and ProgPoW
etherape 0.9.20_1 website port Graphical network traffic monitor tool modeled after Etherman
ethname 2.0.1 website port MAC-based network name pinning
etktab 3.2_3 website port Guitar tablature editor
etl 1.4.4 website port Voria Extended Class and Template Library
etracer 0.8.2 website port Extreme Tux Racer
etsh 5.4.0 website port Enhanced V6 Thompson Compatible Shell
euchre 0.8_4 website port Very popular card game with variable skill levels
eukleides 1.5.4_6 website port Euclidean geometry drawing language
eureka 1.27.b_2 website port Map editor for various Doom-derived games
eval 113_2 website port Full featured floating point expression evaluator
evans 0.10.11_1 website port More expressive universal gRPC client
evcxr-jupyter 0.15.1_1 website port Jupyter Evaluation Context for Rust
evdev-proto 5.8 website port Input event device header files
evemu 2.7.0 website port Records and replays EVDEV descriptions and events
eventxx 1.0.1_5 website port C++ wrapper for libevent
evhz g20210920_1 website port Tool for measuring evdev event rate (mouse polling rate)
evilfinder 1.00_5 website port Numerologically determine the evilness of things
evilwm 1.4.2 website port Minimalist window manager based on 9wm
evisum 0.6.0_1 website port EFL process monitor and system monitor
evolvotron 0.8.1_1 website port Generative software that evolves images/textures/patterns
evq3 1.3.20080810_11 website port Marriage of XreaL and Q3 w/ Improvements
evtViewer 0.6 website port Ms event log viewer
evtest 1.35 website port Input device event monitor and query tool
evtx 0.8.1_2 website port A Fast parser for the Windows XML Event Log (EVTX) format
eww-wayland 0.4.0_10 website port ElKowars wacky widgets
eww-x11 0.4.0_10 website port ElKowars wacky widgets
exa 0.10.1_23 website port Modern replacement for ls
excido 0.1.5c_17 website port Portable fast-paced 3D shooter
execline website port Lightweight non-interactive sh(1)-like scripting language
exempi 2.6.3 website port Port of Adobe XMP SDK to work on UNIX
exercisix 1.2 website port Innovative lightweight unit-test framework for C++
exercism 3.2.0 website port CLI client for
exfat-utils 1.4.0 website port Utilities to create, check, label and dump exFAT filesystem
exhale 1.2.0 website port Open source xHE-AAC (Extended HE-AAC/USAC) encoder
exhaust 1.9.2 website port Redcode simulator easy to embed into applications
exhaust-doc 1.9.2 website port Redcode simulator easy to embed into applications (docs)
exhaust-ma 1.9 website port Redcode simulator easy to embed into applications
exif 0.6.22 website port Command line utility to read and manipulate EXIF data
exifprobe 2.0.1 website port Probes JPEG or TIFF images and reports contents and structure
exiftags 1.01 website port Parses a specified JPEG file for a JPEG APP1 section containing Exif data
exiftran 2.14_1 website port Command line utility to transform jpeg files
exilog 0.5_9 website port Tool to centralize and visualize Exim logs with a web front end
exim-doc-html 4.96 website port Documentation for the Exim MTA in multiple formats
exim-doc-pdf 4.96 website port Documentation for the Exim MTA in multiple formats
exim-doc-postscript 4.96 website port Documentation for the Exim MTA in multiple formats
exipick 20100323.0 website port Display messages from Exim queue based on a variety of criteria
exiv2 0.28.0,1 website port Exif, IPTC, and XMP metadata manipulation library and tools
exmh 2.9.0_5 website port X11/TK based mail reader front end to MH
exo 2_2 website port Geometric sans serif font with a technological feel
exomizer 3.1.1 website port Cruncher for 6502-based systems
exonerate 2.4.0 website port Generic tool for sequence alignment
expat 2.5.0 website port XML 1.0 parser written in C
expect 5.45.4_4,1 website port Sophisticated scripter based on Tcl/Tk
expense 0.1_12 website port Application to track your expense under GNUstep
expiretable 0.6_2 website port Utility to remove entries from the pf(4) table based on their age
explosions 0.2005.07.31_16 website port 3D objects flying around resembling explosions with various effects
exprtk 0.0.2 website port C++ mathematical expression library
extract_url 1.6.2 website port Perl script that extracts URLs from email in MIME or plain text format
exult 1.8_3,1 website port Engine for Ultima VII (BG, FOV, SI, SS)
exult-devel,1 website port Engine for Ultima VII (BG, FOV, SI, SS)
eyeclock 2.0_4 website port Clock with eyes following the mouse pointer
ez-pine-gpg 0.4.h_2 website port Set of scripts to use gpg with Pine
ezc3d 1.5.4 website port C3D (biomechanics data format) reader/writer for C++
ezjail 3.4.2_1 website port Framework to easily create, manipulate, and run FreeBSD jails
ezmlm 0.53_1 website port Easy-to-use, high-speed mailing list manager for qmail
ezmlm-idx 7.2.2_1 website port Improved version of the ezmlm mailing list manager
ezquake 3.2.3_3,2 website port Modern QuakeWorld client
ezstream 0.5.6_8 website port Command line utility for streaming to icecast servers
ezxml 0.8.6 website port Easy to use C library for parsing XML documents
f1spirit-remake 1.0_15 website port Remake of classic F1 Spirit racing game
f2c 20200916 website port Fortran-to-C converter and its run-time libraries
f3 8.0 website port Fight Flash Fraud or Fight Fake Flash test tool
f77flow 0.12_1 website port Analyze the structure of a fortran77 program
fa-aspell 0.11.0_1,2 website port Aspell Persian (Farsi) dictionary
faac 1.30 website port MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 AAC audio encoder
faad2 2.10.1,1 website port MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 AAC audio decoder
fabio 1.6.0_12 website port Zero-conf load balancing HTTP(S) router managed by Consul
fabla2-lv2 g20180331_3 website port Sampler with multiple layers, banks, pads, integrated FX and routing
facter 3.14.24_3 website port Cross-platform library for retrieving facts from OS
fairymax 5.0b.20160316.1_1 website port Chess engine for shatranj, courier chess, and others
fakebo website port Fake BackOrifice client emulator
fakeident 2.7 website port Tool that replies with a standard answer to incoming identd requests
fakeroot 1.23 website port Simulate the root user behaviour
fakertc 3 website port Save real-time clock on reboot
fakesteak 0.2.4 website port Implementation of the digital character rain as seen in "The Matrix"
faketty 1.0.12_6 website port Wrapper to exec a command in a pty, even if redirecting the output
falconseye 1.9.3_11 website port NetHack derivative
fallout 1.0.4_9 website port Download and search pkg-fallout logs
fam 2.6.10_9 website port File alteration monitor
fancybox 3.5.7 website port JavaScript library for image/html/multimedia content display
fann website port Free open source neural network library
fanout 0.6.1 website port Tool to run commands on multiple machines
fantasque-sans-mono 1.8.0 website port Programming font, designed with functionality in mind
fanwood g20110526_1 website port Serif based on the work of a famous Czech-American type designer
fapg 0.43 website port Fast Audio Playlist Generator
far2l 2.5.0 website port Port of FAR v2 to Unix-like systems
fargoal 20040629_3 website port Remake of classic roguelike game "Sword of Fargoal"
farmhash g20190513 website port Hash functions for strings and other data
farsifonts 0.4_4 website port Standard set of Unicode Persian fonts
farstream 0.2.9 website port Collection of GStreamer modules and libraries for videoconferencing
fasd 1.0.1 website port Shell helper program to autocomplete paths faster
fasda 0.1.3 website port Fast and simple differential analysis
fasm-fpga g20190920 website port FPGA assembly (FASM) parser and generator
fast_float 5.2.0 website port Fast and exact C++ number parsing library
fasta 21.1.1 website port Collection of programs for searching DNA and protein databases
fasta3 36.3.8 website port Collection of programs for searching DNA and protein databases
fastahack 1.0.0 website port Utility for indexing and sequence extraction from FASTA files
fastdfs 6.0.6 website port High performance distributed file system (DFS)
fastdnaml 1.2.2_2 website port Faster DNAML, makes phylogenetic trees using maximum likelihood
fastfetch 1.12.2 website port Like neofetch, but much faster because written in C
fastfetch-lite 1.12.2 website port Like neofetch, but much faster because written in C
fastjar 0.93.20060808_3 website port Version of JDK's `jar' command written entirely in C
fastool 0.1.4 website port Simple and quick FastQ and FastA tool for file reading and conversion
fastq-trim 0.1.2 website port Lightening fast sequence read trimmer
fastqc 0.12.1 website port Quality control tool for high throughput sequence data
fastresolve 2.10_6 website port Programs to get DNS and domain ownership information from web logs
fastscapelib website port Library of efficient algorithms for topographic data
fasttracker2 1.69 website port Fasttracker II clone
fastx_toolkit 0.0.14_1 website port CLI tools for Short-Reads FASTA/FASTQ files preprocessing
fatal 2023.07.24.00 website port Library for fast software prototyping in modern C++
fatback 1.3_2 website port Recover deleted files from FAT filesystems
fatfrog-lv2 1.0 website port High gain amplifier LV2 audio plugin
faup 1.5.48_1 website port Fast URL decoder library
faust 2.60.3 website port Functional programming language for realtime audio signal processing
faustlive website port Standalone application that embeds Faust
fava 1.24.4 website port Web interface for Beancount
fb303 2023.07.24.00 website port Base Thrift service and a common set of functionality
fbcmd 0.5.1_4 website port Commandline utility for controlling fluxbox
fbdesk 1.4.1_6 website port Fluxbox utility to create and manage icons on the desktop
fbg2 0.4_7 website port Classic block-stacking arcade game
fbpanel 6.1_7 website port Lightweight, NETWM compliant X11 desktop panel
fbthrift 2023.07.24.00 website port Facebook's branch of Apache Thrift, including a new C++ server
fbzmq 2022.05.30.00_4 website port Framework for writing services in C++ while leveraging libzmq
fc++ 1.5 website port Functional Programming in C++
fccf 0.6.0_2 website port Command-line tool that quickly searches through C/C++
fceux 2.6.5_2 website port NES emulator
fcft 3.1.6 website port Simple library for font loading and glyph rasterization
fcgi-devkit 2.4.0_5 website port FastCGI Development Kit
fcgiwrap 1.1.0_11 website port Simple FastCGI wrapper for CGI scripts
fcheck 2.07.59_1 website port Intrusion detection and Policy enforcement / auditing software
fcitx-m17n 0.2.3_1 website port Multilingualization support for Fcitx
fcitx-qt5 1.2.7 website port Fcitx support for Qt5
fcitx-table-other 0.2.3 website port Table-based input methods for Fcitx
fcitx5 5.0.23 website port New implementation of the Fcitx IME framework
fcitx5-gtk-common 5.0.23 website port Fcitx support for GTK+ (common files)
fcitx5-gtk2 5.0.23 website port Fcitx support for GTK+ gtk2
fcitx5-gtk3 5.0.23 website port Fcitx support for GTK+ gtk3
fcitx5-gtk4 5.0.23 website port Fcitx support for GTK+ gtk4
fcitx5-lua 5.0.10 website port Lua support for Fcitx5
fcitx5-m17n 5.0.11 website port Multilingualization support for Fcitx5
fcitx5-qt-common 5.0.17_1 website port Fcitx support for Qt (common files)
fcitx5-qt5 5.0.17_1 website port Fcitx support for Qt (qt5)
fcitx5-qt6 5.0.17_1 website port Fcitx support for Qt (qt6)
fcode-utils 1.0.3 website port Utilities to process FCODE, OpenFirmware's byte code
fconfig 20080329 website port Read and modify RedBoot embedded boot configuration
fconv 1.1_2 website port Converts DOS or Mac-style files to Unix format, and vice-versa
fcplay 0.0.1_2 website port Future Composer Reference Player
fcppt 4.4.0_1 website port Freundlich's C++ toolkit
fcrackzip 1.0_1 website port Portable, fast, and featureful ZIP password cracker
fcron 3.2.1_1 website port Periodic command scheduler
fd 3.01j website port CUI-based file and directory management tool
fd-find 8.7.0_4 website port Simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to find
fdk-aac 2.0.2 website port Port of the Fraunhofer FDK AAC Codec Library
fdm_materials 4.7.1,1 website port FDM Material database for 3D printers
fdmf 0.0.9.s_12 website port Find similar music by perceptual hashing
fdupes 2.2.1,1 website port Program for identifying or deleting duplicate files
featherpad 1.4.1 website port Lightweight Qt5 plain-text editor
feedbackd 0.1.0 website port Haptic/visual/audio feedback for GNOME
feh 3.10 website port Image viewer that utilizes Imlib2
felis 1.0_1 website port Displays one or more files as a single line of text
fence-agents 4.12.1 website port OCF Compliant Fence Agents
fennel 1.3.0 website port Lisp that compiles to Lua
ferite 1.0.2_9 website port Embeddable scripting language
ferrite-core 2.02 website port Geometric shaped font lending it a futurist look
festival 2.4_2 website port Multi-lingual speech synthesis system
festival-freebsoft-utils 0.10_5 website port Festival utilities focused on interaction with Speech Dispatcher
festlex-cmu 1.95 website port CMU American English pronunciation dictionary for Festival
festlex-czech 0.2.1 website port Czech language support for Festival
festlex-oald 1.4.1_1 website port Oxford Advanced Learner's pronunciation dictionary for Festival
festlex-poslex 1.4.1_2 website port English lexicon for Festival
festvox-cmu_us_awb_arctic 0.95 website port CMU US English Scottish male voice for festival
festvox-cmu_us_bdl_arctic 0.95 website port CMU US English male voice for festival
festvox-cmu_us_clb_arctic 0.95 website port CMU US English female voice for festival
festvox-cmu_us_jmk_arctic 0.95 website port CMU US English Canadian male voice for festival
festvox-cmu_us_ksp_arctic 0.95 website port CMU US English Indian male voice for festival
festvox-cmu_us_rms_arctic 0.95 website port CMU US English male voice for festival
festvox-cmu_us_slt_arctic 0.95 website port CMU US English female voice for festival
festvox-don 1.4.0_2 website port British English male voice for Festival speech synthesis system
festvox-el11 1.4.0_2 website port Castilian Spanish male voice for Festival
festvox-kal16 1.4.0 website port American English male voice, sampled at 16 kHz, for Festival
festvox-kal8 1.4.0_1 website port American English male voice, sampled at 8 kHz, for Festival
festvox-ked16 1.4.0_1 website port American English male voice, sampled at 16 kHz, for Festival
festvox-ked8 1.4.0_1 website port American English male voice, sampled at 8 kHz, for Festival
festvox-rab16 1.4.1_2 website port 16 kHz British English male voice for Festival
festvox-rab8 1.4.1_2 website port British English male voice, sampled at 8 kHz, for Festival
festvox-russian 0.5 website port Russian male voice for Festival speech synthesis system
fet-qt5 6.9.3 website port Free timetabling software
fet-qt6 6.9.3 website port Free timetabling software
fetchconfig 0.26 website port Perl script for retrieving configuration of various network devices
fetchlog 1.4 website port Fetch and convert new messages of a logfile
fetchmail 6.4.37 website port Batch mail retrieval utility for IMAP/POP3/ETRN/ODMR
fetchmailconf 6.4.37 website port Python-based GUI to configure fetchmail
fex 2.0.0_1 website port Powerful field extraction tool
ffdec 17.0.2 website port Flash decompiler
ffe 0.3.9_1 website port Flat file extractor
fff 2.2 website port Simple file manager written in Bash
ffmpeg 6.0_1,1 website port Realtime audio/video encoder/converter and streaming server
ffmpeg4 4.4.4_2 website port Realtime audio/video encoder/converter and streaming server (legacy 4.* series)
ffmpegthumbnailer website port Lightweight video thumbnailer that can be used by file managers
ffms2 2.40_3 website port FFmpeg-based source library and VapourSynth plugin
ffnvcodec-headers website port FFmpeg version of Nvidia Codec SDK headers
ffproxy 1.6 website port Filtering HTTP proxy server
ffsend 0.2.74_18 website port Easily and securely share files from the command line via Firefox Send
fftw3 3.3.10_3 website port Fast C routines to compute the Discrete Fourier Transform
fftw3-float 3.3.10_3 website port Fast Discrete Fourier Transform (Single Precision C Routines)
fftw3-long 3.3.10_3 website port Fast Discrete Fourier Transform (Long Double Precision C Routines)
ffuf 2.0.0_4 website port Fast web fuzzer written in Go
fheroes2 1.0.6 website port Free implementation of Heroes of Might and Magic II engine
fhourstones 3.1_2 website port Integrated benchmark program
fi-aspell 0.7.0_1,2 website port Aspell Finnish dictionary
fiche 0.9.1_3 website port Command line pastebin for sharing terminal output
fidogate4 4.4.10_1 website port Fido-Internet Gateway and Tosser
fifechan 0.1.5_1 website port Small, efficient C++ GUI library designed for games
fifteen 20150410_1 website port Narrow monospaced fonts
fig2dev 3.2.8a website port Tools to convert Xfig .fig files
fig2sxd 0.23 website port Convert .xfig files to the OpenOffice draw format
fightorperish 0.5_2 website port Dungeon-crawling game
figlet 2.2.5 website port SysV banner-like program prints strings in large fancy ASCII art
figlet-fonts 20121202 website port Assorted fonts for the figlet(6) program
figtree website port Graphical viewer of phylogenetic trees
fiked 0.0.5_8 website port Fake IKE PSK+XAUTH daemon based on VPNC
filament 1.40.4 website port Real-time physically based rendering engine
file 5.39 website port Utility to determine file type
file2pcap 1.29 website port Tool to make packet captures containing the content of specified file
filebench 1.5.a3.27 website port File system and storage benchmark
filedupe 1.1_4 website port Utility for quickly finding duplicate files
filemon 0.0.1 website port Trivial tool to log child process file access using filemon ioctl
fileobj 0.8.0 website port Portable hex editor with vi like interface
filepp 1.8.0 website port Generic file preprocessor
fileprune 1.12 website port Prune a file set according to a given age distribution
filerunner website port Tcl/Tk-based filemanager with FTP capabilities
fileschanged 0.6.5_2 website port Utility that reports when files have been altered
filetype 0.1.3 website port New file-type detection system
filevercmp g20151117 website port Compare version strings as in sort --version-sort
filewatcherd 1.0,1 website port Daemon that watches files and runs commands when they change
filezilla 3.55.1_1 website port Fast and reliable cross-platform FTP, FTPS, and SFTP client
filmulator 0.11.1_3 website port Simplified raw editor with the power of film
filtermail 0.8.6 website port Filter mail on a POP3 server: saves downloading spam
filters 2.55 website port Collection of filters, including B1FF, and the Swedish Chef
filtron g20180218_13 website port Filtering reverse HTTP proxy
finch 2.14.12 website port Finch multi-protocol messaging client (Console UI)
find-cursor 1.8 website port Simple XLib program to highlight the cursor position
findmaildirs 0.4 website port Simple utility to create list of maildirs for mutt
findmtu 0.9 website port Tool for performing IPv6 path MTU discovery on *NIX
findutils 4.9.0 website port GNU find utilities
fineftp-server 1.3.1_2 website port C++ minimal FTP server library
finfo 0.1 website port Finfo displays potentially useful information about a file
fio 3.35 website port Flexible IO tester
fira 4.301_1 website port Sans-serif, monospaced, and code typeface for small screens
firacode 6.2 website port Monospaced font with programming ligatures derived from Fira
firago 1.001_1 website port Expanded version of Fira Sans with support for additional languages
fire-hpp 0.2 website port C++ single header library to create a CLI from a function signature
firedm 2022.2.5_1 website port Graphical download manager for streaming websites
fireflies 2.07_8 website port Extension of xscreensaver
firefox 116.0_2,2 website port Web browser based on the browser portion of Mozilla
firmware-utils 20111222 website port Create device firmware images
firstboot-cloudsetup 1.2 website port Configure network and user when the system first boots
firstboot-freebsd-update 1.3 website port Update the system using freebsd-update when it first boots
firstboot-pkgs 1.6 website port Install packages when the system first boots
fish 3.6.1 website port User friendly command line shell
fishsupper 0.1.6_21 website port Guide a cat across a series of rivers, jumping from log to log
fist 4.1 website port Emphatic message generator
fistgen 0.2.1 website port Language for describing stackable filesystems
five-or-more 3.32.3_1 website port Form a line of 5 or more colored balls
fix-mime-charset 0.5.3_2 website port Fix incorrect Content-Type MIME headers of e-mail messages
fixc 1.2_12 website port Simple Financial Information eXchange (FIX) protocol console client
fixrtf 0.1.20060303_3 website port Patch making it possible to embed PNGs into RTFs
fizz 2023.07.24.00 website port C++14 implementation of the TLS-1.3 standard
fl0p 0.0.2.b website port Passive L7 flow fingerprinting tool
fl_moxgen 1.00_2 website port Compute the dimensions of a Moxon Rectangle antenna
flac 1.4.3,1 website port Free lossless audio codec
flacon 11.1.0 website port Graphical audio file extractor and encoder
flag 1.0.6 website port Turn the hostname into a colourful and visually distinctive ansi flag
flam3 website port Algorithmically generated fractal flames images and animations
flamegraph 1.1 website port Stack trace visualizer
flameshot 12.1.0_1 website port Powerful yet simple to use screenshot software
flamethrower 0.11.0 website port DNS performance and functional testing utility
flare-engine 1.14_1 website port Free Libre Action Roleplaying Engine
flare-game 1.14_1 website port Free Libre Action Roleplaying Engine: game data
flash 1.2.11 website port Fast Length Adjustment of SHort reads
flasher 1.3 website port Monitors log or mail files for writes, and flashes a keyboard LED
flasm 1.62_1 website port Command line assembler/disassembler of flash actionscript bytecode
flat-frog 2.2.13 website port Templating engine working in php
flat-remix-gtk-themes 20220627 website port Flat Remix is a GTK application theme inspired by material design
flat-remix-icon-themes 20220525 website port Icon theme inspired by material design
flatbuffers 23.5.26,1 website port Memory efficient serialization library
flatbuffers205 2.0.5 website port Memory efficient serialization library
flatcc 0.6.1 website port FlatBuffers compiler and library in C for C
flatery-icon-themes 2022.01.17 website port Flatery is an icon theme for linux in flat style
flatzebra 0.1.7 website port Generic game engine for 2D double-buffering animation
flawfinder 2.0.19 website port Examines source code looking for security weaknesses
flcluster 1.0.4_3 website port Management tool for accessing dxcluster nodes
fldiff 1.1_11 website port Graphical diff program using FLTK
flex 2.6.4_2 website port Fast lexical analyzer generator
flex-sdk website port Adobe Flex SDK
flex-sdk3 website port Adobe Flex SDK
flexbackup 1.2.1_7 website port Perl-based flexible backup system that can use dump/afio/cpio/tar
flexdock 1.2.4 website port Swing windowing and docking framework
flexjson 2.1 website port Lightweight Java library to write JSON
flickcurl 1.26_3 website port C library for the Flickr API
flif 0.4 website port Free Lossless Image Format
flightgear 2020.3.18_3 website port FlightGear flight simulator
flightgear-aircraft 20190826 website port Selection of additional aircraft for the FlightGear flight simulator
flightgear-data 2020.3.18 website port FlightGear scenery, textures, and aircraft models
flightgear-mb339-pan 2.1_3 website port Simulation of the MB-339 PAN aerobatic jet
flim,1 website port Message representation or encoding elisp library for emacs
flim-emacs_canna,1 website port Message representation or encoding elisp library for emacs
flim-emacs_nox,1 website port Message representation or encoding elisp library for emacs
flip 1.19 website port Convert text file line endings between Unix and DOS formats
flite 2.1 website port Small run-time speech synthesis engine
fllog 1.2.6 website port Ham Radio logging program
flobopuyo 0.20_16 website port Clone of the famous PuyoPuyo
flock 2.37.2 website port Manage locks from shell scripts
flog 1.8 website port Small STDIN-to-file logger with support for log rotation
flops 2.2 website port Floating point benchmark to give your MFLOPS rating
florence 0.6.3_5 website port Extensible scalable virtual keyboard
flow-tools 0.68.6_4 website port Suite of tools and library to work with netflow data
flowd 0.9.1_4 website port Small, fast, and secure NetFlow collector
flower 0.10_5 website port Label-based networking daemon
flowgger 0.3.1_1 website port Fast data collector
flowviewer 4.5_4 website port Web-based user interface for the flow-tools NetFlow data
flphoto 1.3.1_15 website port Basic image management and display program
flpsed 0.7.3 website port WYSIWYG Postscript annotator
flrig 1.3.54_2 website port Ham Radio rig control program, cooperates with fldigi
flruler 1.05 website port On-screen pixel ruler
fltk 1.3.8_1 website port Cross-platform C++ graphical user interface toolkit
fluctuate 1.40 website port Program to fit population models
fluent-bit 2.1.6 website port Fast and lightweight data forwarder
fluid-soundfont 3.1 website port Fluid R3 sound fonts (GM/GS)
fluida-lv2 0.8_1 website port Fluidsynth as LV2 plugin
fluidsynth 2.3.3 website port Real-time software synthesizer based on the SoundFont 2 specifications
fluidsynth-dssi 1.0.0_19 website port Wrapper for FluidSynth allowing it to function as a DSSI plugin
fluxbox 1.3.7_5 website port Small and fast window manager based on BlackBox
fluxbox-tenr-styles-pack 20190912 website port Tenner themes pack for fluxbox
fluxengine 572_1 website port USB floppy disk interface for reading and writing non-PC disk formats
fluxter 0.2.0_3 website port Desktop pager for the Fluxbox Slit
flvmeta website port Manipulation tool for Adobe Flash Video files (FLV)
flvstreamer 2.1.c.1_1 website port Open source command-line RTMP client
flvtool++ 1.2.1_16 website port Tool for hinting and manipulating the metadata of FLV files
flwm 1.16_1 website port The Fast Light Window Manager
flwrap 1.3.6 website port Companion utility for fldigi
fly 2.0.1_7 website port Simple drawing language to generate GIFs on the fly
flyhard 0.42_21 website port Game resembling Thrust, but with lots of shooting and puzzles
flying 6.20_3 website port Pool/snooker/billiards/carrom/etc game
flyspray website port Simple, easy-to-use web based bug tracking system
fmake r250982 website port Legacy FreeBSD pmake
fmars 0.0.207_4 website port Fast Memory Array Redcode Simulator
fmirror 0.8.4_4 website port Program for mirroring files and directories from FTP server
fmit 1.2.14_3 website port Free Music Instrument Tuner
fmsx 6.0 website port Portable MSX/MSX2/MSX2+ Emulator
fmtlatex g20130930 website port Reformat LaTeX documents suitable for version control
fnc 0.15 website port Interactive ncurses browser for Fossil repositories
fnm 1.35.0_1 website port Fast and simple Node.js version manager, built in Rust
fnord 1.11 website port Small and fast web server with CGI-capability
fnott 1.4.1 website port Keyboard-driven notification daemon for wlroots-based compositors
fnt 1.4.1_1 website port Missing font manager for UNIX
fntsample 5.4_1 website port Show Unicode coverage of a font
fo-aspell,2 website port Aspell Faroese dictionary
focuswriter 1.8.5_1 website port Simple, distraction-free writing environment
fogpad-lv2 website port Reverb effect with frozen/pitch-shifted/disintegrated reflections
foiltex 2.1.4b_7 website port Collection of LaTeX files for making foils
folly 2023.07.24.00 website port C++ library developed and used at Facebook
fomp-lv2 1.2.4 website port LV2 port of the MCP, VCO, FIL, and WAH plugins by Fons Adriaensen
fondu 051010 website port Series of programs to interconvert between mac fonts
font-adobe-100dpi 1.0.3_4 website port X.Org Adobe 100dpi font
font-adobe-75dpi 1.0.3_4 website port X.Org Adobe 75dpi font
font-adobe-utopia-100dpi 1.0.4_4 website port X.Org Adobe Utopia 100dpi font
font-adobe-utopia-75dpi 1.0.4_4 website port X.Org Adobe Utopia 75dpi font
font-adobe-utopia-type1 1.0.4_4 website port X.Org Adobe Utopia Type1 font
font-alias 1.0.4 website port X.Org Font aliases
font-amsfonts 3.02_4 website port Computer Modern and standard fonts for TeX
font-arabic-misc 1.0.3_4 website port X.Org miscellaneous Arabic fonts
font-awesome 6.2.1 website port Suite of pictographic icons from Font Awesome (free version)
font-bh-100dpi 1.0.3_4 website port X.Org Bigelow Holmes 100dpi font
font-bh-75dpi 1.0.3_4 website port X.Org Bigelow Holmes 75dpi font
font-bh-lucidatypewriter-100dpi 1.0.3_4 website port X.Org Bigelow Holmes Lucida TypeWriter 100dpi font
font-bh-lucidatypewriter-75dpi 1.0.3_4 website port X.Org Bigelow Holmes Lucida TypeWriter 75dpi font
font-bh-ttf 1.0.3_4 website port X.Org Bigelow & Holmes TTF font
font-bh-type1 1.0.3_4 website port X.Org Bigelow Holmes Type1 font
font-bitstream-100dpi 1.0.3_4 website port X.Org Bitstream Vera 100dpi font
font-bitstream-75dpi 1.0.3_4 website port X.Org Bitstream Vera 75dpi font
font-bitstream-type1 1.0.3_4 website port X.Org Bitstream Vera Type1 font
font-cronyx-cyrillic 1.0.3_4 website port X.Org Cronyx Cyrillic font
font-cursor-misc 1.0.3_4 website port X.Org miscellaneous Cursor fonts
font-daewoo-misc 1.0.3_4 website port X.Org miscellaneous Daewoo fonts
font-dec-misc 1.0.3_4 website port X.Org miscellaneous Dec fonts
font-gost 0.2_4 website port GOST TrueType fonts
font-ibm-type1 1.0.3_4 website port X.Org IBM Type1 font
font-isas-misc 1.0.3_4 website port X.Org miscellaneous ISAS fonts
font-jis-misc 1.0.3_4 website port X.Org miscellaneous JIS fonts
font-manager 0.8.8_4 website port Font management application for the GNOME desktop
font-micro-misc 1.0.3_4 website port X.Org miscellaneous Micro fonts
font-misc-cyrillic 1.0.3_4 website port X.Org miscellaneous Cyrillic font
font-misc-ethiopic 1.0.4 website port X.Org miscellaneous Ethiopic font
font-misc-meltho 1.0.3_4 website port X.Org miscellaneous Meltho font
font-misc-misc 1.1.2_4 website port X.Org miscellaneous Misc fonts
font-mutt-misc 1.0.3_4 website port X.Org miscellaneous Mutt fonts
font-schumacher-misc 1.1.2_4 website port X.Org miscellaneous Schumacher fonts
font-screen-cyrillic 1.0.4_4 website port X.Org Screen Cyrillic font
font-sony-misc 1.0.3_4 website port X.Org miscellaneous Sony fonts
font-sun-misc 1.0.3_4 website port X.Org miscellaneous Sun fonts
font-tex-gyre-bonum-math 1.005_1 website port Math companion for the TeX Gyre Bonum family
font-tex-gyre-pagella-math 1.632_1 website port Math companion for the TeX Gyre Pagella family
font-tex-gyre-schola-math 1.533_1 website port Math companion for the TeX Gyre Schola family
font-tex-gyre-termes-math 1.543_1 website port Math companion for the TeX Gyre Termes family
font-util 1.3.2 website port Create an index of X font files in a directory
font-winitzki-cyrillic 1.0.3_4 website port X.Org Winitzki Cyrillic font
font-xfree86-type1 1.0.4_4 website port X.Org XFree86 Type1 font
font2svg 1.0_6 website port All fonts to svg-font converter
fontconfig 2.14.2,1 website port XML-based font configuration API for X Windows
fonteditfs 1.2 website port Full screen syscons font editor
fontforge 20220308_3 website port Type 1/TrueType/OpenType/bitmap font editor
fontmatrix 0.9.100_1 website port Graphical font manager
fontobene 0.2.0 website port Header-only C++/Qt5 FontoBene font parser library
fontpreview 1.0.6_3 website port Very customizable and minimal font previewer written in Bash
fonts-indic 2.1.5_4 website port The Lohit family of Indic fonts
fonttosfnt 1.2.2 website port Wrap a bitmap font in a sftn wrapper
foo2zjs 20161203_1 website port Driver for printers that use the ZjStream wire protocol
foomatic-db 20230630 website port Database for integrating printer drivers with common spoolers
foomatic-db-engine 4.0.13_2,2 website port Foomatic database engine
foomatic-db-hpijs 1.4 website port Foomatic data for the HPIJS printer drivers
foomatic-filters 4.0.17_9 website port Foomatic wrapper scripts
fop 2.8 website port Print formatter driven by XSL formatting
foreman-proxy 3.4.0 website port Foreman Proxy Agent
foremost 1.5.7 website port Console program to recover files based on their headers and footers
forge 0.3.2 website port Work with Git forges from the comfort of Magit
forge-devel website port Work with Git forges from the comfort of Magit (Development Version)
forge-devel-emacs_canna website port Work with Git forges from the comfort of Magit (Development Version)
forge-devel-emacs_nox website port Work with Git forges from the comfort of Magit (Development Version)
forge-emacs_canna 0.3.2 website port Work with Git forges from the comfort of Magit
forge-emacs_nox 0.3.2 website port Work with Git forges from the comfort of Magit
forkbomb 1.4_1 website port System stress testing tool
form 4.3.1 website port Symbolic Manipulation System
formication 1.0.b1_3 website port Formular processing tool written in perl
formido 1.0.1_2 website port 2D kill-em all with 3D rendered graphics
fort 1.5.4 website port FORT Validator is an open source RPKI validator
fortran-utils 1.1 website port Tools for use with Fortran code, from 4.4BSD
fortunate 3.1_11 website port Graphical front-end to the command-line BSD fortune
fortune-mod-bible 1.0_1 website port King James V Bible in fortune file format
fortune-mod-bofh 2.0_3 website port Compilation of excuses from the "Bastard Operator From Hell"
fortune-mod-epictetus 0.2 website port Quotes from Epictetus
fortune-mod-freebsd-classic g20171128 website port Classic FreeBSD fortunes (including offensives)
fortune-mod-futurama 0.2_4 website port Compilation of quotes from the TV series "Futurama"
fortune-mod-psalms 1.0 website port Psalms from the Douai Bible in fortune file format
fortuneit 1.99 website port Funny fortune file in Italian
fortunelock 0.1.2 website port Locks a terminal while showing fortunes
fortytwo 0.2.0_13 website port Graph management system for GNUstep
fortytwo-bdb 0.2.1_12 website port Interface to Berkeley DB for GNUstep
fortytwo-encore 0.3.1_10 website port Utility classes for GNUstep
fossil 2.22,2 website port DSCM with built-in wiki, http interface and server, tickets database
fossology-nomos-standalone 4.2.1 website port Standalone Nomos license scanner from fossology project
foswiki 2.1.7 website port Free and open source enterprise wiki
fotoxx 23.60 website port Image editing and collection management program
founts 13_2 website port Demo/program inspired by Erics cascade
four-in-a-row 3.38.1_2 website port Make lines of the same color
fowsr 2.0_1 website port Fine Offset Weather Station Reader
fox16 1.6.57_2 website port Fast and extensive C++ GUI toolkit -- ver.1.6
fox17 1.7.83_1 website port Fast and extensive C++ GUI toolkit (development version)
foxtrotgps 1.2.2_5 website port Lightweight opensource gps moving map application
fp16 g20200514 website port Conversion to/from half-precision floating point formats
fparser 4.5.2 website port Function parser for C++
fpart 1.5.1_1 website port Sort and pack files into partitions
fpdf 1.81,1 website port Free PHP class to generate PDF files with pure PHP
fpdns 20190131 website port Fingerprinting DNS servers
fping 5.0_2 website port Quickly ping multiple hosts without flooding the network
fpp 1.1_1 website port Fortran preprocessor for FORTRAN 77 and Fortran 90 programs
fprint_demo 20080303_3 website port Demo and test application for libfprint
fprintd 0.8.1 website port Daemon that provides fingerprint scanning functionality over D-Bus
fprobe 1.1_1 website port Tool that collects network traffic data
fq 0.7.0 website port Tool, language, and decoders for inspecting binary data
fr-aspell 0.50.3_1,1 website port Aspell French dictionaries
fr-geonext 1.74 website port Interactive (dynamic) elementary Geometry Software
fr-hunspell 6.4.1 website port Modern French hunspell dictionaries
fr-hyphen 3.0 website port French hyphenation rules
fr-jdictionary-fre-hun 1.0_4 website port JDictionary plugin: French-Hungarian dictionary
fr-mythes 2.3 website port French thesaurus
fr-verbiste 0.1.47_2 website port French verb conjugator/deconjugator
fr-wordpress-fr_FR 6.2.2_1,1 website port State-of-the-art semantic personal publishing platform
fracplanet 0.5.1_16 website port Interactive tool for creating random fractal planets and terrain
fractal 4.4.2_2 website port GTK+ Matrix IM client